Intermittent fasting - positive results??

@SBee how are you getting on with fasting? I've found it tricky in the evenings, through stress I suppose. I'll have to start making notes on healthy alternatives.
Hi @Badger well I am still committed to keeping to this. Am not sure how the 8 hr window of eating suffered during Christmas though... Am not sure I was exactly eating healthily to put it mildly. I still watch the clock avidly before my coffee, the food side doesnt generally bother me tbh. Am pleased you continue to seek options that are achievable for you.

I havent requested updated blood test results from this yet, lot of health madness going on, including the fact I am now on crutches for the foreseeable future and I cant face adding anything extra into the mix. Not quite procrastinating more self protection. Dont want to overload myself right now. But the fasting seems to be something I can stick to relatively easily. Take care
Glad to hear that you are sticking with it, hopefully in time it will be beneficial to your health. Sorry to hear that you are now on crutches, it must be really frustrating. It sounds like there is a lot going on at the moment. I'm hoping if I can stick to a healthier routine for a week it might get easier.
I sometimes struggle with words or phrases @Badger that can put me off stuff. dont know if it would help, but maybe eliminating the word 'fasting' for maybe healthier eating might fool the mind and enable you to keep on track? Its just a bit of a self imposed mind game that can help me. Definitely setting smaller goals,such as you trying for one week initially can be it more achievable.

Yes, crutches. Fell down just three stairs in the new year and landed awkwardly. off to a&e. Torn meniscus, a cartilage in the knee. As if my mobility wasnt crap anyway! Seeing physiotherapist next week for an assessment. Forget the one step forward, two step backward phrase - i just forget the forward bit and stick to going backwards 🙄 Set the fibro off into a flare as well as the inflammatory arthritis so i did a pretty thorough job really.
Sorry for such a late reply, that sounds like an awfully painful injury, your Fibro must have kicked into overdrive. It's difficult enough for us without something else like injury or illness on top. I remember what it was like turning my right ankle around 20 years ago and hearing a loud crack.

Good advice re. thinking of fasting by another name, I'll try and approach it in smaller steps this week.
Well @Badger its fair to say even though I was in a minor flare prior to the injury,afterwards it all kicked off. Only coming back down a few degrees these last few days. I am not really injury prone, so can't imagine you able to hear your own bone cracking.

Saw a physiotherapist this week and I was really surprised that she took my overall health problems into consideration when recommending the relevant exercises.
In fact the same thing happened when I had to see a GP for inflammatory pain- again,she looked into the fibromyalgia, CFS and osteoarthritis as well as the inflammatory arthritis. Even asked how my MH was in view of everything piling up. Am not used to medical staff looking at the whole health story.

Yes, I find using alternative words can help me focus better on a task or a treatment I want to try. Whether or not some may see this as a denial in some ways, I prefer to see it as a technique that suits my personality. And again, breaking stuff down into smaller steps works for me. Thinking to far long term seems daunting and off putting. Good luck with everything, I see you are approaching a different meditation as well. May be small steps Badger but they are all positive ones.
Yes, I find using alternative words can help me focus better on a task or a treatment I want to try. Whether or not some may see this as a denial in some ways, I prefer to see it as a technique that suits my personality.
I think that sometimes we need to sort of "trick" ourselves into doing what we want to do that is challenging. I remember one time when I wanted to be writing but was not, I started writing down tiny little snippets on scraps of paper, telling myself "I'm not writing a story, just little bits of words", until I had enough of them that it actually turned into a short story.

Maybe the important thing is to remember that this is what we are doing. If a person changes the word they use and then thinks that changes what they are talking about, that might be denial, and might be unhealthy. Or, if you cannot use a certain word and so try to change the definition of the word to suit your purposes, it would be better just to use a different word instead.

But if it makes it easier for a person who is struggling with a health condition to use certain words to describe it, or if it helps to use a different word for what you need to do for yourself, then I say go for it!
We need to utilize all of the little techniques that we can find to get through our days.
Sometimes @sunkacola utilizing the little techniques are definitely all we can manage sometimes. So yes, the little techniques can be as big as we can manage until we feel stronger.

I do substitute words for more 'user friendly' to my character. Having had a serious eating disorder in the past, using the word 'diet' in some contexts can be a trigger for me. Thats more of an awareness its not always a good word for me, when I can use so many similar words with much the same meaning.much

Without having the goal of wanting to write a story, I often 'collect' words or phrases and write them here there and everywhere. Generally when I reread them I have no idea why... But they obviously meant something at the time so I guess they were in my head for a reason!
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