
  1. B

    Pain Sucks

    Pain at about a 6 today. Sucks. Making it hard to work. I have decided that my husband hears about my pain all the time so I figured I should share the pain with you people and spare him since he cannot possibly understand how much this hurts and how frustrating it is. This recent "flare" I...
  2. I

    Hi there

    Hi :) I'm new here. I believe I've had fibromyalgia for about five years, but only got diagnosed sometime last year. I'm not sure what to include here. I'm 33, short, round, mom of three, wife to one, and in a lot of pain :( I have been working out with a trainer for over six months and...
  3. I

    Shoulder/arm pain?

    It is hard to remember life before fibro, or to know what is actually from it and what is just alongside it. I have this really bad pain in my upper arm, shoulder area. If my arm is bent and I try to lift it, the pain is intense. It aches all the time. I can do stuff if I keep my elbow tight...
  4. L

    Will strengthening exercises help back?

    Hi, Newbie here. But not new to FM - have had it about 30 years. Change of seasons, weather, having a cold - any change brings about a flare. Am now 76 and have been able to cope all these years using meditation, visualization, writing, pushing myself (when possible). However, this month my...
  5. schmoopy

    Your experience with Lyrica

    Hello All. Just diagnosed a few weeks ago with Fibro and was prescribed Lyrica (50mg, every night - increasing to 75mg next week). I read a lot of reviews on the net about substantial weight gain. That worries me as I do NOT want to trade one problem for another. The only side effect for...
  6. M

    Anxiety medications

    Hi guys, I’m a little intolerant (ok, a lot) to traditional fibro meds, namely Cymbalta and Lyrica, but I did notice that while on Cymbalta, my mood seemed to be a little better. I’m a naturally anxious person, which is aggravated by my fibro, so I was wondering if any of you have taken...
  7. schmoopy

    Hello. I'm new!

    Hello All. So glad I found this forum. Just diagnosed with Fibro last week after what seems like progressively worse symptoms that now consist of mild to severe joint and muscle pain, achiness, headaches, brain fog and memory problems and over all feeling crappy like I have the flu. Rheum...
  8. K


    Hi, I am a 32 year old male diagnosed with Fibromyalgia about 6 months ago. I suffer daily with pain, particularly in my upper back, however my arms, legs, neck shoulders are all affected. I am having problems with stomach pain as well. I hardly sleep - like 2 hours a day and that's it. I'm...
  9. M


    I have tried taking Lyrica, Cymbalta and Neurontin. I did not have luck due to side effects with all of these. I started on the Savella starter pack and got to the 50 mg. twice a day which I did for 4 days and was basically non-functional so I had to back off. I am currently taking 25 mg...
  10. T


    I'd like to introduce myself: My name is Teresa I live in Ohio with my husband and three children. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia a couple years ago. I currently stay at home due to not being able to hold an outside job due to health concerns and not to mention the cost of daycare is...