
  1. S

    Uncontrollable shaking in body and millions of little twitching muscles

    I found recently that if I am really tired (or not had a chance to rest during day or had less than 14 hours at night , when I go to bed I can't sleep because it's almost like having some kind of palsy. My eyes won't stay shut, my face twitches all over and my whole body shakes and trembles...
  2. A

    Has anyone tried muscle relaxers at bedtime?

    I am in the process of going from doc to doc. I have widespread pain that seems worse in my lower muscle groups. Some days stiffness. I found a relative that was diagnosed 15 years ago. She takes a muscle relaxer at bedtime and is doing fine. I will be going to her doc as soon as I can as this...
  3. D

    Pain in upper body ribs spine shoulder blades arms

    Hi all you lovely people. I have so many questions lately. I have been in bed alot for several months on and off and i know i have been hunched up too much using a lap top etc propped up to drink watch TV sometimes. I have been in too much pain everywhere to think or care at the time about...
  4. D

    CANT WALK AT ALL...anyone else? any help?

    Those who have read my previous thread contributions will know my fibro has spiralled this last year. However hard i try walking has become impossible. I can bearable stand long enough to get to bathroom or get a drink. From the waist down it feels so rigid like all joints muscles tendons...
  5. E

    I was actually relieved to hear "you have fibromyalgia" !

    I was diagnosed two days ago at an apt. With a new rhumotologist that I showed up at 10 am for 1pm apt! I now know that was fibromya fog! I had almost cancelled, I just didn't think I could get out of bed let alone out of the house into another doctors office trying to explain my symptoms one...
  6. S

    Stopping BCP and Stress Triggering a Flare?

    I have always suspected I may have fibromyalgia but in a mild form, never been diagnosed yet. I also have hashimotos but levels are controlled by Armour Thyroid. Anyway this last month I went off birth control and had some severe worry and stress I've had these pains that have moved around my...
  7. T

    Newly Diagnosed :(

    Hi, I just been diagnosed with FM for about a month and been only dealing with in since April of this year. So not long but it does feel like its been years already. I not sure what started the pain but we think it was stress because I was upgrading some of my skills for work and during that...
  8. T

    Hello Everyone

    Hi, I just been diagnosed with FM for about a month and been only dealing with in since April of this year. So not long but it does feel like its been years already. I not sure what started the pain but we think it was stress because I was upgrading some of my skills for work and during that...
  9. S

    Losing my mind

    All day, all I want to do is sleep. All night, I have no interest in sleeping because I don't want to have to get up in the morning. Could this be because no matter how long I lay in bed and sleep, I never feel better? I try to rest a lot on the weekends, but week days are full of time limits...
  10. V

    Just need a rant!

    Hi everyone, This is my first post. I have suffered from head neck shoulder and finger pain for about 15 years. I finally surrendered earlier this year and went to see a doctor. Nothing i ever took from over the counter touched the pain i was in. I got sent for an xray and put on napraxon...