How are you today?

I'm ok now, Jaycs has calmed me down and educated me (he's VERY brainy and knows a lot) 👍🏻😚
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calming me down
My wife always chides me for calling mine a spinal tumour, altho if you look it up it says it is (whichever sort I have).

But she says "tumour" sounds dangerous, mine isn't dangerous, or shouldn't be, so I should call it: A lump or growth.

Or put another way: tumour sounds like cancer, although that's not correct. Mine isn't cancer.
So for your sake and comfort 👐 I'll now call mine a spinal growth from now on, OK? 🤗
It's a tenant (it's living in you house RENT FREE for that matter) "if" I have a prolactinoma (and like you said it's VERY BIG "if" I'm gonna demand it contributes to my landlords recent rent increase!!! 🙃
Today i bought me these ⬇️ the supermarket is full of flower's (+ I "actually" have a vase now) they were only £6 (it was a nice shock when I got to the counter) also I did 30 minutes on a treadmill (ten minutes bit by bit) so i think i deserve treat (achey now though) having a lie down, there's sudden stratospheric warming in wales (so that doesn't help me fibro) so I'm gonna say goodnight at 13.26 pm (for now) night everyone!
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Aw thankyou @Eff2013, someone's been teaching me to buy myself nice thing's cos I've always been "other" people focused, so that's what I'm doing now , being nice to me (it's a process) 🩷🌷🌷
Such a beautiful shade @Auriel el You absolutely should be kind to yourself. Somehow we all seem to be more able to be kind to others yet can sometimes forget ourselves. It doesn't need a huge expense monetary wise ( not many of us can do that!) But flowers... Even few from the garden brought indoors can lift us. 💐
1st giggle of the day
Nothing to do with fibromyalgia (but it made my 1st morning giggle) it actually came up on my chrome news feed this morning!
Should've gone to Specsavers ... !! Nice looking bobble thought 😂

Sadly this is the type of thing I would do too. Just went to throw some bird seed out for the visiting pheasants and threw out my bag of salad instead. 😁🙄 Brain for must be on a high today then
I was surprised to feel some relief after a half hour meditation by Henry Shukman yesterday morning although I felt rough after being up until 5am. Part of the practice was awareness of posture and relaxation of facial muscles. I felt more settled afterwards and easing into activities felt different. It seemed like a little pitstop I'd like to revisit.
That's encouraging @Badger I know it's hard to break the bad posture habit, speaking for myself I am not always aware of my posture or unconscious tending of my face of ( my worse bit) my shoulders.

When I do a gentle yoga, and meditation as spoken an hour on the forum, I still have to follow the video even though I know the routine. But when I hear the words ' relax the shoulders away from the neck ' spoken, I realise I am still tensing them!

Can you incorporate these learning into your every day movements for ease of the body?
I have a habit of checking my posture at times, such as while sat on the couch, but will need to be more aware of it at other times and stick to daily practice. Like yourself when following verbal guidance I've realised I was holding tension. Ironically I remember in my youth people saying I was always tense.