Covid 19 Vaccination with FM/CFS

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always worth fact-finding before reposting certain info ;-)

google "politician of Australia have been caught out with the cap still on the needle" and click on the Reuters result at the top. This article confirms that this is not true.
markinaboat, I think your original post did not appear here because you included a previous post from another member and there was what looked like a link in that post.
I wanted to reply in this way so that your post could be seen.

And to say I agree with you 100%. If people would fact-check before they send things along the pipeline there'd be a lot less harmful misinformation going out to people. Not just about the vaccine or covid, but about anything.
I got my second Moderna shot yesterday and have a pretty sore arm and am pretty fatigued today. With the first shot I only had a sore arm, no fatigue, so today I will try to take it easy and honor how I feel while also engaging in good self care. I am quite relieved to have the vaccine now, it does help lessen my anxiety, too.
I agree with the previous poster who said that the super-high sensitivity that is one of the main symptoms of Fibro is the cause of many of us sufferers experiencing extreme physical & mental reactions to the vaccine.
It is known that our pain sensitivity etc is around ten times higher than a normal person experiences, so it makes total sense that we would have more intense & longer-lasting side effects.

I'm in the UK, had my first Pfizer 10 weeks ago & it took me 5 weeks to get anywhere near back to 'normal', that being Fibro normal, which
is not a normal person's normal anyway!

I am due the second in the next two weeks & am very apprehensive about it, to the degree that I may bottle out when it comes to it
& wait for the 'Variants Booster' due in the Autumn but then again or I may go through with it when it comes to it, I'll decide on the day.

Meanwhile, I've also been experiencing a deeper level of depression, such as bursting into tears at the slightest thing or nothing at all
but not sure if this is due to lock down & family problems rather than the vaccine itself but it began post-vaccine.

In short, as a Fibro sufferer I feel caught between a rock & a hard place with this vaccine
ie Damned if I do & damned if I don't!
I got my second Moderna shot yesterday and have a pretty sore arm and am pretty fatigued today. With the first shot I only had a sore arm, no fatigue, so today I will try to take it easy and honor how I feel while also engaging in good self care. I am quite relieved to have the vaccine now, it does help lessen my anxiety, too.
I just wanted to add I have had quite a case of "covid arm" from my second shot with the injection site swelling up with a hard red goose egg that was quite itchy. My arm wasn't as painful as with the first shot but I did develop some other rashes on other areas of my body, too. And I had a lot more fatigue than expected as well. It's been 6 days since my shot and my symptoms are still here but slowly improving.
Thanks to everyone for sharing your experiences. I had my first (and only so far) Pfizer jab on 21st Feb. I've gone downhill ever since. FYI, I'm 65, was diagnosed with ME/CFS in 1994 and would say for the past 23/24 yrs had made a 98% recovery. Within the last few weeks, I'm getting weaker and weaker, real fatigue. Feet are heavy, difficulty holding anything up such as a book or my phone for long and keep wanting to fall asleep. It was considered that I have FMS some years ago due to all over pain, mostly pressure related. My GP is useless so now also wondering whether I should have the 2nd jab for fear of it rendering me virtually disabled and unable to work which is essential. Just needed to offload. I don't log in often so apologies for late replies recently.

Edited to add: Three different doctors in the mid to late 90's felt that the (ME?) was most likely triggered by a sever bout of flu or the flu jab!
Statistically, severe reactions to the Covid vaccine occur in about 1 in 10,000 people.

The regular flu shot that many people have been getting every year has a higher rate of serious negative effects that the Covid vaccine does. And even so that has been very rare.

I do recommend that you get the second jab, markinaboat, because to me it makes sense. because Covid is potentially deadly.
But I am not in your body and won't try to tell you what is best for you because only you know that. I would be willing to bet that this condition you have had recently will not permanent. I certainly wish for you that it will not be.
Well I had Covid last March although didn't find out until December from the CT Angiogram. I just felt very rough for a week and didn't die. Luck of the genes I guess but who knows what a different strain may or may not do?
Pfizer first shot 2 weeks ago, Day 5 low-grade fever, headache, swollen glands, intense fatigue, queasiness. It’s lasted over a week so far and got worse at Day 9. strange fever clammy feeling around hat band area. I have a history of bad reactions to vaccines. I’m nervous about the second shot. US nearly 60.
Monday, April 12 was the second shot. Minimal symptoms on follow-up compared with the first reaction, only aching, just a few chills, lessened fatigue and weakness. Wishing good health and healing to all.
Good to see you had a much lesser reaction to your second shot & you were brave to go through with it after what you went through before.
I had a bad time after my first too which lasted 5 weeks & am still wary of having the second because of that & it's imminent but reading that you had a better experience second time round has helped, so thanks for posting.
Speaking of symptoms, I'm pretty sure I have ME as well as Fibro, as limited energy followed by total mental & physical exhaustion is my main symptom - can anyone tell me if there are tests for 'ME'?
It was also the main reaction to the first Pfizer shot ie total wipe-out for weeks.
Speaking of symptoms, I'm pretty sure I have ME as well as Fibro, as limited energy followed by total mental & physical exhaustion is my main symptom - can anyone tell me if there are tests for 'ME'?
It was also the main reaction to the first Pfizer shot ie total wipe-out for weeks.
If you suspect you have ME, the thing to do is talk to your doctor about it. There is no test for ME - it is only diagnosed based on your symptoms.
Fatigue is one of the many symptoms of fibromyalgia, so it may be difficult to know if you have ME in addition, or not. Many of us, including myself, experience debilitating fatigue on a regular basis. If you don't have any physical pain at all, and only have the fatigue, it may be ME instead of fibro.
If you have chronic pain and fatigue, it may be that the fatigue is part of the fibro. The difference is probably something only a doctor can tell when you tell them your symptoms.
I had my first jab. Arm pain and difficulty in lifting my arm for near two weeks. Otherwise no major effects beyond my normal issues.
My friend had hers a day after me and was quite poorly for 3 days...she is fit and healthy!
Fingers crossed my second jab won’t cause any issues.
I guess the effects are different for everyone. I just hope it serves its purpose.
Am still in limbo as am still waiting for my second shot, even though I will be beyond the 12 week timeline this week.
All my family in America had both their shots within the 3 week period as recommended by the manufacturers.
Still, could be worse when one considers the likes of India etc.
& I wonder how all the Anti-Vaxxers/Conspiracy Theorists etc explain that nightmare scenario away?
Probably say it's all staged I suppose!
Age 76. Diagnosed with Fibro in 2006.
Experienced a Covid infection in late December 2020-January, (no hospitalization, characterized as “mild”), virus clear by February15.

On the advice of my PCP, 1st Pfizer shot on March 7, second on March 28. Reaction to both - fever above 100°, fatigue, some pain. Lasted about 3 days, then went away.

I do have Covid “Long Hauler” symptoms, including depression and anxiety, ongoing fatigue, and intermittent loss of taste, and they are very gradually subsiding.

My thought? Rely on a medical specialist who knows your condition, and follow their advice. If you are seen by multiple physicians, ASK ALL OF THEM.

In my case, taking the vaccine and experiencing the side effect affirmed that my body was preparing to fend off the disease if/when attacked by it again. Covid, even a “mild” case, is a treacherous, unpredictable disease. The vaccine is scientifically based on 10 years of scientific research.

I lead an active, joy filled life WITH Fibro, and nearly lost it because of the political mismanagement that tarnished the approach to the virus in my community. I am grateful
to have the chance to resume social contact and activity. I will gratefully take booster shots, if necessary. “Side effects” although unpleasant, are a VERY small price to pay.
Consider carefully.
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