Covid 19 Vaccination with FM/CFS

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I had the first jab (Astra Zeneca) and felt like I was having a flare up for about a week, after the second (23rd April) I had the same reaction as you, the pain is off the scale, woke up three days after it and could hardly move to get out of bed, upper arm pain, neck and shoulders, horrendous buttock pain when sitting or bending down, thigh pain making walking painful. Called the doctor who arranged blood tests, came back clear, he said its the fibro, have more amitriptylene.
Diagnosed 2016 after years of tests, never had pain this bad, the tiredness is worse too, never ending nightmare!!!!
Must be a reaction to this vaccine, will not be having another.
I had the first jab (Astra Zeneca) and felt like I was having a flare up for about a week, after the second (23rd April) I had the same reaction as you, the pain is off the scale, woke up three days after it and could hardly move to get out of bed, upper arm pain, neck and shoulders, horrendous buttock pain when sitting or bending down, thigh pain making walking painful. Called the doctor who arranged blood tests, came back clear, he said its the fibro, have more amitriptylene.
Diagnosed 2016 after years of tests, never had pain this bad, the tiredness is worse too, never ending nightmare!!!!
Must be a reaction to this vaccine, will not be having another.
Hi Salbumble (Love this name!)- I never tell anyone to do what I do, just because I think it’s a TERRIBLE PRACTICE to do so.
I DO however feel relatively comfortable sharing my own experiences, just in case some of them can be helpful to others.
I’ve had Fibro I had Covid in January 2021.
I had the one shot, Johnson and Johnson in May. I was down for a couple of days after, but it didn't feel different than the norm for me, so I don't attribute it to the shot. No injection site pain. My husband and daughter got the same shot Saturday. Both have sore arm. Daughter has felt flu like for a day or two. They don't have fibro or CFS. I also do not usually get the flu like others. I always think it's because I'm constantly feeling like poo, maybe it doesn't attack my immune system??
Understood, I 'feel like poo' all the time too, so never know for sure if I'm coming down with something or not.
Hi there,
I am 50, female, living in Montreal Canada. I had no problem after my first Pfizer shot. However, I am still wiped out since my second Pfizer shot last Wednesday. I am in much pain everywhere, weak, nauseous, both feet aching severely at night, I have been having constant migraines for years, so they are still continuing. My Bipolar depression is being affected by the massive increase to the usual fm pain. I am hoping this will pass. I have put in a call to my psychiatrist. I’m really not sure if it is the Pfizer shot or not…?
I just want to add that, even with this severe suffering from my second shot, I would do it again. I think it is important for everyone who can, to get the Covid vax and end this deadly pandemic. 4 million people have died worldwide. So much suffering. My Dad died in hospital and we couldn’t be with him.
I just want to add that, even with this severe suffering from my second shot, I would do it again. I think it is important for everyone who can, to get the Covid vax and end this deadly pandemic. 4 million people have died worldwide. So much suffering. My Dad died in hospital and we couldn’t be with him.
Well said, Hopeful, and I'm so deeply sorry for your loss.

Perhaps the shot symptoms were a trigger for your fibro, too. I hope your psychiatrist is helpful and that you feel better soon.
I do not understand your first sentence, who is telling anyone what to do?????
Well said, Hopeful, and I'm so deeply sorry for your loss.

Perhaps the shot symptoms were a trigger for your fibro, too. I hope your psychiatrist is helpful and that you feel better soon.
Thank you so much, Jemima. I might start a thread asking if other Fibromyalgia sufferers also have a mood disorder and/or migraines. I’m sure they are related as neurological disorders.
Hello, fellow fibro friends! I have just joined this forum and hope to find answers to many of my questions, mostly opinions and feedback from folks who have experienced some of the more debilitating aspects of this condition and who may be in a good position to offer advice. I, too, am EXTREMELY concerned about the COVID-19 vaccines and their potential exacerbation of fibro symptoms. I haven't had the vaccine yet but after doing research on all of them (Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson), it seems that the one with the least potential for giving adverse side effects after the 2nd injection is Pfizer. Although I could potentially get the shots very close to home, I am still hesitant due to what I have heard in the past from a few fibro patients who reported awful muscle pain to the extent of not being able to move for weeks. Sadly, my employer may soon make the vaccine a requisite for continued employment, and from what I can tell so far, my Kaiser GP has no intentions of excusing me from the vaccine because of fibro; in fact, every physician I've spoken to believes more in the benefits than the side affects, although none of them suffer from fibro themselves. Does anyone have more information to share on their reaction to the vaccine (1st and 2nd dose) and does anyone have a recommendation on how to proceed? This is maddening . . .
Does anyone have more information to share
Hi Kadoma,

I can understand your concern - some fibro sufferers do seem to have had real trouble with side effects, which is of course scary. On the other side of the coin, there has been quite a bit of discussion of some people with fibro experiencing a long-term worsening of their symptoms after being infected with the virus, so I guess it's a case of being stuck between a rock and a hard place!

I've had the first Pfizer vaccine, and had no side effects at all. I'm due to have the second one at the end of next week and will report back with how I get on (y)
I had the first at end of April and second 2weeks after. The second one was accompanied fever, feeling awful, and about 4hours on the toilet with a bucket. And the weekend in bed. Since then I have had a hard time moving and getting out of bed. Fibro fog. Ask me if I would do it again? Absolutely! Our state is 46% vaccinated. That means 1out of every 2individuals offers risk of infection. This percent is too high for me. I still wear a mask while most in my state are not. The only thing I would do differently is to over hydrate for the week of the vacc. Pfizer.
Then there's the cliff for me that talking thru the mask makes recovery from short working much harder & longer.
I'm still not convinced that a vaccine is better for me personally than getting covid. Maybe waiting for epsilon after delta will be a solution.
Hello, I felt rotten with a sore arm after my first Pifzer vaccination, but my second one I had a swollen, hot, red, painful and itchy area around the injection site. Also it felt my legs couldn’t carry my body. I got told to rest and ride it out and take pain relief as it was normal. But I no others with fibromyalgia and it affected them differently. After 24-36 hours it felt so much better and just felt a little tender to touch.
Hi all, I am new here. I was wondering if any of you have this same problem I do... not only do I have Fibro, I have had severe reactions to vaccinations all my life. I have not received the second shot to many because of the extremely high fevers, black outs, or seizures.
One Fibro symptom I have that is concerning is I have a dry cough and it gets worse with flare ups and stress. My lungs/breathing often feel heavy, so I am stuck. Anyone else have reactions to vaccinations and if so what was your experience with the Covid vac??? Thanks in advance!
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