first, just take a deep breath, and let it out slowly... dont be scared. being scared just causes more problems. Take things one day at a time, one minute at a time, even one second at a time if that is what you need to do.
If you are not happy with, or not comfortable with the doctor you have been going to, then by all means, find another doctor. Finding one that will listen to you and your concerns is quite important. They also need to be willing to explain to you what the various test results mean, and take the time to make sure you are understanding what is being said.
i have spent the last 2 years trying to sort out what was going on with my body.. some of the different issues do have actual physical causes, and others do not... like anxiety - that started with the whole covid thing, and the fact that I am someone at high risk since I have COPD.
I have since found out that i have arthritis in pretty much every joint, spine included, along with a couple of subluxated vertebra (one in the neck & one in the lumbar region) which have led to peripheral neuropathy and pretty nasty pain & headaches... so much fun...but in truth, it does not explain everything that has been going on - slowly getting worse and worse over the years...
I finally got a diagnosis of FM just a few weeks ago - after ruling out so many other problems.
in response to the original topic - i do get some muscle twitches.. usually in the hip/glute area... not the entire muscle group, just a small cluster at a time. most noticeable at night when trying to get to sleep. I also get a twitch around the eye from time to time... usually when very stressed.
I too was low on D (very low), and iron.. but pretty much everything else has come back in "normal" ranges
hope you can get things sorted out soon! Just remember to breathe!!