
  1. L

    Could it be Fibro?

    Hello. This is my first post. I'll try to make it as short as possible. I should start off by saying that I suffer from hypochondria and anxiety. Around the middle of October, I started to get really bad stomach pains that would wrap around to my lower back. I thought maybe it was because I was...
  2. M


    I dont know if I even belong here its 3:30 a.m and I'm scared my brain hurts and I don't know what I'm supposed to do from here.
  3. S

    Hi I just joined. How is everyone doing?

    I just joined and I wanted to know if anyone here has ever experienced a quick electrical brain shock. I just had one and it scared the crap out of me. I have had them before. :(
  4. J

    non stop pain

    I am new here, I am desperate for help. Sitting at work right now and the pain in my feet, legs and arms are so bad I am crying. Currently taking Cymbalta and it has helped me out so much. But I have been noticing lately it hurts all day non stop. sleep is little and its wearing me down. I...
  5. D

    Better day - hope for everyone

    After weeks indoors i managed the dentist today even though i was scared. Those of you i have been exchanging with on various threads will know i have been in a bad way for a long time and i just wanted to say i managed the 25 mile (40km) trip and then a further drive out into the countryside...
  6. N

    Do you worry about the side affects of medications?

    Why do all the presriptions available to fibro patients have such awful long and short term side affects? I'm scared to take anything
  7. L

    New to the "club" in western NY

    Hello out there in fibro land. Just want to say how glad I am to see this support forum. It has been very helpful. I have been having RLS for quite a few years now and lately it had gotten quite bad even in day time. Also had that warm water flush feeling in my legs. Just saw taht others have...
  8. M

    Stomach pain

    For the past week and a half I have had stomach cramps (mostly right above my left and right hip bone). I hadn't started my period so I thought it was a little strange (I normally only get cramps on day 1 or 2) but still wasn't too worried. Well now a week after my period started I still have...
  9. M

    Scared every time a new symptom pops up

    My pain started a year and a half ago in my hands, then my feet. 5 months later I went to the ER with chest pains and was diagnosed with chostocondritis. 3 months after that the horrible migraines started, then the neck pain, then the throat, more chest pain, breast pain, and stomach issues the...
  10. M

    New and need advice

    Hello everyone, I am completely new to all of this (fibromyalgia). I have some questions and hopefully you all can help me. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia 2 weeks ago by my pain management DR. He put me on Gabapentin 600mg / 3 times a day. It seems to "help" but does not completely take...