Thank you so much for your reply. I’ve been trying to stay calm but until I get this EMG I think it’s impossible. I have burning pain in both arms that comes and goes. Joints popping all day. Lump in my throat with difficulty swallowing and I’m so fatigued. I can’t walk as long as I used to. My muscles ache when going up stairs or even folding laundry. I lost both parents this year within 4 months of each other, my daughter was in the hospital for a week and diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and my husband just started a business that has him living an hour away right now. So the first neurologist just said it was stress. My GP suggested fibro but said she wanted more testing. My EMG isn’t for another week so it’s been tough.
@nicolecozzi I can relate 100% to all of this. I had my EMG earlier this year (April) all clear, but still the symptoms persist. I'm okay with walking, that actually helps take my mind off things. You do sound like you have a lot going on and I'm so sorry to hear you lost both of your parents this year, that must have been the most difficult time. I can perhaps understand why your neurologist may think anxiety, as much as it sounds like a brush off. 1st neuro I saw said mine was. Its does feel like a cop out and so dismissive. However, the logical side of me says, he is a qualified neurologist, he knows the red flags.
What do you think is happening? We know out own bodies and we know when things don't feel right. Your EMG will hopefully rule a lot of things out.
As well as Fibromyalgia, I was diagnosed with Esophageal Dismotility. That was after a Barium Swallow. Still experiencing a clunk like sensation when swallowing and getting more reflux, especially with soft foods.
My twitching has calmed down

but at its worst it is just awful. Full body twitches, still get the jerks and prickling. And yes I have the popping joints, muscles, tendons, cracking neck and wrists. I'm recovering from Frozen Shoulder, still haven't got full ROM back, and that's from last year. Are you in the UK?
@JayCS thanks for your input. You've always got an abundance of kindness and ideas to help others. Your presence on this forum is invaluable