Covid 19 Vaccination with FM/CFS

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I am older than you Ahaze & live in England.

Those of us who likewise had a severe reaction to the first vaccine shot (Pfizer in my case) truly understand your worry & concern.

It took me around 5 weeks to get back to what passes as 'normal' for me, which is nowhere near what actual normal is for
young, healthy folk, so it was a challenging struggle to say the least & at the time I decided I would not risk putting myself through that again.

However, three months later when I finally got summoned for my second shot, I reminded myself that there are numerous countries whose populations cannot even get a vaccine shot, with people literally desperate to get one, many having had to watch their loved-ones suffer & die
& nothing they could do about it.
I know this as I have extended family in one such country.

So, with that in mind & trying to have an attitude of gratitude, I put my 'Big Girl Boots' on & went ahead with it
& guess what, no negative reaction at all, just a sore arm for about 24 hours.

Having said that, I'm now due to be re-summoned for the Booster shot & am already booked-in for the Shingles vaccine soon
but of course, I still have worries about how I will be affected if I go ahead with these,
added to which, am now actually feeling guilty about being in this fortunate position,
as there is, whether we like it or not, an issue of morality involved in all of this.

We're all different so nothing can be predicted accurately, all we can do is make our own decisions based on what seems to us to be the lesser of the two evils & then be prepared to face the consequences of making those decisions.

As I said, at least we are fortunate enough to be in the position of having the choice.

Hope whatever you decide works out well for you.
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I had pfizer. High risk because of lung problem. First one made me so insanely tired I didn't feel comfortable driving back. Second one I basically got a little flu. Temp was like 101 and aches and chills. Didn't last more than 2 days.
Ima chick. 37 ha ha about 5'1
Wait that last part doesn't seem relevant!
I heard if you had a bad time with the first shot you had covid probably before. Anyone else hear that. Like someone else said if it makes you feel crappy then its doing the job saying ok this is second time I've seen this virus now my body has to fight. Anyone else hear that?
I heard if you had a bad time with the first shot you had covid probably before. Anyone else hear that. Like someone else said if it makes you feel crappy then its doing the job saying ok this is second time I've seen this virus now my body has to fight. Anyone else hear that?
You hear a whole lot of things about the vaccine but I don't think there are any studies that say those things. To my knowledge there is no actual correlation between how the vaccine affects you and whether or not you have had the virus in your system before. I don't believe things like that unless there is solid evidence to back it up because there will always be concepts or statements people are saying that are not true or are exaggerated or are based on what someone learned from 2 of their friends and then it spread on the internet the way things do.

I started this post and thnaks to all for your input.

I feel it worth mentioning that I did have Covid in March 2020 (no symptons other than felt extra crap for 10 days or thereabouts and slightly out of breath when talking for a while). My first Pfizer jab left me feeling rough for a day or two. The 2nd knocked me for six, full on flu, shivers, bed was soaking and a temp of 38.8c.

I just wanted to stress the fact that my body dealt with me having Covid with the mildest of symtpons yet had such a reaction to the vaccine. Since the 2nd jab in May 2021, my CFS/ME has come back to haunt me after 25 years after having made a 95% recovery, to the point where I can't work as much now.

Given the above and the fact that back in 1994 the doctors felt that the most likely cause/trigger of the CFS was a flu jab, I've avoided having them for all of those years until the Covid jab.

Subsequently, I will not be having the booster jad or any flu jabs. Quality of life is important.
Totally get your decision mark & understand why you have made that decision.
I truly believe that as individuals we should all have the right to decide for ourselves,
especially when there are existing conditions to be taken into account.

Recently, encouraged & persuaded by scientist friends,
I myself have had the Flu jab that I didn't have for 20 years, even though during that 20 years I remained flu-free.
two Covid jabs AND a Shingles vaccination.
I feel like a pin cushion now!

But out of all of those, I only had one bad reaction & that was to the first Covid vaccination,
which knocked me for six for 5 weeks but after that I slowly recovered,
to the point that, 3 months later I was willing to risk the second vaccination & I went ahead with it
with no reactions whatsoever, apart from a sore arm that lasted 24 hours.

Having said all that, I have serious doubts about the Booster shot,
particularly as I hear that this will likely not be the same 'brand' of vaccine as the two I had before,
& I have heard of bad reactions to this 'mixing' but we'll see how I feel if/when I am summoned.

Then again, I also note that International Travel will not be permitted without 'Full Vaccination'
& the Booster shot is included in that.
I have no intention of flying/going abroad anyway, so that means zilch to me
but I can see that pressure is being put on to have it & that will no doubt increase.
I am going to go for the more cautious route and not get a booster until the booster made for the original vaccine I had is readily available, which apparently it will be any day now. It's more than worth it, I feel, to go through some side effects in order to play a role in getting the pandemic under control. Most likely covid will always be with us but if enough people get vaccinated and boostered it can be brought down to the point of just being a common flu that no longer controls the lives of most of the people on the planet.
Hi I’m 46yrs old, live in U.K. female.
Had relatively mild symptoms Feb 2020 (about as harsh as heavy cold) no tests at time to confirm, but had headaches, fever, mild rash, loss of smell and taste, in bed for a week as tired. Was in remission with Diabetes, apart from lower back pain due to injury two yrs previously and having Asthma I wasn’t too bad either to complain other than lower back pain. I “RECOVERED“ SO I THOUGHT after a week of these strange virus symptoms, but in June pains started stabbing and shooting all over esp in knees! I was very EXTREMELY EXHAUSTED over littlest thing and sleep patterns been all over place. Had bloods done Diabetes returned on two meds now and still not totally controlled! Have high inflammation markers in blood, and my knees I have diagnosed Osteoarthritis. Seen Rheumatologist three weeks ago he touched certain areas and I literally hit the ceiling in pain, so now diagnosed as having Fybro.
Had first jab (Astra Zennica) apart from very mild dizzy nausea symptoms first night and very mild cold symptoms next day or two not too bad.
Second jab - was exhausted headaches couple of days.

(My Mam has avoided Covid and had two vaccines she’s been ill since May developed a non stop cough and frequent Migraine, she was very fit and for 74 in brilliant health now she’s so run down every day!)

So on that ground at moment I have so much gone wrong and list continues and seeing my mam how she’s reacted, I am holding off from getting the booster! Its brilliant if every one else has been ok on it, I’m not anti vax but just personally how this Covid has messed my system around so much two years later still struggling day to day, I just can’t cope risking my health anymore than this.
Hi Geordielass, The main thing is that you got the vaccine. I think the boosters are a good idea, and I intend to get one when they are available to me, but with all that is going on for you I don't blame you one bit for not wanting it now.
I hope that your issues resolve for you well enough that perhaps in another year or so if they are still saying (like with the "regular" flu) that boosters are a good idea, you can take one.
I had covid back is February this year was laid out for 2 weeks and weak for about a month after, as i didn't lose my smell or taste they deemed it mild also no hospitalization, visited er due to my nurse sis in law saying i should because of heart rate fluctuations/ turned out to be breathing issues. I am completely terrified of this vaccine, 1 - I feel its un tested and we have no Idea what it will cause down the road 2- horror stories about fibro/shot complications (not only what I have read here, personal accounts from friends locally) 3- working full time and no paid time off right now and if I get a bad reaction not being able to pay my bills. everyone in my house has had it and is pressuring me to get it - dr's advice is to see my neurologist 1st but I haven't seen him in 4 years and IDK if hes even practicing any more.
Up to this week I'd based my waiting stance on Cort Johnson's poll results on healthrising, that knowing my body I'd probably get severe symptoms for at least a month, even from the Pfizer jab (~30%, plus me overreacting to most things modern pharmacy has invented). But now the risk to get CoV seems to be dramatically increasing here in Germany and others getting vaccinated is not going to protect me. Also I've now tweaked myself with supps as much as possible at this time (altho it's still only targeting 40% as the new 100%. And the vaccines have stood a certain test of time.
I've now decided to get at least the 1st Pfizer jab, based on the comparison that even possible months of possible severe symptoms are good compared to a fairly high risk of up to 10% of having to go to hospital or similar if I got CoV. That is something I want to avoid at all costs.
So a paradigm shift in my stance (once again): I will (probably) not get any severe symptoms and (probably) not for months. And even if I do, work and all was all a bit too much anyway, and then I'll be able to spend more time here again ... :rolleyes: 😎 :LOL:
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I ended up heeding the scientific & medical advice, biting the bullet & had my Booster last Thursday & the after-effects were not too bad,
just a sore arm for about 24 hours & feeling tired but that's pretty much normal for me anyway,
so I was feeling self-congratulatory & relieved I'd gotten away with it (so far).

Even so, I decided enough was enough,
as having done all that was expected of me, I wasn't going to put myself forward for any more.

Then 'Omicron' shows up & I think to myself - here we go again back to square one,
and am proper fed up of it all now!
I ended up heeding the scientific & medical advice, biting the bullet & had my Booster last Thursday & the after-effects were not too bad,
just a sore arm for about 24 hours & feeling tired but that's pretty much normal for me anyway,
so I was feeling self-congratulatory & relieved I'd gotten away with it (so far).

Even so, I decided enough was enough,
as having done all that was expected of me, I wasn't going to put myself forward for any more.

Then 'Omicron' shows up & I think to myself - here we go again back to square one,
and am proper fed up of it all now!
When I read they called it "Omicron", I thought well, that'll be the one that causes trouble. Could it sound more like an alien overlord? So many other Greek letters to choose from! I'm sorry you're feeling demoralised, Rainbow. Here's hoping things turn the right way soon 🤞:alien:
Yep --- here we go again.
When the pandemic first started, I knew that there would never be a "Normal" to "get back to" because it would change things too much. What I did not actually think of was one variant after another, and possibly the need for yet another different vaccine, and maybe then yet another.

It's hard to know these days what is safe to do and what is not. I have had some international travel planned ever since 2019 and have put it off, and now am not even sure that I should do it in 2022. I really hate to think that all the places I have planned to go to, and all the money I have scrimped and saved all my adult life to have so I could go, will not be available to me after all because of this.

Jemima, love your thought of alien overlord! It does sound like that, doesn't it?
We have to find the humor in this somehow...........
Hi! Perfectly ok with dose 1 and 2 of Astra Zeneca. Booster Jab 3 weeks' ago was Moderna. Result: severe flu-like symtoms, FM flare-up, chronic fatigue within 12 hours. Slept most of 48 hours. I did mention I had fibro and was told that was not an auto-immune condition. The powers are only concerned with anaphalactic shock.
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