
  1. R

    New to group with many questions.

    Hi, my name is Dee. I was actually diagnosed some years back but have not really had many issues. No meds or anything. Mid December I was laying in bed going to sleep when two things happened. The ringing I've always had in my ears got three times louder and I started feeling a vibration in my...
  2. Forgetmenot


    my legs are so painful. Cramping pulling stinging I can't explain how much they hurt even the soles of my feet.:( I have muscle relaxers but I'm not sure if I can't take them with my new meds.and can't ring Dr till tomorrow .
  3. T


    Just wondering of anyone has experienced lightheadedness or slight dizziness? This is a recent symptom. My GP says that he thinks the cause might be all the meds I am taking. I take Lyrica and Sifrol for restless legs syndrome. Not sure how long I've been taking Lyrica having tried...
  4. R


    Hi everyone, I figured it was time to join a forum and seek others that struggle like me. I have been dealing with issues for about 5 years. Right after my last baby. Doctors couldn't give me answers. I was overly skinny and could not gain weight. No common to complain about that one huh...
  5. W


    I'm surprised how many people here are still able to work and drive their cars! I've never driven or gotten a liscense, but I know I couldn't be trusted to get behind the wheel now with my fibro and foot problems, along with the meds making me less likely to catch hazards and other road sense...
  6. L

    Seeing a pain specialist next week and nervous. Anyone currently seeing one?

    I recently was referred to a narcotic pain specialist and got my appointment for next week. I am currently taking percocet for my pain and symptoms and it seems to be the only thing that gives me mild relief. I am feeling a bit anxious about this appointment, and wondering what to expect. I...
  7. J

    Interesting Talk with Pain Doctor

    So yesterday morning I had a second appt. with my new pain doctor to assess how I was doing. I told him my goals were to get as healthy as possible so I could go back to work (which is financially necessary). In the alternative, I explained that I may have to file for disability. He asked me...
  8. C

    Big Hey y'all!

    Hey, I'm Cindi I live in Texas. I was diagnosed with Discoid Lupus, many, many, many moons ago. In summary, over 20 years. Along with this autoimmune disease, it has given me many little baby diseases in which to live with. I have all of those "INVISIBLE" diseases. My life is a cluster you...
  9. T

    New Member

    After having several tests to rule out anything "serious," I was officially diagnosed as having fibromyalgia in 2006. My initial symptom was weakness in the front of my thighs. I coincidentally was diagnosed as having type 2 diabetes, which I thought was interesting because I had wondered if...
  10. C

    I need help to find treatment for my metal problem

    Hello all, I hope you can help me by asking your doctors,friends,co-worker and family. I have a unheard of problem so I'm told by many doctors to include emergency room doctors. My problem: We I get within 15 ft of stainless steel or surgical stainless I get a taser like shock, all my energy...