

Maybe my first useful blog.
I'm not a doctor nor am I qualified in anyway to give medical advise. Please be your own best advocate and do some research. I'll try to explain my 'why' somethings may help. but you know what they say: always consult with your doctor first.

I almost forgot the biggest culprit for me: yeast. I will post more on what I started out with later, I had to back off because my body was so polluted I couldn't handle the 'hex'. PLEASE research candidiasis. Particularly in the gut. I do have a quick easy trick to c if this is a problem I will share.

Never thought I would blog!

So, I'm 51 years old and I have no shame in saying I never thought I would blog. I'm not computer or internet saved, not to mention I've never really considers what I had to say to be that important let alone worthy of sharing with strangers. I'm still not sure, but I've never known how to keep my mouth shut, exspecially when it comes to self help, not so much because I think I know it all, in fact it's just the opposite...I share what I've learned in hope someone else knows more and or has a piece of my missing puzzle.

Day 41

Well it has been awhile since I updated my blog and decided to share with you what I have been up too.
At first after mom was gone I tried spending more time away from home enjoying the great outdoors before bad weather set in. Then I started cleaning house again trying to get more things in order in case we had to sell the house. But my brother had a better plan for me and he turned the house over to me so I am the proud owner of a old house with major fix-ups needed.

Miserable and overwhelmed

Its 5am, I was woke up at 4 by my dog to take him out... usually I don't think anything of it but today I'm just so damn tired of being woke up and never going back to sleep! I AM SO TIRED! it's so hard for me to fall asleep and stay asleep and here I am awake...again.. for the millionth time. I'M SO TIRED OF IT I COULD SCREAM.
My chest is literally filled with nothing but anger and frustration. I went to sleep like 3 hours ago why can't I just go back to sleep?
Because everything freaking hurts!

My story so far..

I'm 24 and I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in July of this year but have been feeling some of the symptoms for a few years now. I was diagnosed with an endocrine disorder called PCOS about 3 years ago. It causes painful cysts to grow on the ovaries (my ovaries are the size of my uterus, not cute) . For some women cysts may not always occur but the hormone imbalance does. Polycystic ovarian syndrome PCOS causes an excess amount of male hormones which leads to many side effects such as male like beard and thick body hair, male pattern baldness.

Day 40

This will be the last post about my dear mother, for she died on September 17th. The last week of hospice was very hard to watch and do as my mom slowly died. She was comfortable but it was a very painful thing to have to do. All her children held her as she took her last breath. It is going to hurt for a long time.

My fibro has been making standing and walking very hard. I will post more later.:(

Day 39

Well my blog has suffered from lack of time lately. My mom's condition has gotten worse and she is now on hospice. Even being in bed there is constant work to be done in housework as well as, feeding her and making foods she can swallow. Changing and re-changing her and her bed, and giving meds and other personal needs.

Day 38

I bet you all have wondered what is happening with me. Well my eye surgery is over but still waiting on my new glasses to cure my double vision which makes typing really hard.
But my sad news is my mom is now bedridden due to a bad accident. A fall or push that caused injury to her muscles and has caused terrible pain. We are working with physical therapy trying to decrease her pain and get her walking again. I have extra help coming in around the clock caring for her as I can not do heavy lifting thanks to fibro, costing a pretty penny, lots of money.


I have problems with swelling a lot but sometimes quite severe. I will swell in my feet, ankles, legs, hands and wrists. The swelling will get bad enough that I have stage 1 pitting. When i have this swelling I becomes so stiff i can barely walk. My fingers I will not be able to close into a fist or even bend them most of the way.

I have to use my hands with my work as a musician and am slowly loosing the ability to play as well as make fiber optic cables to work

ANYBODY find this to be crippling as I do???
