Covid 19 Vaccination with FM/CFS

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Am still in limbo as am still waiting for my second shot, even though I will be beyond the 12 week timeline this week.
All my family in America had both their shots within the 3 week period as recommended by the manufacturers.
Still, could be worse when one considers the likes of India etc.
& I wonder how all the Anti-Vaxxers/Conspiracy Theorists etc explain that nightmare scenario away?
Probably say it's all staged I suppose!
Sorry you are having to wait so long, Rainbow. But the experts do say that it doesn't make a difference if you get the second shot 3 or 4 or 5 weeks later, so no worries.

Unfortunately there will always be people who do not respect science and who buy into conspiracy theories.

While I respect the right of each individual to make their own choices, I think it can be carried too far when something affects everyone, and it is very unfortunate when those folks do or say things that are potentially harmful for other people. So far with this vaccine, it seems, according to scientific studies, to be doing what the experts have determined through scientific means that it will do. Statistically the percentage of people who have had any side effect worse than feeling a bit low the following day (as I did), is extremely small. And as Ann Reid says, the overall benefit makes that so much more than worth it.
Thing is, I suspect that most doctors, certainly G.P.'s & so-called 'Specialists' seem to know little or nothing about Fibromyalgia
& present treatment consists of medications to attempt to control the symptoms but not the cause, as that remains unknown
& nor, of course, is there a cure.

It's not so long ago that patients were being told it was all in their heads & to go away.
We moved on slightly from that but not far & medial professionals can't agree over the simplest of things, such as is exercise good for Fibro or is it bad - they're split on that.

The medications we're given help in some cases but not in others, as every Fibro Sufferer is different & unique in their own way.

Of the nearly 40+ symtoms, not being able to sleep is the worst for me.

I spent 3 long horrible years trying herbal remedies, traditional rememdies, over-the-counter chemist remidies & NOTHING worked.
So at my wits end & unable to function eg cooking, helping out by looking after grandchildren etc I went to the doctor & asked for Sleep Meds
but you would've thought I'd asked for Heroin!
The response was negative as they're 'addictive'.
I replied that I'm in my 70's so what the hell does it matter if they're addictive if they enable me to live my life?!

In the end I was near suicidal & resorted to sourcing my own Sleep Meds & control my intake to half a tablet a night as they're very expensive
but that half a tablet enables me to get enough sleep to be able to function on some level of normality so they're worth their weight in gold!

Imo, based on experience, Doctors are of little or no help with the likes of Fibro as they're basically don't have the answers,
which remain unknown & our best bet is to do our own research & by trial & error, find out what works best for each of us.

Problem is that Fibromyalgia isn't as glamorous as Cancer/Heart Disease etc, so it doesn't attract the research funding.
Rainbow, I think you and I MAY be long lost sisters.....sleep disruption was, for me, one of the first “kick starters” to my Fibro Years.

I consider having gotten through my “mild” case of Covid as Fibro On Steroids, in other words, all or most of my Fibro symptoms amped up to about double the discomfort of my Fibro flares.

The one humorously ironic thing about Fibro+Covid was that I was SO PROFOUNDLY FATIGUED that I actually couldn’t NOT sleep- I got to the point where I couldn’t stand by the sink long enough to brush my teeth, perform “private self care” functions- that I became unable to stay awake!

My point? If you are working with a physician who is sanctioning the vaccine, that does feel safe enough, in this crisis, for me. My guy went far out of his way to not diagnose my Fibro, but ultimately, based on having to peel me off the ceiling of his office after accidentally hitting one of my “Tender Points” while an exam for something else, he acknowledged the facts. He is super naturalistically reality based, and neither a denial guy nor pill pusher.

My only genetically connected relative recovered twice, at age 92, from Covid. Once is BY FAR enough for me. VERY BEST OF LUCK to you in your decision making!
I am in Colorado in the US. I had Moderna, one on Feb 9th and the second on March 9th. After the first shot, I had a sore arm for a day. It wasn't as sore as my last flu shot. After the second shot, I had a sore arm fairly quickly after, maybe a couple of hours later. It was more sore than the first shot, but not unbearable by any means. The next morning I woke up and thought "wow- I feel like usual". About 2 hours later, I started to feel a little headachy, then a little more achy in the fluish way, and around 11, I was happily on the couch watching The Walking Dead and catching up on shows in general. Around 12, I started to feel chilled and got a blanket, felt a little more achy, and realized I had a temp of about 99 (one is usually around 97). Around 3, I realized I felt better and took my temp and it was normal. That night and the next day I was back to "normal". I am 66 and female.
Great question- I received the Pfizer vaccine and had no pain and no reaction. The vaccine, in my understanding, does not contain the virus. It is basically an algorithm that communicates with our immune system to create antibodies. Our knowledge of the immune response is quite extensive and the data on the vaccines is validated. I am curious why some people are reporting such extreme reactions.
Great question- I received the Pfizer vaccine and had no pain and no reaction. The vaccine, in my understanding, does not contain the virus. It is basically an algorithm that communicates with our immune system to create antibodies. Our knowledge of the immune response is quite extensive and the data on the vaccines is validated. I am curious why some people are reporting such extreme reactions.
You are correct that the vaccine itself contains no trace of the virus itself. It is designed to make it impossible for the virus to attach itself to cells in our bodies, therefore preventing its growth, which it does by turning the host's cells into covid cells. At least, that is my understanding. I am not a medical person. Of course, there's lots of info on it online, I just haven't read it all.
I believe it gets at those spikes in the virus pics we see . My layman understanding
Hi all, new to the forum. I got the second vaccine (Moderna) yesterday morning. Didn't sleep well last night. Arm is still really sore. Got a sore throat during the night, but that is possibly related to allergies, and today my throat is fine. I do, however, feel extremely spaced out and slightly dizzy. And, as usual, I ache all over. Hoping the spacey feeling goes away soon, because I wouldn't feel safe driving right now.
it should get better in a day or two.
Not that I'm totally against it but apparently the health ambassador of India died after having it.
Not that I'm totally against it but apparently the health ambassador of India died after having it.
And there is no proof whatever that his death had anything to do with the vaccine. Someone may be saying that in some anti-vaccine website online, and people can speculate about it, but there is no direct proof of any causation there.
Interesting question, I also want to know the side effects
Interesting question, I also want to know the side effects
There are many that have been reported, and you can look them up with Google. But severe side effects from the vaccine are very rare.
Hi All, had second shot (Pfizer)a couple of days ago.
I was dreading it after having had a bad reaction with the first that lasted 5 weeks, during which I had flu-like symptoms, was heavy-limbed
& struggled with over-whelming exhaustion.

After a few weeks of this I decided not to have the second shot.

However, having waited 3 months for it, I had time enough to balance the pros against the cons & changed my mind
& am so pleased I did, as apart from a sore arm & a need to pace myself (but no change there), I'm doing fine.

I'm tempting fate & famous last words I know but am so relieved & happy about it I wanted you all to know :)
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Hi All, had second shot (Pfizer)a couple of days ago.
I was dreading it after having had a bad reaction with the first that lasted 5 weeks, during which I had flu-like symptoms, was heavy-limbed
& struggled with over-whelming exhaustion.

After a few weeks of this I decided not to have the second shot.

However, having waited 3 months for it, I had time enough to balance the pros against the cons & changed my mind
& am so pleased I did, as apart from a sore arm & a need to pace myself (but no change there), I'm doing fine.

I'm tempting fate & famous last words I know but am so relieved & happy about it I wanted you all to know :)
Good for you, Rainbow!
And thanks for posting here to encourage others to do the same.

Tomorrow I am going to be in my dance class again for the first time since Feb. 2020. We will be outside, just for extra precaution, but because all of us are now vaccinated we don't need to wear masks, and I am thrilled to be able to do that.

The more people who get vaccinated, the better life will get for all of us. Some day, I think, covid will be just another 'flu and won't be a big deal any more because we can all be vaccinated against it, and people who are getting the shots now are making that possible.
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