Emotional effect

@BlueBells @SweetWithSour @ariel @barbara lowcock @JamieMarc

This thread is fascinating. I'm not alert enough to reply, my brains not engaged yet. I want to properly read the above posts and absorb them first.
It's early in the UK and like many our minds do work better different times of the day.

I like the different time zones on this forum, I kind of think of a day shift and a night shift, so anytime someone pops in There's likely to be someone about! 😁😻
@Auriel can I have a big blue hug please? For some reason the colour yellow is too much for me? Nuisance aren't I ?! I too am fond of the blowy kiss emoji and a 😻 too. But I will take any hug, anytime. I send a hundred back at you.❤

So, @SweetWithSour @Badger @BlueBells and all reading this interesting thread - love how one post can evolve and us with it.

I 100% agree that our physical and emotional/ mental health are tightly woven. If any of these parts of us feel pain, it affects the other parts directly. So the theory Sweetwithsour has of fibromyalgia feeling everything physical or emotionally in a highly sensitized way echoes my thoughts.

Maybe we are more aware of our bodies and minds than others? And that can be a very good thing, in that we try to work with an illness/condition rather than fight it, but the empath thing leaves us open to others pains, and we need to be careful not to absorb too much whilst using our natural ( or maybe extra ) capacity to offer care to others. I am so much a peacekeeper. Yet have very strong morals that I will always follow.

All back to Balance for me. And sometimes we get it right,not always.

I do agree with @JamieMarc (hi! 😘) in that he is able to sense the character and principles in others, for me, that's a time to step away. Trust in instincts.

It's now midday more or less so so sense a cuppa is needed.

Wish you all the best days\evenings possible. X
Well said everyone! It's fantastic to have a safe space to be vulnerable people who evolve with the conversation, and are so supportive, reaffirming, and showing there isn't one size fix all solutions.

We all have to be very creative and innovative in how we spend or energy. We are learning to ride the wave (maybe even enjoying) rather than getting sucked under in it getting knocked down and not beig able to get back up. We must be flexible, maybe plan more that others, and be OK listening to our bodies (but not being fooled by overactive alarms) while still pushing forward. I'm very greatful for this space, all of you, and the supportive uplift I get when visiting the forum!

I appreciate that we can have different viewpoints and perspectives. We can have fantastic dialog and discuss and still represent our own feelings. It is a supportive place where we check in on each other while still feeling like we can get support when needed too. A very symbiotic relationship of the give and the take where we all gain so much more.

I love that I can give back, share my stories and hope that we all feel that we are not alone! My name and my podcast comes from the phrase I've adopted for my life; find the sweet in the sour, as the sour helps the sweet taste that much sweeter. I started my podcast as a way to hopefully help others see they are not alone. Perhaps my journey may resignate with someone else, or help people maybe better understand what a loved one may be experiencing. To learn to still enjoy those days (the bad ones) that we have that makes us better appreciate the good ones.

Thank you all for helping me learn grow!!!!
Here you go @SBee your very own big blue hug, (here he is, he looks like the m + m off the advert)
You spoil me @Auriel - loving the huge M&M hug!

It's weird that I have always had an aversion to the colour yellow. Can't imagine why. I know bright lights ( especially white) affect me, but since so can remember I just dislike the colour yellow. I shall chalk it up to being quaintly eccentric.😂😂😂.
I think we all gravitate to a colour that we feel most comfortable with ( green for me) . And now I feel slightly guilty for poor yellow 😬