How are you today?

Is it winter where you are now @Harpy? (It's spring/summer where we are) oh I hate back pain too, (there's not much you can do with it) 🐤☀️🐦
Sure is, but just 2 weeks into winter.
I have my fire going 🔥. So warm inside.
Met up with my friends for coffee this morning and was totally freezing. Too much breeze coming off the water.
So bones cold and just couldn’t warm up after it.
NSDR non sleep deep rest / Yoga Nidra are well worth trying. I'll have to get back into daily practice. Managed to forget to take my Pregabalin until 1am last night and hardly slept.
Yesterday I had a strong "nauseous burning sinus headache", a bit more energy / less pain, and needed to pee every hour at night and half an hour a lot of the day. (A nauseous burning sinus headache is roughly like a noseful of water while swimming, 80% of that. Or drinking water thru the nose (neti) but forgetting the 0,9% salt.)
That symptom combination is now getting clearer to me as all being from a histamine overload.
I was puzzled what from, as I'd been going easy on histamine food - I thought: It was Camembert, which I thought was "young", but mould cheese is "matured" despite being only a few weeks old. (Or is that kind of mould a problem itself, too?)
Weird getting slightly more energy and less pain, but today I have that too. So it might be from being able to get up early again by reducing the antihistamine.
Don't quite get it yet, but at least I now know roughly what to look for.
And very interesting the notion that my bladder problems are maybe also mast cells overreacting. But if so, how come I had that symptom pre-jab, from fibro alone....?

Last night I had overractions to insect bites/stings again, but after a longer sleep break trying various things without any success, I remembered last time I thought I might be able to reduce the histamine build-up with a cold shower, and that didn't decrease the itch directly, but I was still able to get back to deep sleep, almost 7h then, whilst last time without a cold shower I was down to 5h. So I'm glad to be able to cold shower again.
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How long has it been now, jaycs, since that Dr took all your notes ? It's taking them a while to get back to you, Have insects always been biting you? Are there a lot of them about in Germany? 🫂 > 🇩🇪
How long has it been now, jaycs, since that Dr took all your notes ? It's taking them a while to get back to you,
April 24th he said he'd get back to me inside of 5 days. A month later I took them (= all my original reports) back, but he still hadn't read them. Because I'd got zero reaction, I asked the secretary to ask him if I had cancer. He had no time to see me, but let me be known that he'd be sending me a report... 'soon'. So 7 weeks now. Slowly coming up to NHS 'quality'... :rolleyes:
Have insects always been biting you? Are there a lot of them about in Germany? 🫂 > 🇩🇪
Thing is, I'm working at making my garden insect-friendly, but not my body. 🤣 :rolleyes:
In this dry heat, seeking shade under our cherry is probably worst, and using natural insect repellants first worked, then not. Seems I need to go indoors more instead. :( - bad for my need of oxygen.
Tonight after 2h I'm wide awake and my stings burning again. So cold shower. I need to sleep, dentist coming up tomorrow for a filling.
Not this time, but 'soon', I'll have to be getting 2 teeth done after all. Which will send me into month long flares each.
Aw you got lots going on Jay, insects never used to come near me (till a few years ago) , I've had my second bite from a horsefly, when 1st one bit me I thought this is the skinniest bee ive ever seen! (I had to literally pull it off my finger) the chemist told me it was a horsefly when the bite started spreading (i g👀gled it and the picture confirmed) 2nd 1 bit me 3 days ago, I'm becoming a magnet to the insect world (I don't want to be!) I dont mind ladybirds though
7 weeks is a long time to wait when you're thinking potential cancer. Let's hope they'll be answers (and better sleeps) soon 🍀💚🍀
Tooth filling went well today, altho I'm completely slowed down. Funnily fast music is nice, not making me jittery at all. But best: My jaw inflammation under a different tooth, that I've been working at for over a year with my anti-inflammatory supps has definitely gone down, so we've decided not to take it out! However re-do its filling, cos it's causing regular gum inflammation - that'll be a really big one Friday next week, whether with or without anaesthetic. Maybe I should show them the list of MCAS-compatible anaesthetics and see if that improves my tolerance of these things.
Funnily fast music is nice, not making me jittery at all.
Maybe I should show them the list of MCAS-compatible anaesthetics
I've always found fast music oddly calming 😄
Good plan! might save a fibro flaire! 👍🏻 (they're not fun)