
  1. F

    Environmental Factors

    Initially my family doctor thought the numbness in my face, lips and tongue, the burning sensations on my arms and legs, nausea, tremors, muscle weakness, joint pain, fatigue etc may be Fibromyalgia due to lack of any evidence in blood work of other causative factors. At least that possibility...
  2. T

    New Member

    After having several tests to rule out anything "serious," I was officially diagnosed as having fibromyalgia in 2006. My initial symptom was weakness in the front of my thighs. I coincidentally was diagnosed as having type 2 diabetes, which I thought was interesting because I had wondered if...
  3. F

    I just feel like it's something else...

    I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia 7 months ago when I went into the rheumatologist complaining of weakness and soreness in my arms and shoulders. My doctor did run blood tests which came back normal, and he did do a trigger point test...which were only slightly uncomfortable in the spots that he...
  4. I

    Hi from the UK!

    Hey :) I never know what to write here so please forgive me for rambling a little! I'm a young woman from the UK and 10 weeks ago tomorrow, I fell ill...I've been through a lot of emotional abuse and other problems for years at home and left 2 years ago late January. This has been an ongoing...
  5. K

    Questions about symptoms

    Hello! I am new to this forum and thankful to find other people to learn from regarding fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. A few years ago, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia/Chronic Fatigue syndrome and after digging a little deeper, was diagnosed with chronic Lyme disease. I have been trying to...
  6. J

    My Story: Was diagnosed today

    For as long as I can remember, pain has been part of my life. Maybe not as a young kid but as early as 18 years old I remember a 6 month episode of headaches and dizziness that no doctor (I saw about 9 or more), could explain. I was tested for things that I didn’t knew but I know they screened...
  7. S

    Increasing weakness in arms and legs

    I have sort of been unofficially diagnosed with fm by my doctor. I have had other issues that has somewhat halted the diagnosing progress. What I'm wondering is, if this is a symptom of fm, because it is worrying me, and knowing that someone else experiences it could at least calm me down until...
  8. P

    New member, worse than usual pain?

    Hello all, I'm new here and I don't have anyone to talk to about this. I've been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and am currently not on meds. I can't tolerate lyrica, and was on neurontin for awhile. I quit taking that about a year + ago because of dental issues. Some background, I have back...
  9. K

    Fibromyalgia and Muscle Weakness

    I have found that one of the most frustrating symptoms of Fibromyalgia is the muscle weakness that seems to go along with all of the other symptoms. I feel like I can't move at all when it is really bad, and it can take anywhere from a day to several weeks to go away completely. Does anyone...
  10. K

    foggy thinking

    Hi, I'm new to this forum. I was diagnosed 20 years ago and it's just gotten worse. I also have sclerderma, raynauds , among other things. I've been going through a really bout for about 5 weeks. Terrible brain fog, intense all over pain, weakness, etc. Do other people like me keep going to the...