Muscle Twitching

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Hi all,

Thanks for all the replies on this matter.

Just thought I'd check in with an update. The muscle twitching is still present. It hasn't got worse in fact it's prob gotten slightly better. I am now taking magnesium and vit D supplements aswell as multi vits and cod liver oil (Maybe this has helped?)

The main thing that hasn't seem to have gone away is the aching and muscle fatigue in my right shoulder/arm/hand and right side of neck. This has been ongoing for about 7 months now.

If I turn my neck to the right as far as I can go it really hurts. My shoulder has bouts of gnawing/aching pain that comes and goes. If I do any form of slightly strenuous activity my arm will ache for days. My arm movement is more limited in that arm compared to my left arm. Pain in the side of my hand when bending it (Bending hand so little finger is trying to touch side of wrist) I also have a sharp shooting pain in both wrists when doing various light resistance activities to the point where it makes me whince. Pain when pressing anywhere from my neck/ shoulder/shoulder blades and arms.

Think another trip to the GP may be needed to see what's going on??

Big gentle hugs to all.
I am wondering if there is a high quality chiropractor where you live. I have a really good one, and for that kind of thing I would go to him. Of course, you have to choose carefully because someone not skilled and careful and precise could make things worse.
Thanks for replying @sunkacola I could get a referall from the GP here in the UK and wait for an app, they then give you about 6 sessions and basically say that's it or I can probably pay private and have as many sessions as I like but of course it has to be paid for.

Currently experiencing sharp stabbing pains in my shoulder area and arm aches whatever I do along with the twitching!! It's so miserable having to deal with this everyday!!
Hey @Deano as somebody newly diagnosed with fibro (June21) I too am experiencing shoulder problems. Mine started when my shoulder was crunching and grinding and actually felt like it was coming out of its socket. I mentioned it to the neurologist who I had a referral to at that time (pre fibro diagnosis) and he said he wasn't concerned (May21) In October 21 my shoulder froze up completely, known as adhesive capsulitis. To begin with the pain was excruciating, sharp, throbbing, shooting and deep aching pains. I couldn't sleep for weeks. Hubby was in the spare room, I had my arm propped up with pillows, could only sleep on my back, it was grim. My range if movement was also severely affected (still is) In December after doing all the exercises recommended by the physio/youtube I went to see a chiropractor and paid privately. It was agony, he told me he could fix it but that it would take time. Because I didn't connect with the chiro I didn't go back and am back to my own exercise regime, which I follow religiously. The pain has abated somewhat and I can sleep without pain relief however my range of movement in my arm is about 60% with still a lot of crunching and grinding.
I'm in the UK too and seeing my GP again at the end of the month to try and get a referral to an orthopaedic consultant. I would give the chiro a try, it did ease up a little afterwards for a week or so. It's an expensive treatment though to seek privately. My 1st appointment was £70 and would have been £40 for every session thereafter. I only work PT now since my fibro diagnosis and even that is a struggle. Funds just don't stretch enough for private treatments but I am happy with the progress I've made using YouTube videos and online tutorials.
Thanks for the reply @Looby69,

I think I will have to see the GP and be referred as this arm problem has been going on for 7 months now and is getting progressively worse!!

I did look up private chiropractor and round by me it is £65 initial consultation and £35 per treatment thereafter (Dear game!!) But you can go for a free initial assessment where they will examine you and say if you need to see them or your GP so may give that a go.

Movement in my arm is also restricted, I can put my left arm over my shoulder and touch the middle of my back but with my right arm I can only get just over the top of my shoulder.

I just hate feeling so much pain and feeling miserable!!
I wish that I could magically transport all of you to see my chiropractor!
For my entire life until very recently I did not have any health insurance and I had to pay for everything medical out of my own pocket. I never had much money, did not make much money, but I simply found a way to save up each month to pay for the chiropractor anyway, because it was so well worth it. I could go in there hardly able to move and come out able to walk and move again.

If you can find one that good, it is truly worth it to pay for it yourself even if that means you only go once a month. The prices you list actually are pretty reasonable, and are very close ( with conversion) to what I pay my chiro. Most chiros here charge a more than he does. He is so in demand that he makes his money in quantity of patients rather than charging each one a fortune. See if you can ask around people you know to find out if any of them have a recommendation.
Your post resonates with my condition and I got diagnosed with fibromyalgia last year by 2 rheumatologists. I get those 20 to 30 rapid fire twitches in the arm too. Sometimes it happens a few times in a day and goes away for a while. Sometimes it lasts a few days/weeks. This started several years ago and the twitches come and go in waves in seems. However, those waves seem to be getting closer.

My arms always kill me when I lift anything above my shoulders. On most days I can't hold a phone to my ear. The pain is mostly in my inner bicep and forearm but radiates through whole arm. It is excruciating and I have to drop things. My hands and feet are usually cold to freezing cold and I'll go through rapid body temp drops (or so it feels) throughout the day. This started sporadically and only after golfing my hands above my head for a minute or so. Now it's immediate and all the time. My biceps sometimes feel sore now even when they are down at rest (but now excruciating). This is what I call "background pain". This background pain is in all areas of body as well.

I have what I call "fireworks" or "popcorn" twitches and "worms crawling" type of twitches for 10+ years now in the calves. This is 24/7 and never had taken off in those 10 years. Can hardly get up stairs or hills because my calves and quads are always in pain once I started going up an incline.

I also get a weird lump in my throat that will make it tough to swallow. These lumps last a few days to couple weeks. I especially notice looking down at my phone or reading.

I have many other symptoms. You are one of the first people that discussed the arms hurting when held out. That stuck out to me and it's hard to explain to people what that's like. Driving and other mundane tasks are now a mountain to climb.
My arms always kill me when I lift anything above my shoulders. On most days I can't hold a phone to my ear..... You are one of the first people that discussed the arms hurting when held out.
I don't think I'd seen this angle on this thread that clearly, but/so: same here.
Above shoulders: Window cleaning!! (if at all) and blow drying only in short stints.
Phone: headset's a godsend. Otherwise leaning my elbow on my couch.
Even things like kitchen work or using my massage gun: Local pains better now from expert acupressure & supps,
but I need to rest my arms on things like a soft/-ened chair back to prevent Ache & exhaustion. Plus stints and task-switching.
I need to start using headset. That's a good call.

I have to bring in grocery bags one at a time.

I use silicone pads for work and home for elbows. I can't even put my elbows on a surface without an excruciating fire type pain radiating from elbow through arm.

I hate to see people having the same types of problems but it is reassuring that I'm not alone in this.
I need to start using headset. That's a good call.
I have to bring in grocery bags one at a time.
20 steps up to our flat more often means I prefer swinging the left 2 then the right 2 up (cotton bags with handles) and resting them on the steps while summoning up energy for the next swing. Or if my wife's there she offers to take them, which I dislike... 🤠 but do sometimes succumb...
Hi all,

I have been diagnosed with fibro for 10 years now. A new one for me at the moment is muscle twitching. I have never had this before and it started about 3 and a half months ago now with a continual muscle twitch in my upper right arm. This lasted for a few weeks and gradually went away. Now it seems whenever I do anything repetitive or strenuous with my right arm I get muscle twitches? These can range from slight twitches every now and again for a few days to full on 20/30 twitch assaults rapidly going off a few times a day. I have also had minor ones in my left arm and recently had twitching in the sides of my right hand that made my little finger and thumb visibly move (This was again after doing a repetitive action) I also have a slight twitch in lip every so often and what feels like popping (I'm guessing it's a twitch) in calves and thighs!!! Right arm always feels heavy and aches after doing anything (Picking my kids up, arm resting on steering wheel for a while, even washing my hands makes my right arm ache) Hand feels colder than the other and there is a slight tremble in it more than the other when holding them out straight?

Other than the twitching, my shoulders and neck muscles always hurt especially when tensing the muscles in that area. I have pain in all the tender points when lightly pressed and also have had a painfull spot on and off in my throat for 3 months whenever I deep swallow!!!

If I attempt any kind of exercise I will hurt and ache, not straight away but it seems to come on 2/3 days later? I went for a walk the other week and ended up with shin splints!!

The main concern for me though is the sudden onset of the muscle twitches. I've googled these and this only makes you worry about conditions like Motor Neurone etc... So was just wondering if anyone has experienced these annoying twitches as they have never been a symptom of my fibro for over 10 years so am concerned that I have them all of a sudden now??

Hi Deano, greetings! I've had several bouts with severe all-over muscle twitching over the past decade (well before my fibro DX, which only happened this month.) Each time I was terrified that it was ALS or MS but it never was. And eventually each time it would settle down, although it took months each time.

Docs did workups including blood work, MRI s, and multiple EMG tests and concluded that it was benign fasciculations, and more recently, some essential tremor. For me, the phases/waves of tremors come and pass almost like flares, but it's not clear what sets it off. I'm sure stress is involved but I personally think it might be my immune system overreacting, too?

My twitches affect almost all muscles when they come on: arms, legs, lip, quads, etc. Even would have a finger twitch by itself periodically for 30 min at a time, off and on, which was really scary.

But again - completely, apparently, benign. Apart from the months of terror waiting for a diagnosis, of course. It's freaky and annoying, but now that I'm confident it's not degenerative, I can pretty much ignore it.

A previous poster said it's hard to diagnose als but it's actually not, in my experience. It takes an emg test from your neurologist and they can very easily tell if you have it or not. Of course, getting the appointment and results takes time, but it's not a difficult diagnosis, as far as I've learned. Of course, I'm not a doctor so your mileage may vary. 🙂

Best of luck. Chances are that your twitching is benign. ❤️
Yes, if you had ALS I think you would surely have had more als-y symptoms by now. I've been through almost EXACTLY your situation/symptoms! It's crazy how similar, all the way to the twitching fingers moving all by themselves. Ugh. I too was terrified of ALS but it was dx'd as benign fasciculations and essential tremor. I'm not a doctor so please don't think I'm an expert, but having experienced such similar symptoms, been through months of testing and stressful waiting for answers, I can say that it DOES NOT AT ALL sound like ALS.
Hello @Jennifer V , like @Deano I too have been experiencing the widespread muscle twitching and tremors. I have had lots of bloodwork, MRI and am now awaiting my EMG results. Neurologist said to me it wasn't ALS. He said he was only doing the EMG to give me peace of mind 🤞Like you I'm terrified of such a diagnosis, however, I have seen 2 Neurologist and both have said it isn't ALS/MND. I haven't lost any strength in my limbs however, I have lost muscle tone. Thanks for sharing your experience, whilst it doesn't abate my anxiety it does fill me with hope 🙏
There’s lucky @Looby69 its not ALS 👍🏻 that would be a very terrible thing 😊🙃😊
A previous poster said it's hard to diagnose als but it's actually not, in my experience. It takes an emg test from your neurologist and they can very easily tell if you have it or not. Of course, getting the appointment and results takes time, but it's not a difficult diagnosis, as far as I've learned. Of course, I'm not a doctor so your mileage may vary
Hi Jennifer V, I am not sure what you are referring to when you say that "it" is easy to diagnose,: "It takes an emg test...." etc. in your post. What is easy to diagnose? I am curious because fibromyalgia cannot be tested for in any way that is conclusive. In fact, a diagnosis of fibromyalgia is a process of eliminating all of the other things that might be causing the symptoms, and there is no test to show that a person has it. This is why FM is a hard diagnosis to come to, much of the time, because it takes time to rule out all of the many other things that could be causing the symptoms.

If you are referring to something else being easy to diagnose, I am curious as to what that is. Thanks.
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