
  1. Lisalynn

    New here but not to fibro

    Hi everyone........Im a mom of 4....married to a wonderful man of 23yrs. I have had fibro for over 13 yrs. I have still yet to find a good Dr. I have been seeing one for the past 4 years and thought she was good.....she said she believed in fibro then out of the blue this year she said it was...
  2. S

    hello from 10yrs. of fibro in Ontario

    Hi, finally decided to join a group to vent:wink: I've suffered from CF then Fibro for around 10yrs. My gp diagnosed me when I asked him if this could be fibromyalgia sometime around 2005. He sent me to a rheumatologist who said that it wasn't anything that she normally treats(ie arthritis) but...
  3. R

    New to the forum, new(ish) to Fibro

    I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia about 10 months ago, and am still learning to deal with it. I have tried various medications, none seem to be working, and just recently started taking tramadol along with flexeril. So far, so good, but it has only been a few days for the Tramadol. Neurontin was...
  4. A

    If I could cope with the pain, I could cope

    Hi All, I am new to this forum and fairly new to Fibro too...although in hindsight I have been sufferiing for years - thought I was going mad at one stage, but now I am pleased to know what all my strange symptoms are, but I'm not pleased I have Fibro...anyway... I really struggle with the...
  5. S

    Lyrica and Coughing?

    Has anyone noticed a "prickly throat" cough with Lyrica? Starting almost literally just hours after my first dose I've felt like I've had pin-prick points of irritation in my throat. Like a single grain of sand has stuck to my throat and I can't cough it up. Drinking doesn't help, either, and it...
  6. S

    Almost Diagnosed

    So I've had doctors say "Well, it could be Fibromyalgia. Here, you should try this Metanx stuff." It's basically a B-vitamin food supplement that costs an arm and a leg and is marketed for diabetic neuropathy, not fibromyalgia. Another doctor did some blood tests and said "You have non-specific...
  7. I

    Need to Vent

    I really need to vent so have decided to do it here. I have had fibro for 2 years, it is so severe I cannot work. My neurologist told me from the beginning he believes it is work-related. I filed for social security disability, got denied twice, filed my second appeal and am just waiting for...
  8. GlumshanksGirl

    Never ending battle.

    After over 4 years of strange symptoms that left me writhing in pain, fainting, coping with brain fog and concentration problems, digestive upsets, and more I was finally diagnosed with Fibromyalgia on December 5th of 2012, 2 days after my 27th birthday. Hi, I'm Shi and I am a Fibromyalgia...
  9. I

    Financial problems

    I recently joined this site and have been looking around at the different posts. I am in such a financial strain at the moment. I have not been able to work in nearly 2 years, have gone through all my savings and have had to resort to asking family members for help. I know the stress of all...
  10. N

    Had fibromyalgia for six years

    Hi, I am a 52 year old woman, diagnosed 6 years ago with fibro, but think I've had it for a long time. I became very ill, had to have back surgery, then throat surgery, then got mono, and could no longer work! I was very depressed and in so much pain... then my husband decided to trade me in...