Covid 19 Vaccination with FM/CFS

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HI there Rainbow is my nieces name .Sure ill find the link
Age 69.
Astra zeneca vaccine on 6/2/21.
Very bad reaction. Exacerbated all my FM systems. Never been that bad before. Bed ridden off and on 4 weeks. Phoned 111 in middle of night twice because of pain level and anxiety levels (trouble breathing) and delirium.
Don't know whether to have the follow up jab or not.
HI there Rainbow is my nieces name .Sure ill find the link
Aaawh lovely to have a real rainbow in your family :)
& I'd really appreciate link if possible x
Age 69.
Astra zeneca vaccine on 6/2/21.
Very bad reaction. Exacerbated all my FM systems. Never been that bad before. Bed ridden off and on 4 weeks. Phoned 111 in middle of night twice because of pain level and anxiety levels (trouble breathing) and delirium.
Don't know whether to have the follow up jab or not.
Sorry to hear you went through that Enilette but it sounds very much like my own experience, so it's a comfort to know there are others who also had as bad as a reaction as I had & am still not right.
When I speak to other people about it they seem to have had hardly any side effects, most say they were fine or just had 'a sore arm for a couple of days', in a tone that makes me feel that it's somehow my own fault or I'm just over-dramatising, so thank you for sharing.
I also don't know if I want to risk the second jab.
Hope you feel better soon. x
Having had a nonhospitalized case of Covid, I feel it’s important to state again that NO typical expected vaccine side effect is as severe or unpleasant as having the illness itself.
I did have some unpleasant issues including headache, fatigue, and body aches during days 2-5 following my first Pfizer dose, but I have NO REGRETS for taking it.
Hi there ive posted it its waiting admin approval .
Have a great day .
Please dont take the risk ,do you know it will not stop you getting the flu.whats now called covid.
Hi there ive posted it its waiting admin approval .
Have a great day .
Hi josierob,
This forum doesn't allow outside links to be posted here, and that is why your post will not appear. I know your intention is to help, but due to the possible danger of members of the forum clicking on an outside link, we have to have that as one of our rules.
I had the first of 2 shots (Phizer) 3 weeks ago and will have my 2nd shot tomorrow. I did not have any reactions with my first shot. I will give update after I get my 2nd shot (final). So far, so good!
how you feel with the second shot done?
keep us updated. i will get my first pfizer tomorrow and the second one on april 3rd
Got first shot of pfizer this past saturday. no side effects so far. little bit sore and tired but i guess it s the FM kicking.
second shot for April 3rd
I had the 1st shot last week from the Moderna vaccine. My arm was very sore on day 2 and 3. On day 4 and 5 I felt really exhausted, like FM/CFS flare up exhausted which is unusual because I have been doing really well the past few months with no major flare ups so I think it was a reaction to the vaccine.

I am a 48 year old female living in Texas. Second shot is going to be April 8th.
I live in the USA, I’m 60+. Received both Moderna vaccines. First dose was no discomfort, second flu like symptoms that lasted for a few days. The fatigue was the most uncontrollable feeling for me alone with fever. I am happy to be protected for COVID. I have full immunity. I’m a front-liner worker.
Oh i see ok then so feel free to face book search COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects .The articles on there are real people and they are frightening to say the least .
I never do anything regarding my health without exploring potential consequences by examining objective scientific research.
The research supporting vaccination in the area in which I live, for my age group, and for several other reasons, continues to be overwhelmingly statistically positive.
I will be receiving my second vaccination this coming weekend.
”Face Book” does not represent itself as being a source of objective primary scientific research.
Getting the vaccine is really scary. The effects can be different for everyone. Imagine, it has only been made for months. Who knows what it can do. Some people don't even know they have a condition.
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