
  1. P

    Diagnosed today

    New here, I got diagnosed today or at least told of rheumatologist that I have fibromyalgia, over the last few months been having pains and stiffness in my hands and trigger finger in left little finger, doctor did blood tests which showed a positive rheumatoid factor, got transferred to...
  2. S

    Finally diagnosed but question....

    Hi All, I've had 3 years of pain getting worse and worse and saw dr after dr and had numerous mris, blood tests for thyroid, etc.... Finally went to a Rhumo and was diagnosed last month w fibro. My grandma had it as well. here's my question--- i only have the pain in my face-- its on both...
  3. H

    Diagnosed Yesterday

    I was diagnosed with FM yesterday by a rheumatologist. This was after months of testing by my GP for the extreme fatigue and brain fog. I chalked the pain up to 'overdoing it' because everything started in April, when I began doing more outside yard work. A friend asked if I had considered the...
  4. H

    Newly diagnosed with a symptom that I can't find info on...

    I've had migraines, back, and arthritis pain for years. A couple months ago, I started getting light headed spells and my doctor sent me to a neurologist, who after many tests diagnosed me with degenerative disc disease, carpal tunnel, and fibromyalgia all at once. I was dealing with the pain...
  5. T

    Newly diagnosed and very confused

    I can't believe everything I am feeling is fibromylagia. 4 years ago I started having sciatica. It would come and go and I worked through it. Did Zumba, walked 2 miles several times a week. But the pain got worse then just didn't go away. Sent to physiatrist who said it was sciatica and...
  6. H

    Newly Diagnosed - Don't know if I can deal with this level of pain!!!

    Hi I am newly diagnosed, and was told to go see "someone that specializes in Fibromyalgia". The medicine that they gave me has run out. I have no insurance and can not afford to pay out of pocket. Thanks for taking the time to read this and am hoping someone can provide me with information...
  7. T

    Any newly diagnosed moms with little ones?

    I have three kids ages7,4, and 9 months. I guess I've been having these symptoms progressively worse for years. I quit work because of stress 3 years ago but now I think it may have been because of the fibro symptoms. I can laugh off knocking over a whole display of salsa in the grocery store or...
  8. C

    Newly Diagnosed, yet not sure my symptoms fit...

    Hi there, I'm new here and was recently diagnosed with fibromyalgia by my rheumatologist. She didn't seem totally confident with the diagnosis but sort of as a way to "give me something" and send me on my way. This is going to be long but I would so appreciate some thoughts. Here's some...
  9. T

    newly diagnosed could use advice

    Hi everyone. I have been going through aches and pains for awhile now. Always thought it was arthritis. It has been getting bad lately haven't been working. And I'm losing strength it seems. I am not sure what to do, or expect from this. Feeling quite alone these days.
  10. GunShySunshine

    Diagnosed last week.

    Hello, my name is Jillian, I'm 25 years old and last week I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia after numerous tests came back negative for other conditions. I've been noticing joint pain and fatigue for about three years (about the same time I was diagnosed with PTSD) but over the last six months...