
finally fall is here

Beautiful weekend here in Orlando..plan on doing a little yard work...if my body will cooperate..LOL!

Had an appt. Thursday with acupuncturist..she was very knowledgeable and good at explaining how the needles worked to bring healing to the pained body parts...pleasant experience but no perceived pain relief afterwards.

Monday morning I am going to a female chiropractor who came highly recommended by a dear friend. Just throwing money away trying to get to the root of my knee pain and fibro pain.

Day 33

Seems like ages since I have shared anything. Life is moving a bit more smoothly since the move, but nights are the worse time. Mom does not sleep most nights but spends the time talking to herself. Sometimes she is in a wake like state and other times she is in a awake dreamlike state. I have had to stop her several times from wanting to leave in the night to go home. When I tell her she is already home she gets angry and does not believe me.

Tuesday - Still waiting for fall breezes to come


Hi always wishing for low pain levels for you all!

I am going to my first visit next week with a pain doctor to control my fibro pain and sciatica, knee pain, etc.

Due to the new DEA regulations regarding narcotics, my primary care physician will no longer write me a script for pain pills ...he is limited in what he can write in one year.

Happy Wednsday!

How is everyone today? I know some days are better than hoping this is one of the better days.

Tomorrow I go back to the ortho for my knee pain..I think its the ligament on the side of my knee causing the issue..we shall see.

Thursday Update

Hi..fibro is holding steady at about a 5 out of 10. I went to the ortho doc today for my painful left knee. He said it was lack of cushioning (bone on bone) and gave me a shot into my knee of some sort of lubricant which is supposed to help.Too bad I could not use a little crisco or wesson oil out of my pantry...LOL! Icing or two days per his orders then I can try walking again..he also started me on a supplement.

The sun finally returned to orlando today..nice and hot day so we can start to dry out. It is supposed to be nice for the weekend..I hope a little cooler!

tuesday's forecast

So today and yesterday were good fibro days only to be upstaged by knee pain. Guess it is back to the ortho to find out what has turned my successful menicus tear knee surgery in june go bad.

I am about to grow has been raining every day in Orlando for, muggy and rain...I don't know how people in seattle handle months of rain...not having any good hair:lol::lol: days..LOL!


Here is a good laugh for my fibro friends...the bread I baked last night...well even though I had the jar of yeast sitting out with all the other my fibro fog, I forgot to put it in the breadmaker. LOL! So I tried again this afternoon and am happy to report it rose just fine.

Todays achiness was about a 5 or knee that was operated on in June successfully started bothering me as soon as I started walking on the treadmill, which according to everything I was told should have been good therapy. Oh well, just another pain to cope with.

Thirsty Thursday

:lol: Another exciting day at the homefront...not!....this morning was the first time I have ever slept through my husband leaving for work. I must have been in a coma! I am usually up at 5:30 am having coffee and seeing him off for the day. Woke up at 6:30 instead.

Achy and fatigued today so I took it easy and worked on a rag baby blanket for a friend.

Baking a loaf of buttermilk honey bread in the bread maker to go with my roasted chicken dinner. I love the smell!

Sending wishes for low pain levels to all my fibro friends!

Hump Day!

Finally came our of my fibro flare..yeah! Only to go to the doctor for an ear infection ( infection). I had this same issue Halloween week last year and wound up in the local er to finally get the right diagnosis and meds. I felt the inflammation in my ear on Sunday and thought ..not again! So my primary care doc gave me ear drops and an antibiotic so at least I have caught it early.

Mellow Monday

Well I am six days into the worst fibro flare...keeping hope that each new day will bring back my normal fibro levels. So much for my going to walk on the treadmill at planet fitness...just wait the flare out and than I will resume my walking.

So bummed because I was offered a month long job supervising a furniture installation for a purchasing agent out of locally in orlando..could use the income but do not trust my body to cooperate.

Okay..time to get dinner ready..I did manage laundry and dropping off dry cleaning today..whoop!whoop!:-|
