
  1. M

    28 and newly diagnosed

    Hello all! I am a 28 yo female and have just recently been diagnosed with FMS and MPS. I have been in a chronic state of pain for the last 2.5 years and, as many of you know, it's been a long ride to get a diagnosis. I have seen a PCP, orthopedist, neurologist and pain management doctor. I...
  2. M

    Now here and not diagnosed

    Afternoon all I live in the UK and have not been diagnosed with fibro and my doctor doesnt feel like i have it. I have suffered with painful "points" on my body (top on arms, back, shoulders, chest and knees) They are painful with AND WITHOUT touch. i suffer from terrible anxiety (think im...
  3. E

    Not quite diagnosed

    My gp told me a few weeks back it sounds like I could have fibromyalgia. After some research I certainly seem to have all the symptoms. Aches, pain, fatigue, sensitivity to noise, light and often movement, brain 'fog' , body temperature messed up get cold easily and takes forever to warm up and...
  4. B

    Just diagnosed -- also have IC/PBS

    After years of having hip, low back, shoulder and neck pain that has waxed and waned, I was diagnosed with fibro last week by a rheumatologist. My pain has gotten worse these last few months. My stress also has increased, so I'm not all that surprised, I suppose. I am just feeling tired of...
  5. C

    Recently diagnosed

    Though I was recently diagnosed I had suspected that was the issue and wasn't surprised but with that being said Im so frustrated already. Three a d half years ago I had a heart attack and went through three separate heart procedures ... alone. Then injuries my knee while working out at the...
  6. E

    Newly Diagnosed & Feeling Hopeless

    Hi guys, my name is Erin. I'm 21 years old, recently graduated from college, and am working at my doctor's office. For the past few months I've been feeling fatigue, all over body pain, dizziness, heat flashes, and an increase in migraine frequency. At first I thought it was Graves Disease, as...
  7. S

    newly diagnosed

    Hi I am Chai I be ending dealing with this fibro for two years now and just now getting help. I did not know what bit was til now they have me on the highest dose of neronton and it is not working .I was a full time collage student and full time work plus with a two year old. I am so lost and...
  8. M

    update, still pain of unknown cause diagnosed thyroid issues

    Hi all, I posted back in january with my mine complaint of chest pain. I made it into the dr when insurance kicked in feb 1st. I had xray, ct scan, orginially diagnosed with pleurisy, went for ct scan, diagnosed with large thyroid nodule. It was biopsied and is benign, but it is still going...
  9. C

    Newly Diagnosed with Fibromyalgia

    Hello everyone, I am 27 and was diagnosed in the last 6 months. My entire world has been flipped upside down. I was working as a hairdresser and waitress and had to quit working because of my illness. I have been out if work for about a year now and I am feeling so lost. My partner has been...
  10. R

    Doctor diagnosed with myofascial pain syndrome

    Hi everyone! I have recently been diagnosed with myofascial pain syndrome. It took me a long time to get any doctor to diagnose me with anything at all. I have been suffering from tmj disorder, a sleep disorder and chronic neck and back tension along with a slew of other random symptoms. I also...