
  1. L

    New member :) -one sided pain

    Hi all I have been following with forum for months while in limbo land- and I can't tell you how much your words of wisdom have helped me through those bad days. I'm age 27 living in the uk and have been under multiple mris brain neck and spine with and without contrast twice over visual...
  2. C

    I'n new

    Hi my name is Sal, I live in Brisbane Australia and I have had fibro twice now. The first time was 21 years ago after a stressful lifestyle and was cured completely by pregnancy. The second time (4 years ago but more seriously in last 2 years) was precipitated by a stressful event. I suffer...
  3. J

    Nearly Everyone is Magnesium Deficient

    This is from a VERY interesting important article on mag deficiency: Personally I take upwards of 1000mg Mag Citrate, Malate, Glycinate separate and often mix them them. Split up doses which gets me about 1000mg per day. If one deals with LOOSE bowels, take less or to bowel tolerance...
  4. J

    Trying to find answers

    Hi, I am not sure if I have fibro at all. I have read a lot about it and am still confused about what exactly it entails so who better to discuss this with then people with fibro. Looking for any feedback into my symptoms. Thank you. I have had Atypical Trigeminal Neuralgia for over two years...
  5. T

    FM symptoms. Is this really FM? Help!

    Hi there – I was recently diagnosed with FM by my neurologist last week and am taking Cymbalta. I’ve had an appointment with my rheumatologist since then, and she isn’t so sure the diagnosis is entirely accurate. I was wondering if anybody could help me by sharing some of your personal...
  6. H

    weakness and exhaustion

    Hi..has anyone felt like this...I have been dealing with what I think is fibromyalgia for 23 years and a ouple doctors also said that bcause no one can figure out what is wrong with me...the last couple months my symptoms have been extreme. I have days where extreme weakness and fatigue hit me...
  7. C

    Hi from Minnesota

    Hi all, I am new to this forum and am happy to be here. I have Fibromyalgia, was diagnosed in 2002. But I had a doctor tell me in 1994, that he thought I may have it. To little was known about Fibro in 1994. I am in constant pain and try my best to keep going. in the past 8 months I have...
  8. R

    Hello - Just joined

    Hi I was diagnosed some time ago and usually know what to expect from day to day. I'm learning my restrictions & knowing when to stop & rest but it is so frustrating as I'm normally an active person. So many people suffer with this, I have friends that suffer with FM & the first thing they say...
  9. I

    Where to Begin?

    I don't even know where to start introducing myself.. I guess I'll start here: I got officially diagnosed two weeks ago. I was shocked. My family doc mentioned it in passing but she was convinced that the issues I was having were related to having extreme hypothyroidism and that they would...
  10. A


    The past 11 days have been awful. I have trouble falling asleep so I've been taking melatonin pills. I keep waking up at night because I'm uncomfortable and achy and I wake up to feel like I've been beat up or hit by a car. It's extremely difficult to get out of bed and I've been crying every...