Covid 19 Vaccination with FM/CFS

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If you have had the jab, please reply with the following information so we can all use this easily - for the purposes of this survey, please exclude a 'sore arm/shoulder' from reactions:

1) No Reaction - first vaccination

2) Reaction: - second vaccination
which country are you in? - USA
which vaccine received? - Moderna
brief description of sympton/s? - fever; fuzzy head; body aches; chills; fatigue
how long before back to (your) normal? - 48 hours (guessing; only at 40 hours right now, but symptoms are fading)
age (optional for the vane:) - 41
sex? (please don't say yes or no ;-) - Male

Thanks and wishing you ALL well.
I take medical advice from my physician, and he recommended vaccination “without delay”. If you’d be good enough to provide your medical training as well as the citations for the information you’re describing I’d be very interested in assessing your opinions in respect to my own specific physical circumstances.

Hoping that you, and all of us, remain well and safe.
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I am a female, have had Fibromyalgia 15 years, live in the US.
I have had both shots of Mederma and didn't think I had any reaction except a sore arm.
I was talking to a male friend healty. He said he was hiking and almost passed out. That reminded me after my second shot. I had got out of the shower and laye down on the bed because I was going to pass out. I didn't but it took me about 20 minutes to get it together.
I was a medical assistant, and when we went through Pandemics, my tough x nurse teacher said " If you ever hear the word Pandemic, stay away from people" . I would advise everyone to get the shot.
I second this. I'll save you all my soap box - but the bottom line is big pharma profits and new a digital identity/economy.

I suspect I'm already immunocompromised so I certainly won't be partaking in this mass gene experiment. The FDA hasn't even approved the "vaccines" and their (international) use is only authorised via "emergency" powers. Beware.

I was a member of that facebook group until it and all other vaccine side effect groups were removed over night last month and replaced with pro-vaccine propaganda groups. It helps to put everything into context and the bottom line is Covid isn't even listed in top ten major health risks, not even anywhere near it. I would focus my worries elsewhere.
Unless you have actual solid evidence to prove these assertions, please do not make these statements on this forum.
Such posts may be deleted.

It is not true that the FDA has not approved these vaccines. Without their authorization, they would not be administered.
Please beware of false information.

Similarly, if you want to claim that Covid is not in the top ten health risks, tell where you found that statistic.
I just looked it up and did not find anything of the kind online on any qualified website. In fact, I found that it is currently (as of March 16, 2021) the second leading cause of death in the US and in several others it is still #1.

Facebook, as has been previously pointed out numerous times, is not even close to being a reliable source of information on anything, let alone this topic.
Believe the facts that are supportable, not theories people put on FB and blogs.
The only way to put this pandemic behind us and reduce it to a disease we can control is for enough people to get vaccinated. If that happens, it will essentially wipe out the major threat of the disease, even if the disease itself is never wiped out completely.

I have yet to see anyone who is claiming "mind control" or "microchips" or "gene experiments" or " lizard brains" any other such theory about the vaccine, present a single shred of actual solid and referenceable evidence to support the claims, or even a citation of any kind. Anyone can say anything about anything. That doesn't make it true.

From the New York times:

There is no better way to crush the pandemic in coming weeks than to persuade the vaccine-skeptical to get a shot. It is the best way for them to protect themselves from the risk of Covid hospitalization and death. “If you are not vaccinated, you are not safe,” Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the C.D.C. director, said. More vaccinations are also the best way to protect children and the immunocompromised.​
Me too, that's why I really am having second thoughts.
Back on topic, an update having just had my 2nd Pfizer jab. had the vaccine at 14:00 was ok until around 21:00 when started to feel flaky. Went to bed and woke up during the night hot and soaked in sweat. I was very ill (temp of 38.8c with the shivers) and whole body pain until Sunday mid morning and was up and about by the afternoon. I was well enough to go to work Mon evening although extremely fatigued (this has returned after many years as stated in the opening post here). So it was heavy but short-lived.
I've had both the Covid-19 and the Pfizer vaccine. I had my first Pfizer dose March 2, 2021 but didn't know at the time i was already exposed to the covid-19. I tested positive for Covid-19 March 5, 2019. I was sick for a month but now I'm on the mend. I received my 2nd dose May 23, 2021 I was in bed for 3 days with headache and fatigue. I'm taking Cymbalta for the Fibromyalgia I feel tired all the time.
Hoping this is not OT as a question- how many of us posting here HAVE actually been diagnosed with both Fibro AND Covid?
How many of us as old as I, diagnosed with both conditions and living with Fibro for some time, are 75 or older?
If diagnosed, was your Covid illness characterized as Mild? Moderate? Severe?
Were any of us hospitalized?

No second thoughts here, about whether or not to be vaccinated. Already had my 2, and would take a booster the instant it became available.
I'm only a boy at 65 although did have covid in March 2019. I didn't know I had it although felt extra rough for some 10 days and then breathless for 2/3 weeks whilst talking. When I had a CT angiogram in December, they told me my lungs were in advanced post-covid recovery. So body dealt with it very well unlike the jab!
Hoping this is not OT as a question- how many of us posting here HAVE actually been diagnosed with both Fibro AND Covid?
How many of us as old as I, diagnosed with both conditions and living with Fibro for some time, are 75 or older?
If diagnosed, was your Covid illness characterized as Mild? Moderate? Severe?
Were any of us hospitalized?

No second thoughts here, about whether or not to be vaccinated. Already had my 2, and would take a booster the instant it became available.
I have fibro and gastroparesis, so I'm not sure if my reaction was the same as someone with fibro on its own.
With the first shot (Pfizer for both doses), I felt a little fatigued, and basically forgot I had gotten it. The fatigue went away within three days, which was surprising but relieving.
I knew that people tended to feel bad with the second dose, so I was preparing myself for bad flu symptoms (I usually vomit a lot, am bedridden, have a fever, and sleep a lot.).
However, within eight hours of getting the second shot, it was way worse than I expected. I had full-body pain so intense it woke me up and I vomited immediately. I mean, deep nerve, muscle, and bone pain shooting up around my whole body while also being a deep, burning ache. I couldn't stop trembling and twitching because if I stopped moving the overwhelming nerve pain would set in even worse. This all started at 4 AM, so obviously, I was exhausted, terrified, and deeply regretting getting vaccinated.
Throughout the day the pain got worse and worse (or maybe I just became more worn down by it. I was hard to tell). Nothing seemed to help. I couldn't stop vomiting; I wasn't even able to keep a sip of water down, let alone food or medication. I was able to move around, but that was only because I couldn't stop moving because of the intensity of the pain. I was crying, my lungs hurt, I had a migraine, I couldn't focus, I had a fever, and I was intensely hungry from all the vomiting.
By around 8 PM I was so weak from dehydration that I had to go to the ER. I could hardly walk, and I couldn't speak because I was hyperventilating from crying and gagging on my own saliva because my body still wanted to vomit. It also strongly impacted my mental wellbeing, as I was feeling suicidal and rather anxious the whole time.
I had to be moved around in a wheelchair to get to a bed where I received fluids, anti-nausea meds, and Benadryl through an IV. My twin sister, who also has fibro but not gastroparesis, helped me through all this and was rightfully horrified. Because of my reaction, she is considering not getting the second vaccine, and I don't know if that's a good or bad decision for her own health (and bank account, ER visits are expensive).

It was a terrifying experience for me. Honestly, I'm not sure if I've ever felt worse. I don't know if this is a common fibro reaction or a case-by-case reaction to the COVID-19 vaccines in general.
Side note I'm a 20-year-old woman and from the US.
I am from the U.K. I have had both vaccines (phizer) as I am NHS. I didn't have any issues at all. I did have covid in April 2020 and that wiped me out for a long time.
I am from Ontario, Canada and have just had my second AstraZeneca vaccine after a 9 week interval. I am 66 years old.

I had some symptoms about 6 hours after receiving my first shot. Severe chills, to the point point of uncontrollable shaking, then came nausea. I went to bed early that evening and woke up with a slight fever (100f), body aches and extreme fatigue. These symptoms eased over a period of two weeks

I am happy to report that I had no reaction to my second dose. To my fellow Canadian forum members who received AstraZeneca as their first shot and may be considering Pfizer or Moderna for their second shot bear in mind that studies from the UK have shown that those who switched to another vaccine may experience far worse symptoms with the second hot.

I wish everyone well. Alison
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