Rheumatologist appt

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Sorry @JamieMarc
Got my rheumatoid arthritis head on right now., Looking into some publications to get a better understanding.
dmard is disease modifying anti-rheumatic drug. A range of drugs to slow down the progress of the disease by suppressing the immune system and limit the amount of damage to the body and organs. Sounds fun... Originally used in higher doses for cancer treatments. They sound a bit scary but am ( like you ) researching the meds,applications and alternatives. Am not stupid some meds are necessary in life,temporary or life long. I just like to know what's involved without being obsessed.

Oh no! don't panic,! My testosterone is a very low dose as befits a lady such as myself.(😁) I use gel form,small dose only 3 times a week, applied to my bum cheeks. In women of course it's a far lower dose, and generally prescribed only once oestrogen is at a stabilised optimum. And Like your own levels, monitored closely. Least financially you all have that covered. I am getting increasingly feisty as age(?) And health problems read uo, to ensure I do the best of research and treatment for my mind and body. Both in the short term health and looking long term too.
Fortunately I relish researching.

If you find the right spot to inject yours maybe use a marker to ensure you get it right each week? A teeny tiny dot, not like your calf tattoo.😂
My own (7) tattoos are all for the best solid, well thought out reasons, and I just wouldn't be me without any of them... Fingers and toes were sore. But worth it. Mind you in the future there will be one more I will need under my skin. Or maybe two more...

Mental \emotional health wise same here,smaller problems and stuff I can handle myself, I know what to do, or I accept as that's how I am feeling and that's ok. Bigger times I know it's ok to ask, whether from those around me, or professionally should it ever come to that. But as always I also know how much it helps knowing we can share a shoulder or a safe place to ask for extra help.😘

Right now, it's a happy productive day so am taking advantage of that, despite the cold damp weather. Hope the sun is shining for you

Back to research and note taking for me before head explodes... I feel Indie some procrastination in wandering off to say Hi. Bad SBee.

Big blue smiley hugs and woofs to The Boy 😍🌞🐾
like you ) researching the meds,applications and alternatives. Am not stupid some meds are necessary in life,temporary or life long. I just like to know what's involved witho
Hey, twin bee!
I'm glad to hear you researched too. Whenever I am prescribed a new medication, one of my favorite apps to use is my drugs.com app. I keep a list of all my current and past medications in there, add new ones, delete old ones, and review drug interactions. I also of course research the side effects or potential side effects of the drug itself. I love my drugs.com app. If you don't use it, it might be something you want to consider adding to your smartphone.
no! don't panic,! My testosterone is a very low dose as befits a lady such as myself.(😁
LOL. Thank you so much for the early morning laugh. It's one of the times I need a good laugh the most, and you have such a great sense of humor and witty way of speaking that makes me giggle or totally laugh out loud. You are indeed a lady.
Fortunately I relish researching.
That's my twin! You and me both, and I am not ashamed to admit that I love spreadsheets. Rofl.
you find the right spot to inject yours maybe use a marker to ensure you get it right each week? A teeny tiny dot, not like your calf tattoo.😂
That's actually a great idea. Funny, but a great idea, especially in the beginning once I get started. And then ultimately after a few months I will know exactly where to inject without the sharpie mark. Maybe I can even make it look like a cute sexy mole on my bum. I've already got one on there anyway. 😂 The injections have not arrived yet nor the finasteride, but they should be here within a week or two. And like I said, I'm going to practice using a mirror and something shaped like a needle so that I don't hurt myself when I do inject, and that I do the injection properly.
now, it's a happy productive day so am taking advantage of that, despite the cold damp weather. Hope the sun is shining for you
I'm so glad to hear this. Happy productive days are the best! I think mine is going to be. Looks like the sun is coming up now and it's going to be another gorgeous day. This weekend I am looking forward to going across the street to the Green thumb Festival with a neighbor of mine. It's a plant Festival. We are going to take the dogs with us. She even has strollers for the dogs. That will be a first for Kobe.
blue smiley hugs and woofs to The Boy 😍
Big smiley huggers to you too, and Kobe says ruff ruff sloppy kiss. Hugs to you my sweet friend. 🫂🤗🤓🥰😁
Stop press @JamieMarc 😬
Forget how good I was yesterday (my older )😂 twinny, Have stopped researching as am completely overwhelmed and scared myself half to death.
So being sensible and taking a break ( before a breakdown occurs ) Think it's just all a bit too much, heads spinning so am booking a drs appt for next week, before things spiral, so they can take the pressure off and explain things better and clearer.

So your reply hit me just when I needed it, Psychic Twin. Thanks for sharing with us all the lovely mental visual of your cute sexy ( your words not mine ) mole on your bum cheek. It's nearly lunchtime in the UK, you know so that's half the viewers putting down their sarnies. 😘

I will look into the drugs.com app. Ta. Made a note to do so. ( ooh, organised ) am a bit old school, love a notebook. Or ten.

My med list is getting longer and it will help me keep on track, bit scared of the RA drugs, as the side effects may interfere with meds and symptoms of IBS and hiatus hernia. So I need to query this and am pushing for non oral methods of new stuff to limit damage. I know like many, that having a flare of other conditions flares up the fibro side too, so a vicious circle begins.
To be brutally honest I can't deal with any extra increases in any symptoms of any condition, reaching saturation point.

If Koby isnt too embarrassed can we have a picture of him in a stroller? Needless to say ask him first to protect his dignity. And buy loads of plants for your new garden. I have banned myself from plant sales...

Thanks for stepping in just at the right moment, you too always make me laugh. And for not realising describing myself as a lady belies the Trade Description Act on so many levels!

Sunny and dry today, so I say sod the pain. I need air and can mow part of the lawn/moss instead of dwelling on stuff I can't change.

Loads of hugs to you too dear friend. Make today a good one, Woofs and 😘 as always
overwhelmed and scared myself half to death.
So being sensible and taking a break ( b
Glad to hear this. I know that I too have to take a break when things get overwhelming, lots of new information to take in, lots of scary sounding side effects even if they are just potential. So good for you for taking a break. Take as much time as you need and then go back to it when you're ready.
Thanks for sharing with us all the lovely mental visual of your cute sexy ( your words not mine ) mol
You know when I wrote that I thought I was writing in our private convo. Lol. So if I offended anyone reading this I'm sorry. Although seriously I doubt any of the great people in our forum would be offended by something like that.
Koby isnt too embarrassed can we have a picture of him in a stroller? Needless to say ask him first to protect his dignity. And buy loads of plants for your new garden. I have banned myself from plant sales...
Definitely and no I will not ask him he's just going to have to take it. Without asking. I don't even know if he'll get in the darn thing and stay in. And getting him to sit still for a pose OMG. But I am determined. I will take one and I will share.

Unfortunately I'm not going to have the money oh wait I'm getting paid soon maybe I will. Was thinking I would not have the money for plants. I'm very thoughtful about the plants that I buy. I need to make sure that they are native for that I have a space for them or that if it's an indoor plant I have a pot for it and a space, I have to consider lighting conditions wherever I put it. So I will be looking and doing a lot of thinking at the same time during the festival.
Thanks for stepping in just at the right moment, you too always make me laugh. A
You're welcome twin b. Just a coincidence but I don't believe in coincidences so I was meant to be here this morning. Laughter is one of the best medicines, and that is one of the reasons why I am happy to call you a friend. Thanks for making me laugh too and smile.
Am sure @JamieMarc no one will be offended. I will take the fall for you there anyway seeing as I think I brought up the subject of a person's posterior in a previous post. ( see, I can be ladylike if I want to ) And I am just so nice like that.

All these posts cover serious matters that affect us one way or another, and as you know I can be a ' putting on a brave face person '
So if us trading banter and answering serious worries in a light hearted way that still supports each other, and also that makes others laugh as well?? Bonus. 😍
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