
  1. T

    Approved for SSD - Tips and info if you are looking to apply in the U.S.

    It has been a while since I have been on this forum. I have a few friends that I have become acquainted with that are disabled and wanting to apply for disability. I thought about it and figured I would share with all of you that may be in the same boat. I am 51 and had to stop working at 49. I...
  2. J

    New member, 27 years after diagnosis, and struggling

    I'm so glad I found this site! I was diagnosed in 1989. At that meeting, the rheumatologist who gave me this diagnosis (I had absolutely no knowledge of fibro) said "Some people go on to live their lives, and others aren't able to ever get out of bed again." I decided I would belong to the...
  3. D


    Am feeling so lonely. I keep trying to do things and my body fails me every time with minor tasks. Today I managed to just walk outside and snip a few tiny dead stems off a plant. Yesterday all i did was change my bed sheets and duvet cover. The day before all i did was clean the hob and oven...
  4. D

    How to fill the days

    We all suffer with fibro to different degrees and have different lives. Mine was manageable enough for me to push through and have better hours or days until the last year or so. For those who have it at the more severe end of the spectrum and cant get out and even sitting up your muscles burn...
  5. B

    Help! Waking up with a horrible headache and neck pain

    Hello everyone. Am I the only one waking up every morning with an extreme headache accompanied by tender neck pain? The vertebrate right where my neck meets my shoulders hurts so bad on each side. I wake up and I can already feel the pinch in my muscle around that vertabrate which gives me an...
  6. Forgetmenot


    Lately every time I go to bed I have leg spasms. Both legs go crazy. I no I get very low vit D but everything else is good. I don't really want to ask for muscle relaxers ,but was wondering how commen this was.
  7. D

    Muscle wasting

    Has anyone experienced muscles turning flabby through inactivity. I am not over weight only 126 pounds but after a long period of inactivity due to pain and fatigue i am shocked by how saggy my inner knees thighs abs and bottom and upper arms are. You cant see it under clothes but i can feel...
  8. V

    Absolutely furious!

    Hi all, I have just come back from the rheumatologist. My doctor referred me to one so he could diagnose me with fibromyalgia. My doctor thinks I have it. I have every single symptom apart from IBS. I was only in the room with him for 7 mins. I wrote all my symptoms down but he didn't...
  9. H

    Can't Get Any Help

    Doc says I have "early" fibromyalgia. I need rest to help treat this but am having awful pain on upper arm and hip while sleeping on side. Other sleeping positions don't work for me. The exhaustion is so incredibly debilitating I can't function at all anymore and stunned I haven't had a heart...
  10. L

    6 years of this.....

    Hi I'm going to try make this very short as its 1.30am here, most dates are very rough as I'm guessing. At 20 years old I had my first child via c/s. 5 months later my elbow joint were stiff, I had some blood tests done and showed some high inflammatory markers and my rhumtoid factor was a...