
  1. K


    I was diagnosed with FM in 2007 by my PCP. He has been treating me with different things over the last 7 years. We are doing Lyrica right now and for the most part it has helped, but I have been feeling worse and worse for the last 4 months or so. I am also prescribed muscle relaxer and...
  2. Forgetmenot

    No meds

    im going to try no pain meds today. I want to see how much I really need them. I do this every now and then because I always feel I take them when maybe I don't need to. So let's see how it goes.
  3. R

    Just diagnosed, losing it

    I was diagnosed with fibro a week ago. This after fighting and firing doctors over the past 3 and a half years. The fourth doctor finally listened, and sent me to a neuro and a rheum, and since everything else was ruled out, and I have nearly all the apparently existing pressure points, fibro...
  4. N

    Anyone know of working adolescent treatments?

    Hey everybody, Im Nathan. I was just wondering if anyone knows of treatments/medications that have been/are being tested for adolescents. Im 16, and was diagnosed with fibromyalgia 2 years ago. After two years of trying different meds, combos of meds, diets, homeopathic methods, accupuncture...
  5. S

    Neuro or Rheumo?

    Hi everyone: I now have 2 rheumatologists who confirm I have fibro. The curious thing is that they can't seem to agree on who should treat me. My first rheumo initially diagnosed me, but said he didn't treat it. Usually Neuros do. Then I saw a neurologist who also said he doesn't treat it...
  6. R

    Please help

    Hi all. I am new here and very tense and distraught. Was diagnosed with FM about 20 years ago and had pain in my lower back at that stage. Went on meds and physio at that stage and was doing well for a very long time. Had pain in my arms (normally left)and upper on af off but nothing major. For...
  7. L

    hello from Arkansas

    Hi Im new. I've posted once about pain sure I rambled because it was a really bad day but not sure where to find it going to look around a bit..its crazy how you can't think anymore w this.mess called fibro. Peace and hugs
  8. C

    need fibromyalgia doctor

    I live in alton Illinois-- I came up from another state and had a great family doctor but since Illinois have not gotton any medical from doctors attitude I interviewd several doctors that take Medicaid and every one said fibromyalgia is not real it is all mental and they don't treat mental...
  9. T

    Heating Pads

    Hi All, Wondering if anyone has experienced the same issues with heating pads and for other options. I have been using my microwave heating pads everyday all day long. This seems to be the only way, on top of all the medications to ease some of the pain. I keep a heating pad around my neck...
  10. S

    getting scared

    It has been almost 2 months of this. Pain everywhere. Today it is in my left knee when I walk. This is new. Brain fog is bad. My neck pain is so bad. My stomach aches. I am so fatigued. Just feeling out of sorts so bad. I am getting freaked out! I have no energy. I am depressed. Already on all...