
  1. S

    Finding Rheummys

    Just wanted to put this out there, since I see threads from people looking for a specialist and/or rheumatologist in their area. You may want to considering looking into doctors that are affiliated or work strictly at teaching hospitals. I find that often they have long tenure and have seen a...
  2. P

    Should I be scared?

    Recently I suspected that I had RA like my father did during his life. But after seeing a specialist in the field I found that no I didn't have RA I had OA in more than one joint and Fibromyalgia in mild form. Now some would think that is a better diagnosis but I found myself scared by the one...
  3. B

    Hello! Struggling in London.

    Hi...I'm new here. I'm 46, married with two children (7 and 11 years old) and I was diagnosed officially two years ago but my family doctor was pretty sure I had fibromyalgia for a year before that. It took a long time to get a referral to a specialist here in London. I've tried to adjust diet...
  4. N

    Still in denial

    Hello. I'm a 34 year old female. I have PCOS and have had depression since before I can remember. I went through some very stressful stuff last year and it sent me into a tailspin physically. After the dust settled I had a hard time walking, talking, sleeping, staying awake and crazy pain. My...
  5. L

    Newly Diagnosed

    Hello All! I am 35 and just recently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia by my PCP. I have had symptoms for close to 2 years and numerous test that were negative which led to my diagnosis. My PCP has decided to manage my pain so that I do not have to go back to my crazy pain management dr. He loved to...
  6. M

    Hello im new to this sight

    I am also newly diagnosed with Fibro with CF and CP. I had pain for about a year when i finally went to my Primary DR. with joint pain in my fingures and ankles and swelling. after bloodwork and xrays he sent me to a bone specialist which took months to get in to see.She then sent me to a...
  7. T

    Approved for SSD - Tips and info if you are looking to apply in the U.S.

    It has been a while since I have been on this forum. I have a few friends that I have become acquainted with that are disabled and wanting to apply for disability. I thought about it and figured I would share with all of you that may be in the same boat. I am 51 and had to stop working at 49. I...
  8. V

    Newly diagnosed-struggling

    Hi to all Very recently diagnosed with fibromyalgia and temporomandibular disorder, luckily got a quick and prompt diagnosis and started on treatment. Currently taking gabapentin, which am coping with but coming to terms with this illness is extremely difficult. My mood is extremely low to the...
  9. TwoDimes

    Probably a Question that Many Ask

    Three times now I have been diagnosed as having Fibromyalgia. I, for a specific reason, just cannot accept that all that is going on for me is strictly Fibromyalgia. I do have most of the symptoms for Fibromyalgia and none for Chronic Fatigue. I, though, also have had severe/excruciating lower...
  10. H

    Can't Get Any Help

    Doc says I have "early" fibromyalgia. I need rest to help treat this but am having awful pain on upper arm and hip while sleeping on side. Other sleeping positions don't work for me. The exhaustion is so incredibly debilitating I can't function at all anymore and stunned I haven't had a heart...