G’day, new here

Hi all,
Well what a rip off our meds are.
I take palexia 50 mg twice a day. These I keep going back to gp to get a script for.
They come in a box of 28 tablets for $30.
Today I filled my new script it has repeats for 3 months.
The first came to me in 2 boxes, so 56 for just $29.
What a rip off, costs more for just 1pack. 🤔🤔🤔🤔
it has repeats for 3 months.
The first came to me in 2 boxes, so 56 for just $29.
What a rip off, costs more for just 1pack. 🤔🤔🤔🤔
Not sure I get it, but isn't it the repeats that are getting you a "bargain" price?
Our kind of rip off here is they are always expensive, doesn't ever get cheaper... 😜
Well, I did believe "expensive", cos a lot of big pharma originates here, but when I once compared med prices (online, one pack, not repeats) it was partly big differences both ways.
The prices in countries where people have less income are a lot less, so in that sense it's never "just", it's "money".
I don't like that pharma/health system, but I'm sure it'd be even worse if people weren't in it for the money.

Oh, and is it always the identical company, identical product version? That'd make differences in their calculation.
some of my tablets are hard to get due to corvid - most of our medicines are manufactured overseas so are short stocked on some I have to try several chemists to see if they have stock - australia used to be a manufacturing country in my younger days nowadays we just dig up australia and sell it by the boat load to China and Japan:mad:
some of my tablets are hard to get due to corvid
Yeah, that'd be not being able to get naltrexone powder here atm (to get a pharmacy to make very low dose pills from).
Not sure I get it, but isn't it the repeats that are getting you a "bargain" price?
Sorry JayCs, I am not good with wording.
I meant after about 7 month’s of dr app’s ever two weeks $86 to get a two week $30 script and now I got 1 dr app for a 3 month script for $87.
I could have had huge savings if I was told about the 3 months in repeats.
Our kind of rip off here is they are always expensive, doesn't ever get cheaper... 😜
Well, I did believe "expensive", cos a lot of big pharma originates here, but when I once compared med prices (online, one pack, not repeats) it was partly big differences both ways.
The prices in countries where people have less income are a lot less, so in that sense it's never "just", it's "money".
I don't like that pharma/health system, but I'm sure it'd be even worse if people weren't in it for the money.
Yes and the price difference just for the same medication between one chemist to another is a rip off.

I had my T6/7 injection today. Went good , no problems, the same dr will do tomorrow’s injection.
Check this out , how cool.


Todays injection didn’t go too well, it hurt badly. Dr said it’s because there was a lot of inflammation and will take a few hours to settle down. 😥 been 6 hours and starting to settle now.
Yes and the price difference just for the same medication between one chemist to another is a rip off.
Med prices are nationally standardized here (like books). But supps differ greatly. So I use our online chemist platforms for some, but have switched more and more to good producers I've found here.
I had my T6/7 injection today. Went good , no problems, the same dr will do tomorrow’s injection.
Check this out , how cool.
Todays injection didn’t go too well, it hurt badly. Dr said it’s because there was a lot of inflammation and will take a few hours to settle down. 😥 been 6 hours and starting to settle now.
Not sure I got this, even though I guess there was a day between the parts of the post. But how come there was a lot of inflammation the 2nd day of that doc and not the on the first day?
Reminds me of the 3 anaesthetic jabs into my new tooth inflammation on Monday, I grunted and one leg flew up into the air. But it was worth it, pain gradually went down inside a day, after 2 weeks of trouble. Check-up in 2 weeks. The temporary filling fell out next day, but I'm not running back straight away, cos it'll just fall out again, I guess. So just cleaning as I can....
Med prices are nationally standardized here (like books). But supps differ greatly. So I use our online chemist platforms for some, but have switched more and more to good producers I've found here.

Not sure I got this, even though I guess there was a day between the parts of the post.
Yes I wrote the post with yesterdays image but when I went to update about today’s injection I realised I hadn’t post the reply 🤦🏻‍♀️

But how come there was a lot of inflammation the 2nd day of that doc and not the on the first day?

Don’t know, maybe no inflammation in the first injection site. Didn’t think to ask that.

Reminds me of the 3 anaesthetic jabs into my new tooth inflammation on Monday, I grunted and one leg flew up into the air. But it was worth it, pain gradually went down inside a day, after 2 weeks of trouble. Check-up in 2 weeks. The temporary filling fell out next day, but I'm not running back straight away, cos it'll just fall out again, I guess. So just cleaning as I can....
Oh no not the dentist, I have such a fear of dentists, horrible school dental experiences when I was young.
Oh no not the dentist, I have such a fear of dentists, horrible school dental experiences when I was young.
the dentist that came to my school was called Nevil the devil - he was a horrible man - I was quite young and he had me in the chair and he hurt me so my leg and foot came straight up between his legs - he then slapped me around the room. Needless to say after I recalled the situation to my Dad he was charged with assault and never worked as a dentist - however he created a fear of dentists in me that I never ever went into a dentists surgery again its only now in my 70's that if my partner has to go then I will sit in the waiting room I don't know how old you are Harpy but we used to get free milk at school - it was delivered and left on beside the road - by the time we got it it was well and truly off.
Nevil the devil! The demon dentist, good I'm glad he got reported, (too many things like that were being allowed to be gotten away with then) my first every dentist was not good (I remember tryna scramble backwards off the chair (I can honestly say I've never heard one person say how much they enjoy visiting the dentist) 🤡🦷
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the dentist that came to my school was called Nevil the devil - he was a horrible man - I was quite young and he had me in the chair and he hurt me so my leg and foot came straight up between his legs - he then slapped me around the room. Needless to say after I recalled the situation to my Dad he was charged with assault and never worked as a dentist
I can’t say what I called our dentist, we never swore as kids but I think I did every time I had to go in. Kicking and screaming 😱
Definitely glad you reported the animal.
- however he created a fear of dentists in me that I never ever went into a dentists surgery again its only now in my 70's that if my partner has to go then I will sit in the waiting room I don't know how old you are Harpy but we used to get free milk at school - it was delivered and left on beside the road - by the time we got it it was well and truly off.
I am 58. I will be keeping the week and a bit before I turn 59 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 . Did you get the long water ice blocks in summer, we called lick sticks back then , now there called zooper doopers loved em
Oh yes we used to look forward to getting our morning bottle of milk. I even still have a couple of the little glass bottles packed away.
Though I don’t remember ever getting the off bottles though my older sisters did. 🤢
Speaking of old days, back on Vegemite, my daughter gave me a new $2 coin, it has a jar of Vegemite on it with a yellow ring around it. That went straight to my collection tin.
Did you get the long water ice blocks in summer,
58 your just a youngen - we had no tuckshop etc had to bring our own lunch I could get a bag of broken biscuits from a shop on the way for a penny and on the way home a bag of broken boiled lollies for 2 pence that was costly but I LOVE boiled lollies. sandwiches were of course vegemite but on a monday it was lamb as we had roast lamb on a sunday - never heard of peanut butter and the USA was only a place in the movies the main disease then was polio just about everyone knew some one with polio

maybe if we could go back to those times we could rid ourselves from fibromyalgia,hashimoto's etc etc

I have this theory that manufacturers invent mediations before the actual disease if they stop manufacturing then those disease would simply go away but then it could be just that I am an aging brain that does not work as well now.
58 your just a youngen
Don’t dang feel like it anymore, though in my head I am.
- we had no tuckshop etc had to bring our own lunch I could get a bag of broken biscuits from a shop on the way for a penny and on the way home a bag of broken boiled lollies for 2 pence that was costly but I LOVE boiled lollies.
Oh those were the days. I remember my mom getting bags of broken bickies for us on the way home from work. We were very lucky growing up, mom worked as a chocolate dipper in the chocolate factory, she could eat as much as she wanted, though she recons she was their taste tester 🤔😊 and we got to go through her bulging pockets when she got home 🤤🤤🤤 oh that’s the best times . We’d got down the shop with 20cents and for some of the lollies we’d get up to 5 for 1cent. Take me all day to eat the bags lol.
sandwiches were of course vegemite but on a monday it was lamb as we had roast lamb on a sunday - never heard of peanut butter and the USA
Oh peanut butter 🤤🤤🤤🤤 probably one of my favourite go to’s. The extremely crunchy peanut butter, think I eat more than makes it on my rice cakes😂😂
was only a place in the movies the main disease then was polio just about everyone knew some one with polio

maybe if we could go back to those times we could rid ourselves from fibromyalgia,hashimoto's etc etc

I have this theory that manufacturers invent mediations before the actual disease if they stop manufacturing then those disease would simply go away but then it could be just that I am an aging brain that does not work as well now.
My brain tries to think of why, how’s these things all come about but then I forget what I was thinking, stress gone lol
My brain tries to think of why, how’s these things all come about but then I forget what I was thinking, stress gone lol
the best medicine for pain is to think of the good times
Had my injection in left side S1 yesterday and will go for the right S1 this afternoon.
Then may wait 2 weeks before I do my neck ones.
Oh the flushing it causes is getting intense, headaches are bearable. But the insomnia is the killer.
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