
  1. Orangejuffice

    Been bed ridden for 3 weeks

    I can't believe how awful I feel every day for the past three weeks. I'm just wondering if anyone else has had a flareup for this long. I making appointment to see my doctor tomorrow. It's very discouraging when you can't get up and do your housework. It makes me feel pretty worthless...
  2. C

    I need to talk to people that understand me

    Hi Everyone. I'm new. I guess I have fibro. I feel terrible and I don't know what to do. I'm very tired and weak. My family doesn't understand y I'm not doing everything I used to. Most of the time they look at me like they think I'm lazy. My husband gets upset if I stay in bed to long. I'm 45...
  3. G

    Giving in to the condition?

    I was talking to a friend a week or so ago, and telling her about how I was struggling to get out of bed. She accused me of "giving in to my condition" and I will admit that I took offence to that at first. But it made me realise just how little understanding there is about it, and how I would...
  4. W

    Are there any positives from your pain/Fibromyalgia?

    I know people with chronic health conditions can sometimes dwell on the negative, so I wanted to start a thread where we could talk about anything positive that has come out of our conditions/diagnoses. I used to be a balls to the wall kind of person. I would push through, regardless of how I...
  5. D


    I just made a big effort wash and do my hair.... because my food shopping is being delivered and i cant really answer the door in my pyjamas and dressing gown with just got out of bed hair! I got the hairbrush stuck in the top at the back trying to swirl my hair several times around the brush...
  6. T


    I wished to GOD that I had never had the surgery on my left shoulder. The pain is 10 times worse than it was before the surgery. I take 200 MG a day of tramadol and it doesn't even begin to touch the pain. My PCP won't give me anymore than that. The last time I talked to the surgeon that did...
  7. P

    Should I be scared?

    Recently I suspected that I had RA like my father did during his life. But after seeing a specialist in the field I found that no I didn't have RA I had OA in more than one joint and Fibromyalgia in mild form. Now some would think that is a better diagnosis but I found myself scared by the one...
  8. W

    Idk what to do.

    Hi I'm not sure how to start but I need to find out answers to questions I have about fibromyalgia. Here is some backround information about my wife and I. We are both in in our early 30s and we are highschool sweethearts. We have been together for 14 years, married for 8 of the 14 (no breaks or...
  9. A

    is this fybromyalgia

    Hi everyone I am newbie,I did post before but I have not for a while so still do not know if I am correct in posting here please tell me if I am wrong and if I am sorry. I just do not know what is wrong with me I am in so much pain all over my body it never gets any better, it has been worse...
  10. K

    Rough week. Need some support

    Hey fibro friends I have to say honestly its been a tough week. I've been in a week long flare up. My fibro fog has been at its worst and let's see i've also notice my balance has been pretty bad like I'm falling all over the place and it's really hard to keep my balance (is that common with...