
  1. M


    Hi I'm a 40 year newly minted patient with fibromyalgia. The diagnosis was made in September 2012. Before doing this I never heard of it. (of FM) The pain is unbearable, the worst thing is the right arm. That's painful that I learned to write with my left hand. It all started many years ago when...
  2. R

    medicaid issues and looking for alternatives or advice...

    I'm in the very beginning stages from being diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. I am still trying to figure out a lot of things and one of them is medicine. So far, medicaid will not pay for any of the meds my doctor would prefer to start me out with; Lyrica, Cymbalta, and Savella, have all been...
  3. R

    Fibromyalgia and my Wife

    Hello, I'm new to this board. I thought it would be good to share my story. My wife and I were married in 1989. We've had a beautiful life together raising our daughter. Then there was a day back in December 2009 that my wife began to experience pain. She visited the doctor in June 2010...
  4. L

    Newly diagnosed and overwhelmed

    After being treated for pain but never diagnosed with anything for nearly 2 years, I was completely frustrated. During this time I was also tested to see if I had early onset Alzheimer's (I don't) and have also been diagnosed with sleep apnea. Thought I was going crazy. I finally found a...
  5. K

    Finger and Toe pain...

    I have noticed that the colder it gets the more my fingers and toes hurt. They almost feel like they are burning and aching. It is like I have been out side in the winter and have frost bite. Is there anything that can help this? I take 450 mg. of Lyrica daily for my fibromyalgia is there...
  6. T

    Medication Help

    I have FINALLY been Officially diagnosed with Fibromyalgia last month and my doctor and I are having major issues finding something that helps. I also have Vaso Vagal disorder which aggravates my chronic fatigue, and intermittant tachycardia with an occasional extra heart beat. We have tried...
  7. K

    Pain worse since ?

    I have been in some pretty nasty pain since the weather changed. It really is an all over pain, it feels like I have been in a car accident. My feet are starting to hurt again, my toes feel like they are swollen and they hurt really bad. Sometimes it is almost like they are on fire and nothing...
  8. J

    Hi everyone, new here.

    I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in July after several years of ruling out every other possibility under the sun. I do believe that my Mother also had this however in her day it was attributed to "old age aches and pains" and she suffered for years. It has been a very trying few years as I...
  9. S

    Finding the right MD

    I'm pretty new around here, and have what might be a common question: How do I go about finding the most knowledgeable doctor to help me manage my Fibro? My G.P. - who diagnosed me 3 years ago, seems not to know what to do beyond throwing the "miracle meds" (like Lyrica or Cymbalta) at me...
  10. B

    Let's talk about pain

    I have possibly had fibro for a couple of years now. It started as a pain in my side that was misdiagnosed as shingles, when I got tired of narcotics my dr put me on Lyrica. It has been working great until a few months ago. My friend and I started walking this summer after work. There is a...