
  1. C

    MS or fibro?

    Hi everyone, I have been diagnosed with Fibro about a year ago and have a history of anxiety, and depression. I have had weird symptoms my whole life and now I feel debilitated. I used to be a weight lifter/fitness enthusiast who always worked out. Now I can hardly get to the store. I am...
  2. Lana

    knee pain, getting worried

    Hello everyone, I have been getting really bad knee pain in front and back of knees. I am having trouble walking, my knee gives out on me sometimes and I'm scared of falling. I hope this goes away soon, does this happen to anyone else?
  3. S

    Why do I feel so bad all the time? Could I have fibro?

    Hi all. I am new here and basically looking for a sounding board. I don't know what to ask/tell my doctors, or what kind of doctor I should possibly be seeing so I guess I'm looking for guidance in those areas. I really feel like there is possibly something wrong with my health. I cringe...
  4. M

    Scared have 1st rheumatologist appt next week...

    My nuero basically wrote me off once he decided I likely have fibro and refered me to a rheumatologist. Every single rheumatologist in my town has bad reviews, and of course I got the one with the worst reviews of all. He only had three but they said he doesn't seem to like women, left almost...
  5. S

    Hi All. Diagnosed today.

    Hi. I was just diagnosed today with fibromyalgia. I'm new here and I'm scared, angry, and sad. I'm trying to stay positive and get all the information that I can. My rheumatologist diagnosed me after a whole team of specialists tried. I was given Nortriptyline for my medication along with my...
  6. C

    Dr. appointment soon

    I have not been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I seem to have several of the symptoms. I was diagnosed with Mono 8 years ago and have had several different and conditions since then. I then developed hypothyroidism. The chronic pain started after that. It began in my hips. A rheumatologist...
  7. A

    Struggling with increasing symptoms

    I am a 26 years old and was diagnosed December 2013 with fibromyalgia after many years of neck and upper back pain. My pain started with very tight muscles and frequent spasms. I'd get headaches and just a lot of pain in my neck. Now that has diminished somewhat, although I still get shooting...
  8. R


    I was just prescribed butrans 5mcg. Anyone else tried this? How did it work? Any advice? I'm leary of it. Scared to try it. Please help
  9. M

    Seeking support

    I have been living in a tight knit community for almost four years. The fact that I feel so desperate right now for support and am turning to the internet angers me. I wish there was a better undertanding of chronic illnesses out there. People have no freakn clue. It is so hard. I am sick of...
  10. L

    My Husband is an *******!

    New to the forum. Thanks for all the amazing information. I want to cry knowing I'm not alone (okay I am actually tearing up - stupid emotions). So, I've been 'dealing' with all of my 'issues' for most of my life. I've actually had issues since I was a small child. My mother did what she...