
  1. C

    Diagnosed 2 months ago. Blah

    Hi All, I've been lurking on this forum for about 2 months now and finally decided to post! Here's my story: I am a 40yo woman in very good physical condition. I played a full contact sport for about 6 years (ages 26-30ish) before quitting because I was in constant pain. I want to stay...
  2. U

    Finally Diagnosed

    im 50 yo male. contracted lyme in 1999 have had issues ever since on and off. I am also bipolar and thats now being treated. have aways had all the physical issues from these and fiber for years. all tests find nothing wrong. so they are now saying i have FM. and i have all the symptoms also...
  3. Sagey

    Just curious,How many of you were diagnosed with Epstein Barr virus?

    Hi All, I just had a flare of severe nausea, and it felt Ike the symptoms of my Epstein Barr in combination with Fibromyalgia. I feel that virus has definitely had something to do with me getting Fibro,but we all have something that triggered our Fibro. I noticed when I feel extreme nausea,I...
  4. J

    Newly Diagnosed and unsure

    I have been having episodes of mild pain and fatigue for a couple of years now. Went to a rhuematologist and he diagnosed me with mild Fibromyalgia last month. Since I am already on two meds that can help pain he said to exercise more. I am a bit confused since I don't have a lot of pain and...
  5. C

    Partner Tentatively Diagnosed

    I'm dealing with doctor frustration like never before!! I personally suffer with Interstitial Cystitis and I feel I'm pretty used to dealing with doctor silliness, but I don't understand this at all. About 6 months ago, in October 2016, my partner (19 y/o female) began experiencing abdominal...
  6. L

    Finally diagnosed - mixed emotions

    So my rheumatologist finally diagnosed me yesterday with hypermobility and fibro. I was devastated and relieved at the same time - relieved that this wasn't actually all just in my head but devastated that I have this debilitating illness. My rheumatologist is going to tweak my meds a bit and...
  7. jonchalk

    Officially diagnosed with Fibromyalgia

    Though I was just diagnosed in October 2016, I realized I actually had the symptoms for nearly 30+ years when I was at the Pain Clinic and speaking with the Rheumatologist. I have taken several programs and classes to deal with different aspects of my condition such as nutrition, Minding...
  8. N

    Wife Recently Diagnosed with FM. How Can I Help?

    Hello everyone and thank you for your time. This is a pretty long and rambling post, so I've bolded the major points to help make things a bit more digestible :) I'm married to a wonderful woman who has been suffering with chronic pain for about three years after an auto collision. Yesterday...
  9. R

    New User - Frustrated, Trying to Get Diagnosed

    I have chronic pain in most of my joints (but very severe in my neck & lower back) and in the soft tissues or muscles near my joints (both forearms & shoulders, both calves & achilles heals). My first symptom, almost 2 years ago when I was 57, was mainly fatigue. I couldn't understand why I...
  10. E

    Hello-newly diagnosed

    Hello from Scotland. I was diagnosed with Fibro in August this year, however, although I do get pain and various strange symptoms, my main complaint is sleepiness. I was also diagnosed with Sleep Apnea in March this year and now use a CPAP mask, but the overwhelming sleepiness continues so I...