
  1. L

    recently diagnosed and off work - Anyone else going through the same?

    hi there, I am new to this and not sure if I was supposed to start a new thread? I was diagnosed with Fibro and CFS about 8 months ago. I have been off work for about the same amount of time and am feeling extremely stressed about it. I was working full time with the symptoms for the past 3...
  2. R

    Just diagnosed, losing it

    I was diagnosed with fibro a week ago. This after fighting and firing doctors over the past 3 and a half years. The fourth doctor finally listened, and sent me to a neuro and a rheum, and since everything else was ruled out, and I have nearly all the apparently existing pressure points, fibro...
  3. V

    Just been diagnosed but blood says otherwise

    Okay so.... I have had pains in my joints in the past and my doctor gave me blood tests which came back clear so he just sent me away with naproxen. Over the past several months, the pain has been getting worse (mainly in my fingers, hands and wrists) I found info on fibromyalgia on the...
  4. J

    My Story: Was diagnosed today

    For as long as I can remember, pain has been part of my life. Maybe not as a young kid but as early as 18 years old I remember a 6 month episode of headaches and dizziness that no doctor (I saw about 9 or more), could explain. I was tested for things that I didn’t knew but I know they screened...
  5. P

    Newly diagnosed and not sure what to think!

    Hi all. Just diagnosed although little surprised. Brief history suffered iritis twice and second time my lower back flared up with my right hand changing colour shortly after. Medical professional thought AS but all blood test negative apart from slight increase in anti nuclear. Pain then seemed...
  6. NikkiNash

    Diagnosed 2 days ago

    Hi everyone. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia 2 days ago. It feels unreal, but in a way... A relief. Doctors have brushed it off as me over exerting myself, picking up my son too much and all kinds of other stuff. I finally after a year of trying to find out what was wrong with me; I started...
  7. J

    New diagnosed of Fibromyalgia

    Hello fellow fibromyalgia people, I am 27 and have recently been diagnosed. I have chronic headaches/migraines daily almog with muscle and joint pain. My body hurts so much all the time. I wake up with a headache and a super stiff body everyday. My dr has Me on 60mg of cymbalta a day. I also...
  8. T

    Newly diagnosed

    Hi everyone. I was newly diagnosed with fibromyalgia and RLS last month. I went to the rheumatologist today and he prescribed protriptyline. He said the pharmacy would have to order it, and he was right. I know it is a very old drug, but does anyone have any experiences to share regarding...
  9. M

    How do I properly get tested/diagnosed with fibromyalgia?

    Hello, I am new here and have a few questions. I have suspected for a while that fibromyalgia might be my problem. I always had a pain problem, since I was a little girl. All the doctors my mother brought me to see says it was due to my weight. I was a heavy child, tipping the scale at...
  10. T

    Is it easier now to be diagnosed

    When I worked in the medical field while in the Air Force. I remember the Internal Medicine doctors telling me it was always hard to make a diagnosis of Fibromyalgia. Is this still true today or has it become easier? I know my mother went through a lot of appointments before they finally...