
  1. M

    Unexpected Diagnosis

    Hi. I was just diagnosed with Fibromyalgia on Friday by a Rhuematologist. I am 41 years old, married almost 20 years, and have 3 children ages 8-23. I was surprised by this diagnosis to say the least. I had heard of Fibromyalgia but not thought about it in regard to the way I was feeling...
  2. F

    how many of you use pain meds?

    Hello, I just wondered how many of you are prescribed pain meds (opiods) as part of your "fibro cocktail." I tried all the so-called fibro meds except lyrica. I refuse to take something that puts that much weight on you so quickly. But I've been unable to take savella or Cymbalta. I did try...
  3. shalvorson82512

    New Diagnosis

    Hi, I was diagnosed with the "F word" on Monday as I was dreading would happen when I went in for a consult with the rheumatologist. I am only 27 years old and have been dealing with chronic pain on a daily basis for 8 months now and have had chronic pain issues for years. I knew it was going...
  4. A

    Hi all! Newbie here with fibro issues!

    I am 39 years old and was officially diagnosed with fibromyalgia a little over a year ago though my mom has been telling me for years it is what I have. Sometimes I have bad flair ups at least once a month, and there have been times where I have gone a few months without a bad flair up. My body...
  5. L

    Hi! I am new! :) <3

    Hi! I wanted to join your site as I have had Fibromyalgia since 1999. I was a Registered Nurse for 20 yrs & had to quit after the birth of my son 10 yrs ago. I loved my job I didn't want to but was physically suffering too much to take care of others & work 12 hr shifts. I spend a lot of time...
  6. M

    Hi from Montreal, Canada

    Hello all! I figured that after all this time spent searching stupid websites and "news articles" written by non-FM people, it was time I started talking to the source. I'm a relatively new diagnosis of FM, having started my journey in January 2009 with routine blood work for joint pain. My...
  7. D


    Hello, I have RA and Fibro. Ra since 1992, Fibro Feb 2013(actually I believe longer but official diagnosed) Wanted to know if anyone else has problems with their hand. I don't know if its my Ra or Fibro. They hurt constantly. I have a hard time grabbing and keeping things in my hands. At...
  8. S

    officially diagnosed, new member

    Ive been lurking for a couple weeks and gained so much info. I have been Officially diagnosed with fibromyalgia, in addition to RA, Diabetes, Neuropathy, non alcoholic liver disease, IBS and depression. Im a hot mess. I am on so much medication, just started lyrica today with an injection...
  9. S

    28 y/o Fe with Fibro and Sjogrens

    Hello everyone! It's been about a year now since my diagnoses. I am very thankful that I no longer feel that I'm on death's doorstep. I came from being in very bad shape, very depressed, frustrated, and just about worthless. I was unable to work and living off of savings while I frantically...
  10. FemaleFibroCEO

    Thanks for allowing me to join! I am a busy CEO of a women owned business

    I feel like I have come girl circle in the last five years with no relief. I have been to GM doctors, chiropractors, rheumatologist, spinal specialist all to no avail. I had a c5/6 spinal fusion in 2011 which shows everything exactly in tact but my body functions seem to be getting weaker daily...