
  1. P

    Not diagnosed....

    Hi, I haven't been diagnosed with this but I am suffering from a number of the symptoms. Background Sorry to be bothering you but my Doctor, Specialist and Physiotherapist are showing no interest in my condition and symptoms. 6 weeks ago I had a rotator cuff repair that included platelet...
  2. J

    getting diagnosed

    hello I have been having chronic pain and fatigue for a very very long time now I'm finally starting to take lyrica things to my podiatrist however every doctor looks at me like I'm crazy its been almost 7 years I have felt horrible. I've been trying to see you rheumatologist I was told they can...
  3. B

    Diagnosed last week and in slight denial

    Last week a rheumatologist diagnosed me with fibromyalgia/chronic pain. I should share that I was diagnosed as hypothyroid 4 years ago. And I'm overweight. I've blamed many of my problems on my weight, even as my dosage for my hypothyroidism has increased. Over the last two + years, many...
  4. E

    Newly diagnosed, but suspect it has been here for years

    I have basically not felt well for a number of years. I have had ongoing lower back issues (arthritis and degenerative disc disease) for about fifteen years. I have thyroid issues, was hyper then they gave me the radiation to get rid of my thyroid so now I am hypo without medication. The doc...
  5. S

    Has anyone had gastric bypass and then been diagnosed with fibro?

    I had the gastric about 11 years ago. Was told I had fibro about 6 years ago. The pain has realy hit in the last year hard. Legs and hips hurting so bad and no energy at all. I have tried all the meds and nothing works. I was just wondering if there is a connection with the gastric and fibro?
  6. J

    Newly diagnosed and Strange symptoms

    Hello Im hoping someone understands these strange symtoms i have. I was diagnosed in Feb 2014 with fibro, I have numbness at the top of my thighs where my pelvis and thigh meet as well as washboard (thats the only way i can describe it)thigh muscles that are extremely painful. I have seen a...
  7. F

    Diagnosed today, don't think it's fibro...help?

    Hello! Got diagnosed with Fibromyalgia today! : / I'm new to this forum, I've been having questions about my health for as long as I can remember. For the longest I've had pain in a few places. Hands (includes wrist and fingers) ankles, toes, and elbows. I've been tested dozens of times for...
  8. V

    Just diagnosed

    Hello everyone My name is Nicola, I'm 21 years old and live in Wales, UK. I was officially given the diagnosis of fibromyalgia today after years of joint pain finally cumulated in getting an examination from a rheumy and then an Isotope scan. Today I got the results from my GP. There were...
  9. B

    just diagnosed

    I was just diagnosed by my new doctor but have had pain for numerous years. She started me on cymbalta until my blood work comes back and I see a rheumatologist. My problem with the cymbalta is the sever nausea. I am afraid to take it again because it is so bad. Will it ease up over time...
  10. S

    Diagnosed with Fibromyalgia

    Just got back from the rhumatology consultant with diagnosis for fibromyalgia. Awaiting test results and xrays to show if osteo-arthritis is present. Relieved that I now know why I have felt so bad the last few years. It took so long to sort out my thyroid (with Hashimoto's Thyroidits) and put...