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Distinguished member
Feb 20, 2014
Does anyone else find that consuming sugar in any forms triggers symptoms? I have always found this, and assumed it was a sign of diabetes, but after getting tested I found out that I was no diabetic. Regardless I tend to eat like a diabetic on a controlled diet due to the effect sugar has on me.
Yes, I seem to have a problem with sugar, although, as you I am not diabetic. If I eat a cookie or piece of candy it makes me very fatigued to the point of going to sleep and brain fog is also much worse. I have noticed when I eat sugar on a regular basis I have trouble with skin rashes. I have been using Stevia, instead of sugar and feel much better and more alert. Now pain wise I have not noticed much of a change, but I kind of am used to the daily pain and try to mental block out the pain as much as possible so I am unsure on this point.

This is a very good question. :)
Yes, I seem to have a problem with sugar, although, as you I am not diabetic. If I eat a cookie or piece of candy it makes me very fatigued to the point of going to sleep and brain fog is also much worse. I have noticed when I eat sugar on a regular basis I have trouble with skin rashes. I have been using Stevia, instead of sugar and feel much better and more alert. Now pain wise I have not noticed much of a change, but I kind of am used to the daily pain and try to mental block out the pain as much as possible so I am unsure on this point.

This is a very good question. :)

Indeed I should have mentioned brain fog, because for me that is the worst part of all. The fatigue itself is not always there, but the brain fog almost always is. I have a theory about why this may be, but it's very late at night now so I shall post about it tomorrow when I can articulate better.
Yes, I seem to have a problem with sugar, although, as you I am not diabetic. If I eat a cookie or piece of candy it makes me very fatigued to the point of going to sleep and brain fog is also much worse. I have noticed when I eat sugar on a regular basis I have trouble with skin rashes. I have been using Stevia, instead of sugar and feel much better and more alert. Now pain wise I have not noticed much of a change, but I kind of am used to the daily pain and try to mental block out the pain as much as possible so I am unsure on this point.

This is a very good question. :)

Omg! I thought I was the only one who felt so fatigued and tired every time I consume sugar! I always thought it was because of my insulin resistance! Not because of fibro! I just had something sweet and I'm already begging to get the chance to finally go to bed!

By the way, we also have Stevia at home, but I only use if if I ever drink coffee or tea. I should use it for baking as well.
You know, it's really interesting how sugar affects me. I've purged myself of all sugar, even fruit and honey, for about 4 months now. I've also cut ALL grains. What I've found is that my body is feeling a lot better and I have more energy in general, though I still haven't built up enough energy to overcome a "chronic fatigue" diagnosis. I still don't have the energy to keep a job, but I have enough energy where I don't want to lay in bed all day anymore. For the most part, my brain is very slowly functioning better all the time too. 4 months ago I could hardly speak coherently because I couldn't think straight, even my dreams made no sense. Now I'm able to think and speak effectively again, but my brain wears out really quickly and I can't processes much through the day before my brain feels tired.

That said, the few times I've allowed an indulgence of 80% organic dark chocolate, I got extremely sugar high and sick and my fibromyalgia pains come roaring back. On the other hand, it caused my brain to turn on in a huge way. While sugar high and feeling super sick to the stomach and in my muscles, I was thinking more clearly than I have in years. I also found myself with a terrible anxiety attack, probably because my brain finally had some cheap easy energy to use to processes all my fears that I've not had the energy to deal with. So I did some research on this. As it turns out, our brains actually require sugar to even operate. However, refined sugar (cane sugar, agave, corn syrup, and the like) actually damage nerve endings in our brains if we eat too much of them. Our brains prefer slow processing sugars, like the ones our body creates from complex carbohydrates. The only carbs I get are from veggies, so I'm thinking of adding even more veggies into my meals to boost my brain power.

Sugar scares the heck out of me, though. I'm quite seriously afraid to ever consume it because of the effect it has on my body.
The funny thing is though that sugar never used to affect me in the past pre-CF. I mean if I ever had a serious binge then I would get a sugar crash, but it would never initiate brain fog like it does now. Indeed it always used to give me a bit of a boost, as it should do.

Funny thing is I never consumed a lot of sugar anyway. Only ever drank diet soda and very rarely ate chocolate. It's not as if I have given myself insulin resistance by massive sugar binges.
Eating products high in sugar does seem to make me more tired. I tend to crave sugar products. I feel I've been craving sugar products more lately due to the fact I've been facing lot of stress lately, which hurts my Fibromyalgia, which is all about my daily life. I need to stay away from eating things high in sugar right from the beginning of each day. Starting good habits at the beginning of the day will motivate me for the rest of the day. Stay focused, eat well, and feel better!
I haven't really noticed a lot of difference in my overall well being between high sugar days and low sugar days.
I crave sweet things a lot but trying to keep my weight down so resist the urges to eat sweet things. I do treat myself at weekends.
If I do go on a sugar binge the only thing it hits is my IBS. It can sometimes make my IBS flare quite nastily.
sugar did not bother me. Wheat and dairy however? Wow, now that caused some pain. If I have real wheat bread, not the white, I will get joint pain. Also, I know this sounds strange, but tea will give me pain. I read that bagged tea is high in mold content, so that could be it. I do believe in the connection of molds and Fibro/cfs. I believe that household molds make it worse, as does living by power lines. I think that many Fibro sufferers should try going 'tech free', to see if there is a difference. There have been cases, where people actually do suffer pain from being too close to televisions, radios, etc.
Sugar and carbs tend to impact me negatively. Once I changed my diet, I DID start to feel better. I think that watching what you eat really does help alleviate symptoms. To the above poster, I did not know that about tea. I've been interested in getting loose leaf tea for awhile, but this makes me really want to do it! I've also heard about pain being caused by gadgets and the like. I truly believe that there IS something to that. It makes sense. As a society, we are always plugged in. The more plugged in we are, the more I hear about people suffering from more ailments. I read an article recently about a woman who was diagnosed with breast cancer. She believes that it was from carrying her phone in her bra when she would go on her daily run. Kinda scary.
I read an article recently about a woman who was diagnosed with breast cancer. She believes that it was from carrying her phone in her bra when she would go on her daily run. Kinda scary.

That's why I always keep my phone in my back pocket. On an on topic note. The fact that I basically never consume sugar means that when I do, it is both extremely enjoyable, and does provide quite an energy boost, I know many veteran sugar junkies don't get the high quite as much.
Eating products high in sugar does seem to make me more tired. I tend to crave sugar products. I feel I've been craving sugar products more lately due to the fact I've been facing lot of stress lately, which hurts my Fibromyalgia, which is all about my daily life. I need to stay away from eating things high in sugar right from the beginning of each day. Starting good habits at the beginning of the day will motivate me for the rest of the day. Stay focused, eat well, and feel better!

I noticed that too. What I eat at the start of the day usually serves as a guide of what I would eat the whole day. If I eat junk foods like bacon or hashbrowns for breakfast, I end up craving for more and more junk foods during the day.

Also, I noticed that when I eat a healthy breakfast, I get to avoid the unnecessary cravings in between meals. Therefore, I get to avoid having to grab a bag of chips just because I thought I was hungry because I'm craving.
I believe that sugar can do that to people. I saw this study where they fed sugar to rats and the rats who ate the sugar everyday died earlier than the rest. I was a sugar fiend as a child, but I am moving away from it more and more. It makes you depressed and it literally sends you on a roller coaster because you are happy when you eat it then you get dropped.
True gluten intolerance is rare and hard to diagnose and a lot of foods have gluten.
Some doctors think Fibro is an inflammatory disorder. You could be suffering from a lot of inflammation in the body in general which would cause you problems even if you didn't had Fibro. Clean up your diet, cut the candy first and foremost. Get your sugar from fruits and honey and start eating more nuts to help get that cholesterol under control. Once your other things are healthy, you can get a better evaluation of what your fibro symptoms really are. I hope you get better.
Oh yes, for me it's also concentrated fruit sugar, that's why I can never drink any full strength fruit juice. I also react to sweeteners such as maltitol, xylitol and other common sugar additives in food. So my way is the pure green stevia powder from the health food store. I use it when I need something really sweet. But usually I find natural sweetness in nuts and the moderate consumption of low fruit, such as berries, apples and citrus fruit.
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