Emotional effect

Job done and well needed 😊👍
I wonder re. yellow feeling a bit much @SBee, perhaps it's up there in terms of luminance. There's quite a contrast to something like blue.

Morning @Auriel and @Badger
I totally agree, every day needs a hug, whether real, virtual or visually in our minds. Good one Auriel.

Badger, strange that thought abqout my aversion to the colour yellow crossed my mind. It's been like what since I was quite young, maybe I just wasn t reading some of the clues my mind was telling me?

I'm quite careful with colours in clothing and about the home, green soothes me, brightness almost causes distress for me. Definitely more noticeable on a bad fibro day

Wishing you a happy day
You spoil me @Auriel - loving the huge M&M hug!

It's weird that I have always had an aversion to the colour yellow. Can't imagine why. I know bright lights ( especially white) affect me, but since so can remember I just dislike the colour yellow. I shall chalk it up to being quaintly eccentric.😂😂😂.
I think we all gravitate to a colour that we feel most comfortable with ( green for me) . And now I feel slightly guilty for poor yellow 😬
There's no doubt that Photo Sensitivity can increase with age just like a lot of other challenging issues do & mine increased post-Fibro Diagnosis but not sure if that's directly linked with it or not.
I have to have my spectacle lenses tinted because of it just to take the edge off.
There's no doubt that Photo Sensitivity can increase with age just like a lot of other challenging issues do
As I said, mine seemed to increase post-Fibro Diagnosis but not sure if that's directly linked with it or not.
I have to have my spectacle lenses tinted because of it just to take the edge off but as for the colour yellow, in nature it's my favourite, as yellow flowers such as Daffodils etc give the illusion that the sun is shining even when it isn't, which is much-needed here in the UK.

Having said that, when the sun actually is shining I have to wear Sunglasses, especially as I now have Cataracts & am on another one of those eternal Waiting Lists to get them done.