
  1. A

    Diagnosed with fm after age 60

    Is there anyone else who was a "senior" when diagnosed with fibromyalgia? If so, what are you doing as far as treatment. I've tried and quit lyrica. I'm afraid to start cymbalta. I am seeing a psychologist who has fibro herself and she has gotten me into a physical therapy program starting next...
  2. T

    Newly Diagnosed :(

    Hi, I just been diagnosed with FM for about a month and been only dealing with in since April of this year. So not long but it does feel like its been years already. I not sure what started the pain but we think it was stress because I was upgrading some of my skills for work and during that...
  3. S

    Diagnosed 3 years ago but still lost!

    I was diagnosed by a pretty crummy rheumatologist who basically went off of some blood tests taken by my GP and then felt my joints (which always hurt) and said that I had Fibro. I had no idea what that was and she didnt tell me. I stopped seeing her because she didnt listen to me and didnt seem...
  4. S

    New here - newly diagnosed as well

    Hi there I was diagnosed last week with fibromyalgia and rhuemetoid arthritis as well as bursitis in my hips. I'm presently a school bus driver but the bouncing of the seat is aggravating the bursitis in my hips. I am just starting medication. My questions are: Need to look for a new career -...
  5. G

    Diagnosed but not in the records

    I went to see a rheumatologist today and was actually diagnosed but he did not want to put it on my record yet since we still have to have the results from my HLA-B27 Antigen, SED Rate (ESR), Cyclic Citrullinated, Peptide (CCP) AB (IGG), C Reactive Protein and Rheumotoid Factor Blood to come...
  6. M

    recently diagnosed

    Hi, I am 61 and have been diagnosed with Fibro. At first it started with the restless legs at night (Charlie horses). I was prescribed Gabapentin and help so much but then that went away and then I got the vice grips on both feet, starting on the one side and going across the top of my feet...
  7. B

    October diagnosed

    I have the all over flu like body aches, but especially my right hip and buttocks. I feel like my bones in my hips are bruised like a horse has kicked me. (is this common) My pain is very deep muscle pain, inside elbows are very tender to the touch too.:sad:
  8. D

    I think I have FM, but MD has not diagnosed

    I started having pain back in 2011 after I began a part-time job that was more physical than I had performed before. I was just into my 40s, so not a good idea I guess since all my jobs had been sedentary before. I was in decent shape though and it was just part-time, so I didn't think...
  9. M

    Newly Diagnosed

    Hi, I'm Katie. I'm a 31 yr old insurance agent, wife of ten years and mom to 4 boys ages 8, 7, 1 and 4 months. I've had issues that I've been told since I was 15 are all because of my hypothyroidism. After many years of ignoring many symptoms the severe pain started in about 2 years ago. It...
  10. J

    Diagnosed finally! But OMG this PAIN!

    Hello all. Well today I officially got diagnosed. I feel relief knowing it's not cancer or MS or ALS. But I'm sad too because this pain and weakness depresses me so much. I used to be a Paramedic and also worked in the emergency dept. Now? I literally sit in my recliner all day. When I cook, I...