
  1. E

    Wife has fibro

    We have been unable to find a physician who takes the condition seriously. By that I mean no one cares to do anything but write for medication to the address symptoms. My wife has tried lyrica, Savella, neurontin, you name it. All have made her feel worse. She has used tramadol, Tylenol 3...
  2. T

    What if it's not Fibro?

    I don't really know where to post this. I guess I'm just venting about my worries so I'm putting it in here. I've been in pain and dealing with fibro symptoms for almost 3 years now (I know many of you have suffered much longer). My psychiatrist (who also does primary care) has diagnosed me...
  3. T

    Who can help treat fibro?

    Hello. I'm new to the forum. Just finally desperate enough to try to reach out for help. Here is some history (and sorry if I ramble or don't make sense, I'm having a bad day and feel like my brain isn't functioning at it's full capacity. Several years ago I started noticing unexplained...
  4. P

    Good news

    My family Dr. is so awesome! He has set many specialist appointments....psychiatrist, rheumatologist, endocrinologist, and hemotologist. So far we have ruled out cancer for my high wbc WOO HOO The psychiatrist took me off of diazepam (I'm so glad. I've been using them for years) no adverse...
  5. B

    Hello- help please!

    Hi everyone. I haven't been diagnosed yet but my rheumatologist has mentioned fibromyalgia. He first wants to do a few more tests before we go there he said. So I wanted to share my symptoms and what has been going on for years and would really appreciate some opinions/feedback on whether you...
  6. K

    Disability Question

    Hello all. I am new here but unfortunately not new to fibro. I was diagnosed in 1996 when I was only 14. My fibro specialist said it was one of the most severe cases he had seen and it hasnt gotten any better over the years. I have never been able to work full time in my life. I was going...
  7. L

    Disability "independant Medical review" - Has anyone been through this really anxious

    Disability "independant Medical review" - Has anyone been through this really anxious Hi everyone, I have been on disability for about 7 months now. I currently have a neurologist, rheumatologist, GP and a pain specialist that are working with me. I was diagnosed last may, but have been...
  8. L

    Newbie with possible Fibro - advice needed please.

    :grin: Hi I am 45 yrs old. For at least 10 yrs I have had recurrent throat / sinus infections. The past 5+ years I have been tired but now this exhaustion is ridiculous. I have low iron and have had B12 injections for unexplained anaemia. I have spells when I feel ok but not 'full of energy'...
  9. A


    i am new in blog.It is 7 years that we try to find my problem. i have IBS, fibromyalgia,chronic menstrual syndrome and food alleregy wheat, bresilian mut,banana,vanilla,oats, yeast and lactose intolerante! is there something i can enjoy. that is my big question. i am mentaly strong not...
  10. M

    New here, finally!

    If this is confusing at all - I apologize...I am trying to condense tons of information into this space while sick in bed...home from work. My name is "Meesha". I am a military wife of 17 years, this year. Mother of 6: 5 boys and 1 girl. I live in the Northwest with my husband and two boys...