Symptom Question

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Willow my blood test for food intolerances put Casein and milk in the high zone,
but I reintroduced yogurt and Kefir and I don't seem to be reacting much to it or not everyday.

Milk used to clog my sinuses but since I'm drinking the kefir, my sinuses are clear at night.... so strange.
Hi Trellum! Bloating definitely happens to me after eating - it can look like a pregnancy belly for me as well. I've just started to hear about leaky gut syndrome (I wasn't familar with it before) and I think I may be suffering from it as well. But what worries me is that my bloating can also occur right when I wake up, which is where the IC and Fibro come in...when my bladder hurts (it's been pretty bad all week), my stomach just sticks out so uncomfortably. And since I've been diagnosed with Fibro and begun to understand and "get used" to my body (I use that phrase loosely), bloating, weight fluctuations and fluid retention just seem to be huge parts of it for me. And then when you throw in the IC, it makes it much worse. The human body is too strange - and when it's fighting against you, which it seems to be doing for us in a lot of ways, it's exhausting.

My diet is a lot of veggies, fruits, yogurt, cereal, stuff like that. What is your diet like?

And Willow - I've never found someone who has the same thing as I do - IC, fibro, bloating, all of that - I feel for you!!! I'll look up your post now.

My diet is not so good right now, but even when my diet was better things weren't perfect :( I think I do have that leaky gut syndrome as a result of well... getting ''the runs'' so often in the last 6 months. It's a vicious circle :( Have you tried probiotics? Also... do you seem to have some sort of sensitivity towards lactose? I do seem to have that... I get bloated specially if I consume anything with diary or gluten in it.

I was told paleo do it for me, and by the way... I also have an odd pain in my bladder, or at least I think that is where the pain originates! Do you get up at night to pee? I do, but if I don't do it on time, I wake up with an odd feeling in my stomach. I haven't figured out what is is, but I noticed it stopped for a bit after I got my gallbladder removed, but then it came back. But in general I also have odd sensation in my bladder. Where do you feel your bladder pain? Do you ever feel like you have a UTI but it turns out is not the case?
Throwing my experience ring into the rink...

I'm constantly bloated. Just today I felt like I was going to burp...but my gut was like a balloon being over-inflated but would not pop.

I get acid reflux/heartburn. Seems like I get it with certain proteins (dairy/tuna/peanut butter). I started taking a spoonful of ACV w/water and find that helps.

I get constipated more, no matter how much water/fiber/fruits and vegetables I eat. I take a calcium/magnesium/zinc supplement and that helps very little so I'm going to try the calcium citrate next.

PS: Don't get me started on the weight thing

I'm thinking of doing a liquid fast for a day a week, just maybe fruit smoothies with yogurt. Anyone do something like this regularly?
The stomach is basically a muscle and the nervous system causes all our muscles to freak out basically. It is definitely connected to fibro. Look into recommended diet for fibro, keeping bread and dairy out has helped me. Also watch u anxiety/stress, that has some some serious affects on my tummy
My diet is not so good right now, but even when my diet was better things weren't perfect :( I think I do have that leaky gut syndrome as a result of well... getting ''the runs'' so often in the last 6 months. It's a vicious circle :( Have you tried probiotics? Also... do you seem to have some sort of sensitivity towards lactose? I do seem to have that... I get bloated specially if I consume anything with diary or gluten in it.

I was told paleo do it for me, and by the way... I also have an odd pain in my bladder, or at least I think that is where the pain originates! Do you get up at night to pee? I do, but if I don't do it on time, I wake up with an odd feeling in my stomach. I haven't figured out what is is, but I noticed it stopped for a bit after I got my gallbladder removed, but then it came back. But in general I also have odd sensation in my bladder. Where do you feel your bladder pain? Do you ever feel like you have a UTI but it turns out is not the case?

Trellum, this is a very late reply but I had to respond when I saw your note. The bladder thing - are you still having trouble? I had the same sort of things going on (constantly getting up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, weird pain and almost aching in the bladder/stomach area) which led me to a Urologist and my being diagnosed with Interstitial Cystitis (I do think this has something to do with my Fibro as well)...have you ever looked into this? I don't want to scare you but I think you could get help and some relief, you never know.
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