
  1. L

    Hi, I'm new here

    Hello to all of those who live with pain in there daily life. I wish you strength to make it through those days when it seems to hard to even get out of bed, and happiness for those days that are not so bad. Lloue
  2. CountryGirl

    Does anyone else take Naltrexone 4.5mg

    Well I'm new here so thought I would post. I've had fibro for several years and like many spent the first 3 screaming WHY & trying ever drug that the big pharmaceutical companies push. I tried them all and then found an amazing Dr who was willing to work with ME & let me lead my journey. For...
  3. W

    Sometimes Moving Helps

    Moving your body, that is. I've had chronic inflammation and pain my whole life, but when I was injured on top of that, I went through a period where I tried to move as little as possible, because even tiny movements hurt a great deal. I seemed to develop a philosophy that it was best not to...
  4. L

    symptoms list

    Hi! Im Laila and im 33. I have a two year old son. About a year after I had my son I noticed changes. I would get nauseated for no reason. I was trying moderate exercise with some diet changes and I put weight on. I then started getting daily headaches, which often turned into migraines and...
  5. D

    Burning pain

    It's a lovely summers day here in the UK. I am at a complete loss as to how to fight this illness anymore. The last year has been so awful....burning pain, deep aching, stabbing pains muscle weakness head to toe almost everyday.....not an inch of me spared. I've also got interstitial...
  6. D

    Dementia or fibro fog?

    My memory of things years ago is still sharp. Recent events, however, are muddled. For example, I made my bed yesterday and have no memory of doing so. A family member witnessed me making the bed. I was abused as a child and later I was abused in my marriage. I was diagnosed with fibro a year...
  7. T

    Do these symptoms check out?

    Hello, I'm 27 and, after looking up the symptoms of fibromyalgia, I'm wondering if I may not be suffering from it. I also looked up some of the possible causes of fibro. I'll begin when the symptoms started, after I had a mRSA infection at the age of 22. The doctors surgically removed the...
  8. D

    Rebuilding muscles

    Anyone else had a long period of inactivity just sitting or in bed due to fibro for months on end and found a way to rebuild muscles. I cant do much as the pain is still very bad and walk circuits round my living area for 5 or 10 minutes when i can. I can't believe how much muscle strength i...
  9. N

    Pain - So Much in One Word

    They always say the Eskimo/Inuit have X number of words for snow...I think we should have a bunch of words for pain. There's that burning pain, tingling pain, dull ache, needles in my joints pain, seizing pain, muscle spasmy pain, hit by a truck pain (a morning favorite). There's also one I...
  10. S

    Don't know what to feel

    So I have been getting treatment at a local clinic all this time; the last two times my regular doctor wasn't in, that's why I've had to see others. I just found out that he is no longer there; he had apparently been fired for sexual misconduct with a patient, not the first time. You know, he...