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Medical Marijuana

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Sep 7, 2014
British Colimbia
Has anyone tried medical marijuana? I have been doing some research and I am intrigued.
I have just recently weaned off of Effexor and Topomax. I take Tramadol as needed but I don't find it very effective for my pain.
I am curious to know how to use marijana without having to feel stoned .
Hi mamahawk! I was just reading about this today on webmd. It said it works best when vaped (used with a vaporizer) or spray form. I think they mean a spray people use in their mouth, because the article went on to explain how breast cancer patients were spraying a thc extract, I believe, into their mouths. I'm intrigued too. I'm not much of a smoker. If anything. I've tried marijuana edibles but I either don't feel anything at all or it knocks me on my butt. I don't like that feeling. Not for daily use. But maybe I was taking too much. I'm interested in the vaporizing though. And it's not a pain pill (opiate). I like that. It can be used as needed, easier, I feel like. I think you can ask for specific strains of the herb to ease pain, promote sleep, be more energizing, etc. Are you going to give it a try? Is your area like california where you can go get a "license" then go buy whenever you want? I was licensed once a few years ago. I'm thinking of trying it again.
I live in Canada, where it is legal everywhere. I went to the dr today. He prescribed a low dose of Cesamet which is synthetic mmarijuana (!i hope my extended Heath care covers it!)
I'm going to start tomorrow , I'll keep you posted! Apparently it can help sleep too! I am excited and a bit nervous because feeling high is ime of the potential side effects. I do still work so I hope I can a manage .
My Dr. Suggested I smoke white widow, and cryptic. I told him my husband has a card and smokes, I couldn't contain myself when he said! "OH YA SMOKE POT LOTS AND LOTS....I JUST LOL ,
I'm sure the whole office heard me...
I live in Canada, where it is legal everywhere. I went to the dr today. He prescribed a low dose of Cesamet which is synthetic mmarijuana (!i hope my extended Heath care covers it!)
I'm going to start tomorrow , I'll keep you posted! Apparently it can help sleep too! I am excited and a bit nervous because feeling high is ime of the potential side effects. I do still work so I hope I can a manage .

Why would you take a synthetic marijuana when you can go to a dispensary with a prescription and get the real thing? You don't have to smoke it, necessarily, there are topicals and edibles as well as CBD capsules (no THC so not psychotropic). Cesamet is made by big pharma. Wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole. Just asking.

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Do A Websearch For: Cesamet (nabilone) Uses, Dosage, Side Effects
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It is the only thing that gives me relief. It doesnt make the pain completely go away but it dulls it down a lot and makes you stop caring about the pain. It brightens your mood and at least for me it gives me a brighter outlook so I can continue being functional during my day. I highly suggest it if you haven't tried it. I'm moving to Oregon in a week as it is 100% legal there like Canada.
Why would you take a synthetic marijuana when you can go to a dispensary with a prescription and get the real thing? You don't have to smoke it, necessarily, there are topicals and edibles as well as CBD capsules (no THC so not psychotropic). Cesamet is made by big pharma. Wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole. Just asking.

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Do A Websearch For: Cesamet (nabilone) Uses, Dosage, Side Effects

My Dr wanted to start me I'm Cesamet first to,see if it is helpful. It is covered by my extended health. He said to,try it for a month . If it's not helping then I can go for the real stuff. Which is not civered

So far it's not helping much, but it's only been a week.
One concern I have about going to real marijuana is: can people smell it on you? I know the weed had a very recognizable scent so I am curious .

I work for my church. Of course I will have a conversation with my direct employers if I start using this. However it would be something we would keep private , and I dint want to smell like pot, to arouse questions in others
Hello all, I smoked it for 40years. Helped some so I continued. Then 5 years ago it stopped helping.
I tried the best stuff you can buy,still no help.
Then I did the synthetic and it helped. Until head shop
Couldn't carry it any more. So back to research! I found that its not the mj with THC. It's The CBD within the plant that is helping with The pain. Now they grow plants without the THC,just the CBD. I order it legally online. I get it in a salve and a body lotion. Works for me instantly. Costs about $40-50 each bottle. Works great on my neck where I have arthritis.
I have a cream that is made with coconut oil and marijuana. It's really strong and very fragrant so I have to just use it at home. It works great on my pain. I also recently got a vape. It seems to help me sleep. I keep it by my bed. The physician that gave me my medical card said I need to get the CBDs and thought it would help me tremendously with pain during the day. I have not been back to the dispensary yet to see what they have. I have never been a pot smoker, even as a teenager. Lots of friends who did it, but I didn't like the feel of it when I tried it, so it's taken a lot for me to try some of these things. I am so ignorant about the whole marijuana thing so have a lot to learn. If you have the ability to try it out, I would. (never thought I'd say that before) I think it can be very beneficial if you get the right product.
Nabilone. Can't recommend it enough. It is a synthetic cannabanoid it has me at my most functional in years. For you US people reading this it isn't an option for you as the cost is about $3000 a month and isn't covered by any insurance in the US but in Canada it's about 66$ a month without coverage but the Canadian government does cover it if you qualify for the provincial drug plan. I don't recommend smoking for us Fibro sufferers as we have so many issues with environmental sensitivities but the capsule form has worked wonders for me and I am on a low dose. I am on .5 mg 2 times a day, try it if you can.
My Dr wanted to start me I'm Cesamet first to,see if it is helpful. It is covered by my extended health. He said to,try it for a month . If it's not helping then I can go for the real stuff. Which is not civered

So far it's not helping much, but it's only been a week.
One concern I have about going to real marijuana is: can people smell it on you? I know the weed had a very recognizable scent so I am curious .

I work for my church. Of course I will have a conversation with my direct employers if I start using this. However it would be something we would keep private , and I dint want to smell like pot, to arouse questions in others

It took me over 2 weeks before it started to help me. Cesemet is brand name Nabilone, I am on generic. For the first 2 weeks I had migraines but then they subsided and I had a massive improvement in functionality and mood. Also finding the right dose takes times they tend to start you very low as it can make you high at first. Keep with it, give it a few months and try different doses before you give up on it! Unless you have super bad side effects that make it unbearable then stop :P
Mamahawk: the CBD capsules are non psychotropic and do not create a MJ smell and, they help me. Also, you can get a topical that just smells like menthol and it helps as well. No one at your church would know you are taking a med MJ product.
Well the Cesamet did not help at all. I am going off it. I am actually back on Topomax because my migraines dramatically increased when I went off. We will see what happens with this before I decide to go the mmarijuana route. I am trying to,stay away from it because it Si not covers by my extended healthy and it is quoted expensive.
Mama, order the CBD online.
Try it . costsn40+50 us dollars.
Lasts months. I know pain.
Cmetryme, how do you find online CBD?
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