
  1. J

    Newly Diagnosed

    Hi...I am new to all of this, having only had a confirmed diagnosis of Fibromyalgia a few weeks ago. I don't know anyone else with the condition, and I feel a little bit insecure about it all. I also suffer from bi polar disorder...I am worried that people will feel that my pain, burning skin...
  2. N

    Recently Diagnosed

    Hi. I was recently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia (July 18th). I'm mostly just processing at the moment. I'm 21 years old, so it's a long road ahead. I'm trying to remain optimistic about treatment. But it's hard when I can barely make it through my work day. I put so much of my identity into...
  3. C

    Newly diagnosed with fibro -- Agoraphobic with PTSD

    The title seems a little silly but I didn't know what to write... haha Hi! I'm 28 years old and was just diagnosed with fibro by my rheumatologist on Monday. The pain has been around for a long time but recently got much more noticeable a few months ago. (As a possible point of reference as...
  4. V

    Newly diagnosed

    Though I've been having increasing pain (and other symptoms) over the last couple of years, I was only diagnosed with fibromyalgia last week. My rheumatologist also thinks I have Sjorgren's syndrome or some other autoimmune condition (maybe lupus). I just had blood work done today. On one hand...
  5. C

    How old were you when you were diagnosed?

    My husband is 31 and was just recently diagnosed. But I guess what I am wondering is if there is any 'average' age of diagnosis? Do symptoms peak at a certain point in someone's lifespan? How old were you when you were diagnosed?
  6. K

    Diagnosed yesterday

    Hi,, I'm Kitty Firstly I'll apologise in advance - I am not very computer savvy, I have no clue if I'm posting this correctly or not! Yesterday the Rheumatologist said I had CFS and developing fibromyalgia. When I saw him 6 months ago I had a couple of the Fibro pressure points, yesterday I had...
  7. Q

    Has anyone else been diagnosed with PTSD?

    I was interested if anyone else has been diagnosed with PTSD? When I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia after months of testing for everything under the sun, my doctor said that makes sense. He was referring to my PTSD and acquiring fibromyalgia. He said that there's a link. I haven't looked too...
  8. Feien

    Diagnosed today

    I expected it, so I wasn't exactly shocked, but my doctor officially diagnosed me with fibromyalgia today. Part of me is so relieved because I finally have an answer... I've been struggling for so long, and I just thought I was too sensitive, too out of shape, too lazy, etc. When really, the...
  9. T

    Not diagnosed

    Hello everyone not really sure how this all works but we're going to try it maybe I can get some help here I can't find it anywhere else . I have a very long story that I will try to make short. It has been about three and a half years that I have been dealing with several different types of...
  10. K

    newly diagnosed. need all the help I can get

    Hi All, My name is Keri as you can see lol. I'm new to the forum and also newly diagnosed. I'm 21, and to be honest utterly confused and lost. Ummm well first I'm think I'm in a fibro flare. I went to my PCP like last month and complained about pain and also shaking in my hands ( I was eating a...