Hi all,
I've been using medical cannabis for two months now and can report that my fibromyalgia pain levels have gone from 8-9 on some days to 2-3 now. I have asthma so vaping or smoking MMJ doesn't work for me, but I use two teaspoons of Tora Bora, a plant high in CBD which is a pain relieving part of the plant, suspended in pure virgin coconut oil each day. At night I take one teaspoon of Northern Lights, a plant variety that's high in THC-A, the ingredient that is most helpful for sleep and suppressing muscle spasms also suspended in pure virgin coconut oil.
My sleep is better as I am now getting the restorative sleep benefits that only occur in stages 3 and 4 of sleep, and that's helping my fibro as well. I don't have a problem functioning every day on the high CBD I take morning and afternoon since it's not psychoactive, and I don't wake up groggy on the high THC-A I take every evening before bed, either. I sleep through any psychoactive actions the high THC-A might cause, and I find I dream less, a sign I'm finally getting into the more restorative sleep stages I've not gotten to experience in the years I've struggled with fibro.
My MMJ caregiver grows my plants for me and then makes the products I use. I take 20 tablespoons of the Tora Bora and 10 tablespoons of Northern Lights a month (2 tsp and 1tsp each day accordingly) and it costs around $150per month. Thankfully, I live in a state that has had medical cannabis available for almost 15 years to those of us who see a doctor and get an annual MMJ card. The cost for that is around $80/year and is well worth it.
I would highly recommend folks try various types of the edible medical forms of cannabis, ie the "medibles", before giving up on MMJ. It took a couple of months to determine which type and form worked best for me, so don't give up, just keep trying.
Several news media outlets have done recent stories on Charlotte's Web, the high CBD oil from a plant that's almost 100% CBD with only trace amounts of THC, the psychoactive part of the plant, that they're using on kids with dangerous seizures. But after reading about it, I also found out that our bodies need some THC every day to help the CBD work better. The THC isn't recommended for anyone under 21, though.
Folks, go to The Science of Medical Marijuana or a similar site that helps explain the uses of medical cannabis and then if you can, try it. Or just do your own search for medical cannabis and fibromyalgia and see what you find. It's been a miracle drug for me, especially after 20 years of trying everything else under the sun, none of which ever gave me as much relief as I'm getting now on cannabis. I'm a skeptic, as are some of you all, so I understand if you don't want to take my word for it. Go research it and then make the decision for yourself.
I'll try to get back on here from time to time and update how I'm doing on cannabis, but I gotta tell you, after trying cannabis for 2 months I'm beginning to get my life back and that fact alone is awesome!