Never thought I would blog!

So, I'm 51 years old and I have no shame in saying I never thought I would blog. I'm not computer or internet saved, not to mention I've never really considers what I had to say to be that important let alone worthy of sharing with strangers. I'm still not sure, but I've never known how to keep my mouth shut, exspecially when it comes to self help, not so much because I think I know it all, in fact it's just the opposite...I share what I've learned in hope someone else knows more and or has a piece of my missing puzzle.

I grew up a middle child. Blond hair blue eyed tomb boy. My big sister is two years to the day older then me! (My husband and I also share our birthday) she was the 'smart' one, my little sister was the cute baby and me, well I struggled, I was/am dislexic, I am the worlds WORST speller (spell correct has not helped) and I was blind as a bat, my vision changed hourly so glasses did little to help. Anyway, I got the 'well meaning' wrap of being the 'pretty' one! Sounds good huh, but to me it meant I was dumb. (My big sister told me years ago 'the smart one' made her feel ugly). Watch how you label your kids.
By college age, I was tired all the time and stayed in a fog. It was my first (late) husband who showed me I wasn't dumb. He was a penn state 4.2 chemical major! Considered by Uncle Sam to be a brilliant mind. If he said I was smart, well who was my dumb but to argue!? (He died young of brain tumors, yes...fibromyalgia and fight or flight stress trigger among a lifetime of many)
My mother passed away just b4 I turned 9, she died of what started as breast cancer. In the early 70's there was little chance of surviving) bringing me to my net point. DO NOT BELIEVE FIBROMYALGA WONT EVER BE CURED!!! It was not long ago most cancers were deemed incurable. More recently AIDS WAS a death sentence!
I spent most of the winter on a pile of pillows with heating pads and when I could get up, hot water bottles, pain like u e never known could exists. Lost in a world of deep dispare, not knowing how to help myself and little to no help for my condition from doctors or family. It was dark. Very dark. I went from praying to God to send help to begging him to come get me. My faith was tested to the very bone. I've been tested and tempted by Saten b4, but I never in my wildest dreams could have saw this coming. This leads me to my next statement. IF THE MRNTION OF GODS NAME OFFENDS YOU, this is not the blog spot for you. I don't force my faith in others, nor do I judge yours, but I am a Christian, God is a part of me and I will not filter that part of me. This is my blog after all.


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