
  1. K

    Desperate for help!

    I am a 22 year old female with no prior health conditions or troubles. On December 1st 2015 I woke up during the middle of the night with the left side of my chest and left arm numb.. Also some mild pain but mostly a very numb uncomfortable feeling. After waking up and moving around the pain...
  2. K

    Doing Way to much....

    Hey friends, Haven't seen a post from me because i'be been trying really hard to work and do homework I know many of you guys read in my previous post. I do go to school for dermatology and I have about 10 weeks of clinicals left but I had to delay my studies because I was sick so I start again...
  3. B

    How to bring your pain level from a 12 to a 3

    Hi everyone l am new to these threads, l have suffered with fybromyalgia for the last 15 years and have now finally been diagnosed. l really wanted to share this with you, l used to suffer with the most excruciating pain it was so bad that l would be sobbing in the mornings with the pain unable...
  4. L

    my new normal

    I remember playing sport, now a trip to the loo means I need a 1 hr rest, eating was enjoyed with my family, now it is a few bites on a tray in bed, sex..... cannot go there but I really miss it. I used to have friends now the people I used to know have other friends, Family, other than my...
  5. K

    NEW HERE!! Question!

    Hi everyone! I've had fibromyalgia for at least 18 years. Probably longer. But lately when I wake up I feel so achy and chilled like I have a very bad flu. I also get very red cheeks like I'm running a high fever. I am single and have to work and it's getting so extremely difficult. It's like...
  6. D

    How do you get yourself going in the morning?

    Mornings are not a great time for me since I got fibromyalgia. When I first wake up the idea of hopping out of bed is just that - an idea (that I don't particularly feel motivated to act on). I usually start by wwriggling my feet to get the blood moving and do some breathing exercises. I might...
  7. B

    Coping with chronic fatigue/brain fog

    Sorry if this is a duplicate post, I'm on my phone and wasn't sure where to put it and can't tell if my first posted :shock: I'm 20 years old and was diagnosed with fibro when I was 12 after a period of intense headaches and fatigue and missing a year of school. Ive had a year or so at a time...
  8. B

    Coping with the chronic fatigue/brain fog of fibro

    I'm 20 years old and was diagnosed with fibro when I was 12 after a period of intense headaches and fatigue and missing a year of school. Ive had a year or so at a time since then where my symptoms haven't been as bad, but since I was about 17 it's been pretty much constant. My rheumatologist...
  9. E

    Constant unwanted advice and comments about Fibro

    Hi.Im new on here so hello to everyone. I'm not sure if this was the right place to post this but it seemed appropriate being the thread for venting. i have been speaking to a friend. My friends daughter is not at all sympathetic or understanding about Fibro and believes her friends Fibro is in...
  10. W

    Rheumatologist Friday

    the primary care refered me to a rheumatologist, that appointment is friday. said she didnt want to tag me with fibromyalgia but felt confident that is what i am dealing with. all of the typical symptoms, a gazillion tests, co-pays, and all of the usual attempts to figure out what is wrong with...