
  1. L

    Having a flare...*whine*

    I huuurrrttttt, and I am stiff and my knees are wobbly and my balance sucks and my hands are clumsy and I feel crazy and I hate to have to keep asking for help, but my husband just FORGETS that I feel like shit and can't just get up and get a glass of water or a snack. And I have these damn...
  2. D

    help finding a good health care provider

    Does anyone have suggestions for finding an M.D. who is really knowledgeable about fibromyalgia/CFS? I’m looking for both suggestions for locating providers with real experience and knowledge, and any recommendations regarding specific providers in the U.S., preferably in my part of the country...
  3. PythonPlay3

    I just got Gabapentin- Any feedback would be great

    Hello, I have been using a 24hr release medication for pain and then other meds for the breakthrough pain. But I have still been having "sharp" stinging pains, like electrical and so my doctor just put me on Gabapentin. I am wondering if anyone else has used this medication. I see it is an...
  4. L

    Newbie !

    Hi I've just joined this forum. I was diagnosed with fibro in June 2013. I'm married with 2 children, my eldest has Asperger's. I've been taking cymbaltia since diagnosis but I'm still in constant pain, I don't know if that's because the pain is getting worse or if the meds are inefficient. I...
  5. P

    When is it okay to take narcotics?

    I am fighting with this. People say you're in pain for a reason and you are just masking it but with Fibro that pain is a miscommunication with the brain so it is telling you something is wrong with your hip when your hip hurts but there is nothing wrong with it. Mine hurts all the time and...
  6. O

    has anyone tried mindfulness meditation for the pain?

    So a couple a months ago I was outta my mind in pain (again), not wanting to take anymore aleve or pain meds and I found this great series on youtube for chronic pain Do a web search on for Mindfullness Medication. Link Not Allowed. It really helps take the edge off. I bought a different CD...
  7. J

    Does anyone take narcotic pain meds, and what do you think of them

    I take 60 mg of Kadian (Morphine) twice a day I get no high off of it like many people who think you do. Because its a pill and not IV it doesn't affect you the same way. The way of delivery, orally, you don't get as much of the medicine in your system. I also take Percocet 10/325 and cut them...
  8. H

    New to the group and frustrated

    Hi Im new today to the group and I have a situation I need some advice on. Hopefully someone can help. Well i was diagnosed with Fibro and RA in 2001. I have had pain for a least that long and my RA doc has prescribed me pain meds for at least 10 years. Well I had to have a total knee...
  9. S

    New Here

    Hi, My name is Sis. I am 62 and been suffering with fibro now for 10 yrs. I joined this forum because today for me is an extremely bad day. The pain worse than ever especially in my legs. In the past 10 yes I have gone through numerous meds, most of which did not help. I've come to the...
  10. PythonPlay3

    Anyone Having Memory Loss Issues?

    As if I needed another issue to deal with, I finally went to have my memory tested because multiple people were noticing that I was forgetting things, not completing things, etc. Well, the text show that I am starting to have memory loss. I guess on a scale of 1-30, 25-30 is normal, 23-24 is...