Rheumatologist appt

@JamieMarc seriously my dear friend what are you doing awake so early?! But glad you are here. Bit needy today, my usual strength has wandered off.

BP has been a bit iffy ( a new English word for you ??) for a few weeks and I have been monitoring myself at home. The average readings were high, but I needed the rheumatologist appt done before addressing the BP as it may be caused by the RA or the anti inflammatory I am on, both can raise BP. I have just ordered a new monitor for home use as well and need to get readings back to drs in 3 weeks. Just shocked to get badminton hospital only to be screamed at to get straight to A&E. Resolved at a not so local gp surgery.

Arthritis wise,am seeing someone to sort a splint for my stupid wonky finger, can't bear anything near my wrists so need a single finger one (that's not an innuendo, 😂 I swear you bring the best\worse out of me). Jeez look what you do to me Jamie, from tears to laughter in one post.

Drug wise, I was given a steroid injection in the muscle which can take a few days to kick in and should last a few weeks. Then looking at drugs to slow the progression of the arthritis. can't even think of pain relief yet.
I have been looking at something else on someone's recommendation, which may help RA and Fibro,
But it's mostly off license in UK.

Will start doing research in a day or so, today is just another adjustment to make. And I need the time to accept that before picking myself up again. Bit of a wobbly day,am sure there will be a few more of those coming up,

My shoulders always here for you my friend 😘 always remember that.
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My reply has gone to moderators to check @JamieMarc be assured I answered your kindness in full. you may get it one day...Hands too had to type again.

Just know how much I appreciate you, my dear friend. remember my shoulder is always here for you. Always. 😘
@SBee @JamieMarc

sbee, i understand hands being bad. mine are okay at the moment, but one handed as cat laying on the other one.

jamie, yes, understand time. i'm a bit flat headed at the moment, past couple of weeks, actually, so my work is on yhe back burner for now
You're lucky @BlueBells I thought I'd go for a nap, and found both cats sprawled on our bed.🙀😹
So that's me consigned to the sofa instead.

Thanks again to you and @JamieMarc

Think I just needed that extra hug, support and calming down. 😍
@SBee they really have no consideration for us, but I think they get too much back at times :)

mines gone to sleep somewhere not on me. I have quiet music on youtube, playing sudoku on the lappy, and relaxing

uncommon for me, but i'm learning it's what i need to mange fibro.
Yes @BlueBells if we weren't so kind and lovable to our cats us humans would at least be cofy...

Me too, am sorting a cuppa finding a good book and calming down nicely. Will begin the stuff I need to do on Monday I think. Give myself a break.
Enjoy your own quiet time. 😻
I'm so wishing this lot would settle down. Oldest, here first, has the others trying to oust her, now she's reclaiming, what fun !

The young 3, youngest is a pain and will just eyeball the others, and they react, because she also attacks, not vicious, but annoying.

I's so peaceful when they are asleep 😁 😁 😁

You take care. It's the weekend, nearly everyone has the w'end off, so relax and enjoy 🤗🤗🤗💐💐💐

It's 9:30 pm here, but not heading for bed yet, just feeling comfortable and relaxed. :)
Well,.it's been an interesting day today. Long awaited rheumatologist appt this morning which has stirred things up a bit more now.
So I knew I had osteoarthritis, then fibromyalgia confirmed in December, but there was too much specific pain and stiffness in my hands and fingers and wrists , so after numerous tests the rheumatologist today confirmed that on top of everything I have a form of seronegative arthritis.
atm unable to find the exact form, but as it is inflammatory, it will be treated as rheumatoid arthritis.

Still had to have further bloods taken, and had the joy of a steroid injection as no one knows which of these 3 conditions are causing which symptoms. Just to add to fun,the nurse at the appt said my BP was very high yet neglected to advise me. So once home I casually mentioned it to my GP surgery who said it was so dangerous I should never have been released from hospital.

You couldn't make it up could you? 😠
Now need BP medications, will need lifelong arthritis meds to avoid further damage and naturally the stress of today has kicked to fibro symptoms in. Back feeling encased in concrete.

Will take the weekend to get used to everything before I begin researching everything, and getting used to yet more heath stuff to adapt to and deal with. Fingers crossed so can get a bit of luck health wise.

Thanks for all the advise. I may need more when so get my head round things...
Wow! Stressful day! The extremely high blood pressure was a nasty surprise, and irresponsible response to it.
Thanks @MissNeverWell It was pretty scary, and all the stress made the BP higher and the fibro symptoms kick up more. I will be querying why it was not investigated at the time.

@JamieMarc ( no 😘) seeing as my original reply went walkabout, I was monitoring my blood pressure at home and it was consistently too high, but DRS agreed to let me do the rheumatologist appt first in case the conditions\current meds may have had an impact. Will continue to monitor myself in a sensible (me?!) way, not an obsessive way.

Future meds will initially be those used to slow down the arthritis progress, initially methotrexate, and regular bloods to monitor, due to the happy little side effects. I can't even think about pain meds yet, as you know I like to give take one new treatment at a time a chance to take effect ( or not) before adding more into the mix and not knowing which bit is working.

And you'll love this bit.... Consultant said we'll give you a steroid injection now to try to reduce the inflammation. I innocently rolled up my sleeve for the jab, and the nurse actually snorted and said " uh, no, stand up then bend over - right into the ahem, muscly glute area" ! I suspect you are laughing more than I did at the time.😂

So, today I am kinder to myself at being a bit scared, avoiding reading the really potentially scary stuff, ( as it may not be the worse case scenario ) but working one thing at a time ( again) to find as much as I can go get help and as always help myself. As always a big D -Hug.

Hope the day can be a good one for everyone, and thanks for propping me up on a wobbly few days
Consultant said we'll give you a steroid injection now to try to reduce the inflammation. I innocently rolled up my sleeve for the jab, and the nurse actually snorted and said " uh, no, stand up then bend over - right into the ahem, muscly glute area" ! I suspect you are laughing more than I did at the tim
Well, I don't know if you recall but I was offered injections in both hands for my trigger fingers, but opted for the conservative approach of Diclofenac cream. So now I know the diclofenac is not helping at all. Still wearing the splints at night and still have trigger finger after gosh how many months now? My next appointment with the rheumatologist isn't until August, but I am going to move it up and get the injections. I am desperate!

Speaking of the glutes, I saw my urologist today and, since my very high dose of transdermal testosterone gel is not raising my testosterone enough, Dr Lombard suggested that we switch from the gel to injections. And you guessed it. I can inject in the thigh or my butt. I'm kind of thinking I'll do the butt since it's so much fleshier, but I'm still on the fence about it. I have researched to do and a friend who takes the injections to talk to. The injections have not arrived yet, so until then I will continue with the gel. Not only was my testosterone not improving, my dihydrotestosterone was off the chart which is really not good. So now I am also being prescribed finasteride for that.
today I am kinder to myself at bein
This is what I like to hear. Us being kind to ourselves. I mentally beat myself up all the time, and frequently overwork my body. I'm really bad at not being kind to myself in both ways. I have gotten much better with the mental part over the past 10 years, but every now and then when I get hit with some difficult or hurtful life situation, my brain sometimes wants to go there.

I'm glad you're being kinder to yourself. Keep it up, and here are some more hugs!
I'm a tired aching girl right now @JamieMarc .So reply will tomorrow when my eyelids stay open better, got some big health stuff going on repair of us.

Our bums are gonna look like pincushions soon, and yep, she jabbed just where the testosterone was applied that morning too.😂

I take the eleven hugs (that all? haha ) and the huge happy smiley one and send bigger ones back at ya! Bed for me, happy rest of day to you 😍🤗
Well, I don't know if you recall but I was offered injections in both hands for my trigger fingers, but I am going to move it up and get the injections. I am desperate!

Do you mind if I wince on your behalf @JamieMarc ? I'm pretty good with pain, but I had my wedding ring tattooed on last year ( am a committed romantic! ❤) and I swear that one had me sweating and almost begging to stop. I need a bit added but am building up to that.
I found diclofenic only lasted 10 mins or so for me, so you do need the longer lasting pain relief with the injections.

Speaking of the glutes,I can inject in the thigh or my butt. I'm kind of thinking I'll do the butt since it's so much fleshier, but I'm still on the fence about it. I have researched to do and a friend who takes the injections to talk to.my dihydrotestosterone was off the chart which is really not good.
My T has been reduced to every other day as it seems I do absorb well as I know also ok with the oestrogen part. Let's not talk about my progesterone side of things.😠

Not good at all from your side . And We are back to our old friend Balance again. It shouldn't be underestimated how much hormonal imbalances ( male or female ) affect our entire bodies and minds. Definitely ask your friend, my only thought is if the thigh easier to reach to inject, both by seeing the actual site or teaching to if shoulders/ neck at playing up?

From the dmard side for myself so am going to ask if can take it via injection of pen, rather than oral to minimise side effects. It looks a scary drug, but sometimes we need to take not the best option, but the least worse? There are potentially horrible effects on the body but I need to remember that it's easier to pick out the ' horror stories ' of a med rather than the benefits.

This is what I like to hear. Us being kind to ourselves. I mentally beat myself up all the time, but every now and then when I get hit with some difficult or hurtful life situation, my brain sometimes wants to go there.

So don't go there on your own Jamie. If it's a bad time we are able to accept and cope with alone, fair play. BUT if it's more than that don't stay there on your own. Find your good people, come on here or come to me. Whenever. You know that my dear friend.You, like many of us are so good at supporting others, less so ourselves.

Hoping the giant hug stays on here for everyone who needs one ( with my techy side it may well disappear...) 😍🤗

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Good morning @SBee 🌞
Yes, please do wince on my behalf. Lol. I know it's not going to be any fun, but I don't think it will be as bad as a tattoo. I had a very large tattoo done on my calf 3 years ago, got it all done in one session despite how big it is, painful as hell, but if I can get through that I sure as heck think I can get through some quick injections. If it works, it will have been well worth it because trigger finger sucks! LOL

I did a little research last night and the best place to inject testosterone, and the consensus is two to three inches beneath the iliac crest, if I'm remembering that name correctly. Anyway, it is two to three inches we need the lowest pelvic bone and to the side of the glute. I haven't yet figured out how best to give myself the injection in that area, but I will do some practice first without a needle.

My testosterone injections will only be once weekly, so that's a plus, and I did do some research comparing the transdermal gel to the injection. The injection is considered long-lasting or long-term rather as opposed to short-term gel. The potential side effects seem minimal. There is some controversy and disagreement about cardiovascular issues, but after all that I read I'm not really worried about that plus I have a good heart. At any rate, incidents are rare and there is no good scientific evidence to link the injection with a cardiovascular event. My blood pressure has always been good too, so I'm not too concerned about that either although I will be keeping an eye on it after I start the injections.

I checked with my insurance company yesterday to see if the injections as well as the finasteride are covered by my plan, and fortunately they both are so I will not have to pay out of pocket. I take my testosterone level very seriously, so I am anxious to begin and see if we can get those levels up. I won't know until 6 months when I see my urologist again, but I may know just by how I feel. We'll see. I surprised that you were and are taking the injection so frequently. I suspect it's probably a smaller dose than what I would take weekly.

You mentioned dmard. I don't know what that is. I'll have to look it up. Is that the right spelling?

I surely hope the big hug doesn't disappear either. And thank you so much for your support as always. I appreciate everything you said about beating oneself up. Like I said, I'm not nearly as bad as I used to be when I was younger. I've learned a few things. ROFL. But I have done and continue to do exactly what you said: reach out and talk about it. Almost immediately, by expressing myself verbally to someone I can trust makes all the difference in the world. So thanks for being there and you know I'm here for you. I don't think I have to remind you of that.

Chat soon and stay strong. Big huggers!