
  1. C

    Constant fibromyalgia pain n a doc who won't help!

    I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in early 2004 when I was 18. I am now 29 n have been dealing with chronic pain with little help from doctors. I feel like every single doc I've tried acts more concerned about addiction then they do about the fact that I'm in moderate to severe pain CONSTANTLY...
  2. C

    Hello, just joined today

    Diagnosed in 11-2007. Currently take 3 meds to control pain. I hate having this invisible syndrome. Anyway, hello Christine65
  3. P

    Newly diagnosed and not sure what to think!

    Hi all. Just diagnosed although little surprised. Brief history suffered iritis twice and second time my lower back flared up with my right hand changing colour shortly after. Medical professional thought AS but all blood test negative apart from slight increase in anti nuclear. Pain then seemed...
  4. P

    Newly diagnosed and not sure what to think!

    Hi all. Just diagnosed although little surprised. Brief history suffered iritis twice and second time my lower back flared up with my right hand changing colour shortly after. Medical professional thought AS but all blood test negative apart from slight increase in anti nuclear. Pain then seemed...
  5. D

    New here and need advice PLEASE READ !

    Hi Everyone, My name is Debbie and I also have Fibromyalgia , Along with that I have other conditions including Epilisy, Tourette Sydrome , and others, I take a total of 32 pills per day. That is a cut down from 41 that i used to be on. Here is my problem currently September of this month my...
  6. C

    fibro or drug addiction?

    I would like to know if anyone has ever gone through these things. My father has been different for years. After a confrontation with him a few weeks ago in front of my three young children, I noticed his eyes were glossy and he was slurring his speech more than usual. Our entire family has...
  7. idlehour

    feeling frustrated with dr

    I am in so much pain all the time and my dr is not giving me any pain killers. he is only giving me muscle relaxors. im wondering if this is because im just reccently diagnosed and he wants to try these things out first or is unsure if im going to try and abuse the pain killers. but it is...
  8. P

    Desperately need Dr. in NW Florida

    Does anyone know a Dr. in NW Florida that truly believes and treats Fibromyalgia? So ready to give up, pain and quality of life is becoming unbearable. After years of misdiagnosis and multiple medications, I don't know what else to do but seek a pain management doc. in hopes of relief just to...
  9. F


    Hi. I'm new here, wanted to just go to a place where I can relate and possibly learn of any new and helpful coping strategies. I am currently taking one wellbutrin in the morning as well as celebrex, and then 2 paxil at night along with flexeril if needed, and / or Tylenol 3s as needed. This...
  10. J

    Just feeling overwhelmed..

    :(These last few weeks have been a bear...dealing with knee pain ....dealing with a change in pain meds...and now facing my husband leaving for a job 2 1/2 hours out of town for 9 months... Now my husband's job move would not be so bad as I can visit him on the weekends or he can come home if...